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Old 09-25-2015, 11:32 PM   #4809
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Re: Off Topic 2015

Don't ever feel bad about killing wasps. They are truly evil and despicable creatures.
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Old 09-25-2015, 11:40 PM   #4810
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Re: Off Topic 2015

Originally Posted by Psyblast
Don't ever feel bad about killing wasps. They are truly evil and despicable creatures.
That's been my mantra, I'm scared of bees the way most OS guys are scared of spiders, but these beestards don't have any interest in me, yet I kill them all anyway, makes me wish for another solution since "wait til winter, they'll be gone" is taking too long, and if they're not posing an actual threat maybe they can be relocated somehow so they don't invade my space.

Originally Posted by Majingir
I don't care so much about bugs, they have to go! Flys, I'd try to let them out,but they never seem to go! I open door for them,and they just fly right past it and stay inside. Other than that, if it's those annoying big ones,I'll get rid of them.

Only things I really like near the house are birds and squirrels. If I buy bread and don't finish the entire thing by time it's about to expire,I'd just throw the extras outside for them to eat. It got to the point where they love hanging around now which is a cool thing I think,cause they don't fly away as often even if I'm like 5 feet from them. There's like an entire community living in a single tree in the back lol. Used to have a spot that was perfect for a birds nest(no cat could ever get to it) and for years,around same time,the exact same type of bird use to built its nest in that same spot. Never got scared even if I walked right past it. That one loved eating scraps of bread too.
You're probably killing those birds

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Last edited by l3ulvl; 09-25-2015 at 11:42 PM.
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Old 09-25-2015, 11:40 PM   #4811
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Re: Off Topic 2015

Originally Posted by Psyblast
Don't ever feel bad about killing wasps. They are truly evil and despicable creatures.
Wasps/Bees in general....when you kill them,seems like this happens:
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Old 09-25-2015, 11:42 PM   #4812
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Re: Off Topic 2015

Speaking of insects:

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Old 09-25-2015, 11:57 PM   #4813
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Re: Off Topic 2015

Originally Posted by Majingir
Wasps/Bees in general....when you kill them,seems like this happens:

Wasps release a pheromone when they're killed that alerts the rest of the nest that danger is nearby and it's time to swarm.
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Old 09-26-2015, 12:05 AM   #4814
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Re: Off Topic 2015

Originally Posted by l3ulvl
I'm feeling bad about killing bugs again lol, but why? Wasps have been invading my apartment in a bad way, every day when I wake up I check the windows and kill about 15 of 'em. FIFTEEN! Throughout the day I usually kill another 10. I've gone outside at night and sprayed the cracks and crevices with wasp/hornet spray, doesn't seem to slow them down (can't locate any nests).

The reason I kinda feel bad is they aren't actually doing anything to me. They'll be in the apartment for several hours while I sleep and they just hang out around the windows, probably trying to get back out. I don't know what draws them in, I've tried a few things to no avail, but the fact they aren't attacking me or the dog makes me feel a little bad about slaughtering every last one that makes an appearance.

What if I become their friend? Is it possible to train wasps like troops to order hits on the neighbors I don't like? Could I become some sort of super villain by training wasps to carry out my bidding?
Probably a nest somewhere or they're building one possibly in the walls. Either that or they're just looking for someplace warm as the weather begins to cool. You should try to contact your landlord and have them send someone over to do a thorough search and find out where they're getting in at.

Originally Posted by Majingir
I don't care so much about bugs, they have to go! Flys, I'd try to let them out,but they never seem to go! I open door for them,and they just fly right past it and stay inside. Other than that, if it's those annoying big ones,I'll get rid of them.

Only things I really like near the house are birds and squirrels. If I buy bread and don't finish the entire thing by time it's about to expire,I'd just throw the extras outside for them to eat. It got to the point where they love hanging around now which is a cool thing I think,cause they don't fly away as often even if I'm like 5 feet from them. There's like an entire community living in a single tree in the back lol. Used to have a spot that was perfect for a birds nest(no cat could ever get to it) and for years,around same time,the exact same type of bird use to built its nest in that same spot. Never got scared even if I walked right past it. That one loved eating scraps of bread too.
Probably the same pair. Birds will often return to the same nesting spot year after year.

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Old 09-26-2015, 12:11 AM   #4815
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Re: Off Topic 2015

Originally Posted by Psyblast
Wasps release a pheromone when they're killed that alerts the rest of the nest that danger is nearby and it's time to swarm.
This is one of the reasons I windex my window after squishing a dozen of them against it, then either toss the carcasses in the trash and take it out (if the garbage is full) or flush them down the toilet, I even rinse off the flyswatter

It's bugging me that I can't find the source of what is luring them inside, I don't have sugary drinks or any of the other stuff they say to avoid, anyone have success with the baggie of water with a penny in it trick? Nothing else has worked, I'm open to anything
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Last edited by l3ulvl; 09-26-2015 at 12:15 AM.
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Old 09-26-2015, 12:12 AM   #4816
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Re: Off Topic 2015

Originally Posted by BurghFan
Probably the same pair. Birds will often return to the same nesting spot year after year.
Ya, I figured it probably was the same ones. Was cool to have for all those years, cause they never got scared or anything, and eventually there'd be the baby birds flying around too. Fed them too,so it was like having pets without having to clean up after them lol.

If I ever did see a cat anywhere in the back,even if it wasn't looking for the birds,I'd chase it away anyways.
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