
Get rid of some of the ratings

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Old 08-09-2011, 07:39 PM   #9
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Re: Get rid of some of the ratings

Originally Posted by EHSheadhunter09
Couldn't agree more. But I think the Truck/Elusiveness and Power/Finesse need to function more as sliders determining what type of move a computer RB or DL uses.
I read this a 2nd time, and just realized I misunderstood your slider suggestion. I don't know if the game currently does this now, but I'd imagine the player's tendency factors in whether or not they truck/stiff arm or juke/spin, and defensive players use power or finesse moves. If not, then player tendencies should be the deciding factor, otherwise why even have them.
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Old 08-11-2011, 11:41 PM   #10
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Re: Get rid of some of the ratings

Originally Posted by TIMB0B
I read this a 2nd time, and just realized I misunderstood your slider suggestion. I don't know if the game currently does this now, but I'd imagine the player's tendency factors in whether or not they truck/stiff arm or juke/spin, and defensive players use power or finesse moves. If not, then player tendencies should be the deciding factor, otherwise why even have them.
In the instance of the DL moves there is no tendency to that though... For example, Dwight Freeney would finesse it like 90% of the time while other guys like Justin Tuck go more of a 50-50 and some guys just try and bull people over all the time... It would describe the guys pass rush repertoire not what his skill set leads him to do like tendencies do

Last edited by EHSheadhunter09; 08-11-2011 at 11:45 PM.
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Old 08-13-2011, 01:14 AM   #11
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Re: Get rid of some of the ratings

The ratings I think need to go are the pass blocking and run blocking rating because the strength and footwork basically cover that, and they really need to lose the throw accuracy rating in favor of short, medium, and long range passing as well as throw on the run ratings.
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Old 08-19-2011, 09:03 AM   #12
blkrptnt819's Arena
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What's funny is the one u wanna keep (AWR) is the one I want them to get rid of. It make ppl do dumb stuff. Like stare at a runner for 5 yards without moving a muscle. At least it needs to be tweak to only matter in certain situations or have a different effect. I don't care how unaware u are u can see someone running right at u when ur looking in their direction.
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Old 08-19-2011, 10:34 AM   #13
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Re: Get rid of some of the ratings

Originally Posted by EHSheadhunter09
I was looking at some of the receiving attributes and it occurred to me that they are utterly useless. Take the route running one for instance, shouldn't awareness cover whether or not a guy runs the right route and agility and acceleration cover how fast he gets in and out of breaks. And the release rating seems useless and easily replaced by some function of the strength rating. Same for the blocking strength ratings. There are of course others, I just wanted to put this out there.
i disagree....

every single rating in the game serves a purpose....the only reason why someone might think they don't is because EA randomly assigns the ratings making basically just about every player in the game a duplicate of one another.

If you understand how each rating works you can use them to create true player tendencies and give each player a identity on the field.

For example the route running rating you want to get rid of actually can force players to run a sloppy route or the wrong route all together depending on how low that rating is for your RB or WR's

Awareness effects the way a player thinks or reacts on the field which is totally seperate from controlling a players ability to run a route.

Most people get frustrated with the amount of ratings listed in the game and assume they don't do anything only because they are restricted to playing with only the ratings EA assigns out of the box.....they are for the most part unware of how much different the game itself can be edited to play with those same ratings you want to get rid of in the game

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Old 08-19-2011, 03:16 PM   #14
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Re: Get rid of some of the ratings

Originally Posted by Playmakers
Most people get frustrated with the amount of ratings listed in the game and assume they don't do anything only because they are restricted to playing with only the ratings EA assigns out of the box.....they are for the most part unware of how much different the game itself can be edited to play with those same ratings you want to get rid of in the game
Could not have said it better myself!
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Old 08-19-2011, 08:39 PM   #15
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Re: Get rid of some of the ratings

I agree with Playmaker and Cparrish. The issue I have is something Playmaker touched upon. The NCAA team has made each player the same. If they would create recruits who have a unique style through the ratings then we could see a much improved game. EA needs to use some of the work put in from guys like Playmaker and Gotmadskilzson to create some really nice recruits. It is sad when you can have 4 players at one position, all within a few points overall of each other, and they all play the same.

I would love to see some ratings added to QB's. We need the short, mid, and long accuracy ratings of Madden. We need the throw on the run ratings. Every position has a number of ratings but the QB's have 3 that matter, AWR, THP, THA.
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Old 08-19-2011, 09:47 PM   #16
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Re: Get rid of some of the ratings

I would just like to see ratings hid once I go to individual positions that dont matter to position
IMO, I think until they add Tendencies, players will play the same. I know of the likeness problem. But, It would add extreme depth to gameplay. Besides AWR and Speed, QBs basically play the same. CPU RBs dont really use their Specials. You might see a juke or spin a few times. THe main rating that the most affect on a RB is BCV. I had a Average Speed Power RB with 90+ BCV as a teammate in RTG. He won the Heisman year 2 because he made a ton of smart runs.
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