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Old 09-15-2010, 06:18 AM   #1273
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Re: Halo: Reach

Is it just me, or is map rotation horrible? I honestly played The Cage and Asylum 10+ times each. I have yet to play reflection (I've only seen it once and no one voted for it) and all of the other non-forge maps but Zelot. Hope they can make it so you don't play the same maps over and over.

Also I have a little question. Does anyone know if Bungie is planning to bring back playlists like Action Sack, Grifball, Infection, etc back into Reach in the next few weeks after launch?
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Old 09-15-2010, 07:31 AM   #1274
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Re: Halo: Reach

If the map rotation is a problem, it will be fixed.

Except for Action Sack those gametypes are in custom games. I don't know if they will eventually get their own playlists in matchmaking, or just be apart of double EXP (or credits) weekends like with Halo 3. I do know not everything is online yet like campaign matchmaking, Firefight classic and vs.
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Old 09-15-2010, 07:35 AM   #1275
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Re: Halo: Reach

I have to say, I'm very impressed with the polish of the game. I was awful in multiplayer my first few games, then after I was always in the plus K/D column. Going to take awhile to erase a 6/25 and a 3/19 game though. LOL

Firefight is awesome as well, better than it was on ODST.

Haven't touched campaign yet, probably will soon, but the rest of the package just has me sucked in. Especially considering I got it for basically $40, this is a winner.

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Old 09-15-2010, 10:10 AM   #1276
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Re: Halo: Reach

This is really weird for me... considering how boring i thought halo 3's campaign was, and how much I played Halo 3's multiplayer; But, I am LOVING the campaign so far. I've only played through mission 3 because I was a little short on time yesterday, but I plan to jump right back into it today. I can't even express how much of an improvement this campaign is over the last one.

On the multiplayer note, I am really surprised, but I DO NOT like it right now. Every time I try to play with randoms it's a noob-fest. And being that I've only seen maybe 5 of the maps so far, I don't know where anything is, and can't really be a noob myself. Even if I play with friends... it really doesn't matter. And it is starting to tick me off about how often Team Snipers and Team SWAT comes up. It is way too easy to get a headshot this game, so in turn it is not fun, because I die a lot 3-5 seconds after I spawn. Maybe it will get better as I get better at the game, and I really hope it does, but at this moment I have a feeling like I might sell this after I beat campaign and use it towards COD in November. Even though I told myself not to spend money on another COD game because they come out with a new one each year and I'm not too excited about this one.

Last edited by CC; 09-15-2010 at 10:16 AM.
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Old 09-15-2010, 12:28 PM   #1277
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Re: Halo: Reach

I'm early in the Halo Reach campaign and enjoying it. Gameplay is similar, but better. It feels more engaging than Halo 3 so far. Nicer environments and definitely a big graphics upgrade.

Multiplayer versus I'm not sure yet. There are other games I prefer now online. I had an OK time in a party last night playing some competitive games with randoms. I still need to try the new game modes and forge.

I spent more time playing Firefight (4 of us against waves of AI, like Horde in Gears 2 or Zombies in COD:WOW). What's different about this mode in Halo is the numerous customization options. So many different variants over 8 maps could add up to lots of hours in Firefight. So far I still like Horde in Gears better for its slower pacing, buildup and cover.

Overall if you didn't like all the prior Halo games, Reach wont change your mind. Anyone else should try it. It's still one of the best FPS games.
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Old 09-15-2010, 01:04 PM   #1278
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Re: Halo: Reach

This article found significant decrease in load times if you install the game to the hard drive.
Halo: Reach load comparison, Installed vs Not installed

Installed: Opening Mission: 8.1 seconds.
Not Installed: Opening Mission: 21.4 seconds.

Installed: Firefight: 21.6 seconds.
Not Installed: Firefight: 45.1 seconds.

Installed: Custom Game Load: 9.7 seconds.
Not Installed: Custom Game Load: 28.7 seconds.
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Old 09-15-2010, 01:49 PM   #1279
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Re: Halo: Reach

I ****ing hate Pinnacle.

Seriously. I've went 0-3 on that map with a K/D of probably about -1028473
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Old 09-15-2010, 01:52 PM   #1280
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Re: Halo: Reach

Finished the campaign last night (just on normal, because I suck at Halo campaigns). Very good stuff. The only other Halo campaign I finished was Halo 3, and this one was definitely better. I liked the storytelling better, the characters, and the battles were solid.

Played multiplayer last night for a couple of hours. After a couple of games, I started getting used to it again. Nothing too drastically different, but enough tweaks that I'm enjoying it so far. I like the armor abilities. I like the weapons. Good times. Anyone that wants to play whenever I'm on, just hit me up. GT is same as the username.
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