
NHL 2K10 Gameplay Videos (IGN)

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Old 08-11-2009, 04:12 PM   #65
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Re: NHL 2K10 Gameplay Videos (IGN)

Originally Posted by CarryTheWeight
If it seems like I'm blindly defending the game, I'm not.
I understand. I'm just saying those vids no doubt represent the finished product that we'll be looking at and listening. Me, I don't think I'm interested in the game if the visual and audio shortcomings and issues that have plagued this series for years still haven't been addressed. I'm interested in gameplay like anyone else, but I don't have much use for games that I have to shut off the commentary and continually overlook visual issues, in order to enjoy.
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Old 08-11-2009, 04:55 PM   #66
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Re: NHL 2K10 Gameplay Videos (IGN)

I differ from you guys regarding commentary. NHL 2K5 which had the greatest commentary of any sports game I've played, was still played out after a point in time. I have less of a problem with a repetitive animation than I do with a repeated color comment. Eventually, I turn them all off.
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Old 08-11-2009, 05:00 PM   #67
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Re: NHL 2K10 Gameplay Videos (IGN)

Baa, why not wait until we read what all the developer have to tell us about the game and until we actually play the game, before making such statements as it will probably be 2K9.5. Ridiculous if you ask me. I can already tell you that based on the first developer blog I read, that the game will be much better than you or any other doubter thinks.
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Old 08-11-2009, 06:00 PM   #68
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Re: NHL 2K10 Gameplay Videos (IGN)

Originally Posted by baa7
I understand. I'm just saying those vids no doubt represent the finished product that we'll be looking at and listening. Me, I don't think I'm interested in the game if the visual and audio shortcomings and issues that have plagued this series for years still haven't been addressed. I'm interested in gameplay like anyone else, but I don't have much use for games that I have to shut off the commentary and continually overlook visual issues, in order to enjoy.
Exactly. If this was shown to us 5 months ago, then ok.. but the game comes out in a month. Nothing major is going to be changed, if anything at all. Likely going to be polishing up some areas and trying to make sure the product ships as bug-free as possible.

I'll still give it a rent, as I did 2K9. There were some things I liked about 2K9, but I thought it needed a ton of work. This doesn't really look like it got the work in the right areas. It seems to me like the visual appeal and presentation got a lot of love, while the basic hockey gameplay remains essentially the same. I haven't played it yet though, so we'll see how it turns out when the game comes out. Still hoping this one turns out to be good.. I've always liked 2K since the DC days.
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Old 08-11-2009, 06:23 PM   #69
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Re: NHL 2K10 Gameplay Videos (IGN)

Originally Posted by bcgudely
Exactly. If this was shown to us 5 months ago, then ok.. but the game comes out in a month. Nothing major is going to be changed, if anything at all. Likely going to be polishing up some areas and trying to make sure the product ships as bug-free as possible.

I'll still give it a rent, as I did 2K9. There were some things I liked about 2K9, but I thought it needed a ton of work. This doesn't really look like it got the work in the right areas. It seems to me like the visual appeal and presentation got a lot of love, while the basic hockey gameplay remains essentially the same. I haven't played it yet though, so we'll see how it turns out when the game comes out. Still hoping this one turns out to be good.. I've always liked 2K since the DC days.
Well no one in their right mind would argue that the visual appeal and presentation needed the love they got.

Take a look at EA's series. It's visual appeal is what gets noticed the most. The game is beautiful and it's fun to play. Alot of people though seem to overlook the games flaws due to its visual appeal. That's what I've noticed at least. NHL 09 had more than its fair share of gameplay flaws.

Now take a look at NHL2K9 which also had its fair share of gameplay flaws, but it's visual appeal lacked heavily and I think that magnified peoples opinions of the game, on top of its flaws.Also I don't think the gameplay will be anything like 2K9 once you get into the sliders and past the defaults. The same goes for NHL10, which I think will play way better than the videos have shown, once you adjust some sliders.

Last edited by savoie2006; 08-11-2009 at 06:25 PM.
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Old 08-11-2009, 06:36 PM   #70
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Re: NHL 2K10 Gameplay Videos (IGN)

Originally Posted by savoie2006
Baa, why not wait until we read what all the developer have to tell us about the game and until we actually play the game, before making such statements as it will probably be 2K9.5. Ridiculous if you ask me.
How is it ridiculous? Are you expecting the commentary to be any different when the game is released? Do you think they'll remove those glitchy post-goal animations/cutscenes? Will the goalie player models with the square shoulders and over-sized masks be fixed? The answer to those questions is undoubtably no.

Like I said, the visual and audio issues I've had a problem with in this series for 4-5 years appear to be in 2K10 as well. I was expecting nothing less than a completely revamped commentary -- re-recorded, remixed and on par with other sports games. I absolutely expected the goalie player models/masks to be fixed, given what an absolute eyesore they are. And as for the goal celebrations, please tell me how anyone on the development team who watched those ridiculous cutscenes in 2K9 could allow another version of the game to be released without fixing them first. They're flat-out ludicrous -- one of the sloppiest bits of programming I ever remember seeing in a sports game. To not fix such an obvious programming issue is simply lazy to the Nth degree.

Last edited by baa7; 08-11-2009 at 06:41 PM.
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Old 08-11-2009, 06:43 PM   #71
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Re: NHL 2K10 Gameplay Videos (IGN)

First off Baa, you are wrong. Experience plays a big factor in delivering lines. Randy and drew has not done the reading of lines as long as Thorne and Clem has. Trust me that makes a huge different. Plus EA still has the same old script too. The only difference is the EA guys know how to read their lines better. Also, this NHL 2K 9.5 is funny. They have better graphics and new gameplay things and you call that just a touch up. That is all EA did. But that is cool you are free to have your opinion. I can't for both games.
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Old 08-11-2009, 06:48 PM   #72
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Re: NHL 2K10 Gameplay Videos (IGN)

Well, sorry not everything is the way you like it. I agree with what you are complaining about to an extent. I just don't see commentary in a video game as anything to take so seriously. I mean Thorne and Clement have been basically using the same lines since they were doing commentary for the 2K games. Also the post goal and other cutscenes are a minor deal to me as well and would much rather have the gameplay issues resolved before either of those.

The goalie models are rather off, but improved at least. I can live with that as well, since the skaters look much improved overall. I think the player models will be in top form for 2K11. Again though, while having beautiful graphics is nice, I'll take the gameplay first. They greatly improved the visuals over 2K9 so I'm happy the effort was there.
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