
Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system.

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Old 09-26-2010, 07:06 PM   #17
jersez's Arena
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Re: Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system.

Originally Posted by ILLSmak
I read it. I also read the title. And he's wrong... did you even read my post or just cue into the word "wrong?"

It can go both ways...

You've got it twisted and it's sad that people honestly believe grown men favor one game over another and let it influence everything they say. More often, we pick which one we believe is better.

I could write an essay on why isomotion is a poor system for competitive play, but the main point of my post was that yes isomotion is better than Elite's dribbling system because Elite is a bad game. But, then (let's go back over my post completely...) I said if he was comparing isomotion to the previous Live's dribble sticks that there's no way.

Isomotion is like Live without the dribble stick. Live players do moves, too, if you move the stick a certain way. But the dribble stick allows you to do more things. It allows you to truly size someone up (not that auto-size up... which IMO was a poor edition.) You can also feint more. Isomotion works best when moving; it caters to the player who runs around in circles. You can say whatever you want, but that is my experience from playing 2k quite a bit especially online.

Yes, it would be nice if Live had signature crosses and different crosses with a more expanded dribble stick, but even the bare bones dribble stick they had last year was infinitely better than iso motion when it came to actually dribbling with a purpose.

Let me say it one more time: in 2k you go where you want to go and "isomotion" does the dribbles for you. IF you want to get fancy you can bust out something else, but overall you are just jerking the right stick. You can jerk the right stick in Live and get a similar result... Live has some dribble contextual animations triggered by movement, and it would be nice to see people tripping or dribbling the ball off their foot if they didn't use the stick to switch their dribble hand while doing moves.

So tell me, what can you possibly say that is proof that a system that requires movement (sans automatic size up moves) wins over a system that allows you to freely choose what you want to do with the ball like you would in real life?

Other than "It's 2k and 2k is the most sim ever!"

okay first of all i wasn't talking about live and i'm a big live fan, and the size up post is false because you held down the trigger and the longer it was held the easier it is to break a defender. Which as a basketball player is bs because the longer you hold the ball the easier for the defense to focus on you. Second the competitive play comment is pure opinion why should the control become harder when i play against a human rather than a computer controlled defender. But to me it your whole argument against isomotion is basically because they're are harder to pull off and yes they are I'm not going to lie but when you master isomotion you will see how much depth is into the system. You can set players up in 2k just as well in live 10 but to me you shouldn't pass judgment just on your personal skill. But i was expecting some people to disagree that is how the world works.
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Old 09-27-2010, 04:23 AM   #18
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Re: Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system.

Originally Posted by jersez
okay first of all i wasn't talking about live and i'm a big live fan, and the size up post is false because you held down the trigger and the longer it was held the easier it is to break a defender. Which as a basketball player is bs because the longer you hold the ball the easier for the defense to focus on you. Second the competitive play comment is pure opinion why should the control become harder when i play against a human rather than a computer controlled defender. But to me it your whole argument against isomotion is basically because they're are harder to pull off and yes they are I'm not going to lie but when you master isomotion you will see how much depth is into the system. You can set players up in 2k just as well in live 10 but to me you shouldn't pass judgment just on your personal skill. But i was expecting some people to disagree that is how the world works.

You know originally you would get stripped for doing the size up too long in Live 10 but their weak patch killed that and some other aspects of the game.

Anyhow, I just wanted to post that as a reminder because there were some cool things in Live 10 that they demolished and the game ended up worse

Honestly man, all the controls talk is making my head hurt. This is what happens when a company shoves a concept down your throat like a hot twinkie. It was a distraction from the beginning because one company didnt have anything else to really talk about.

Stick wiggling and crap is hardly the most important thing in a basketball game. This and the whole animations are evil campaign that a certain someone here fueled up on purpose is utterly ridiculous

Last edited by 23; 09-27-2010 at 04:26 AM.
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Old 09-27-2010, 01:11 PM   #19
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Re: Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system.

i question whether selling the concept of "total control" is a smart move in the first place. there are so many different moves you can do with a basketball. by my count the dribble stick only gives you 6 dribble moves. that doesn't sound like total control. I haven't played either one of these franchises recently but I really don't care if my video game basketball character crosses in front of his body or between his legs. they are both crossovers and accomplish the same goal. Sounds like 2K has taken this approach to video game basketball.

in some ways i wish these game companies would realize that there is a difference between gaming realism and virtual reality. NBA elite hasn't got the X's and O's of basketball right (strategy, secondary break etc) and it almost feels like they hope the new and inventive dribble system will entertain in the meantime.
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Old 09-27-2010, 01:33 PM   #20
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Re: Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system.

Problem is nobody cares about the controls that much.

They never had an issue with last years, and that goes without saying.

EA basically did whatever they wanted to do and said yeah we didnt reeeally listen to you but, BUT

hey check out the new way to go behind the back

Ignore the rest of the stuff you see even if it looks weird, just feel our control

There is a huge chance the consumers are going to show how much they appreciate that
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Old 09-27-2010, 04:30 PM   #21
jersez's Arena
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Re: Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system.

Originally Posted by 23
Problem is nobody cares about the controls that much.

They never had an issue with last years, and that goes without saying.

EA basically did whatever they wanted to do and said yeah we didnt reeeally listen to you but, BUT

hey check out the new way to go behind the back

Ignore the rest of the stuff you see even if it looks weird, just feel our control

There is a huge chance the consumers are going to show how much they appreciate that
yeah that's why i don't buy it on the first day of release and wait till the price goes down at least recent version's. In the very first trailer there they included comments from players. Now playing elite it seems like they totally ignored them. EA relies to much on features instead of addressing their issue from previous versions of the game.
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Old 10-04-2010, 08:48 PM   #22
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Re: Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system.

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Great post man....


First of all, which video game has the better dribbling system isnt a "grown man" preference, so just quit it with that nonsense whie your ahead. If that is a major factor for you in lifes decisions, so be it.

Good to know that you read to the title..."Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system." So im not addressing Live 10 comments at all. The thread is about Elite.

Whether he is right or wrong you just spinned the post how you wanted it to make your point.

and once again, as you do in 90% of your posts, you tried to turn this into "2k loyalist" thing when it really wasnt....If 2k jaded you in some way, whatever....Ill leave video game company grudges to you, grown man..

It's not about loyalty or hate for me. I don't understand why other people are so into 2k, though, and ignore the flaws of the game. Isomotion is an afterthought when it comes to control. To the person who said it's harder... no it's not harder. It's only harder to chain together moves that actually look realistic. Getting to a spot with isomotion is pretty simple. Hold down turbo and jerk away.

And you can say it now that he's talking about Elite and not Live, but the concept is the same. It's just one got incredibly screwed up (Elite, by combining it with a shot stick.) So, it's kind of like if somehow 2k came up with a half-assed dribble stick but also tried to keep the shot stick, and someone came out and said, "Ten reasons why pressing shoot and a direction on the left stick is better than a shot stick." Wouldn't you feel that they were talking about the actual idea of a shot stick and not the poor implementation? Wouldn't you feel the need to remind them that the feature was fine the year before and, still, a shot stick is a great (and likely essential) feature?

I only mention Live 10 because that was the last game that had a real dribble stick.

But yeah, I'm not holding a grudge against 2k, I just am amazed at the crap people come up with in defense of 2k. 2k has its own flaws, it isn't the best at everything. When someone comes out and says something that's not true and says it because they are ignorant (due to inexperience with both games) then yeah I feel I need to say something.

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Old 10-04-2010, 09:01 PM   #23
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Re: Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system.

Dude, your not among a bunch of idiots.....OS members arent sheep, they have minds of their own....I dont get this whole theory you have that everyones hypnotized by 2k....people genuinely enjoy the game. Those same people point out ALL its flaws. Sure you have ridiculous ones here and there, but hey, thats the internet.

2k not being a good game is YOUR opinion...an opinion you had about this years game before you even touched the game...which really just points to you having a agenda\ grudge...Its hard for me to look at anything you post as objective at all.

I want you to click on your name, and read your series posts...and honestly tell me you dont think there is a pattern there. Its pretty obvious. If you dont like 2k\VC thats one thing...but let people enjoy the game in peace.
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Old 10-04-2010, 11:18 PM   #24
TUSS11's Arena
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Re: Ten reason why i think isomotion is better than elite's dribbling system.

It's difficult to give a fair comparison since Elite isn't even complete. There's some fundamental things wrong with Elite's dribbling system (foot-planting, momentum, dribble speed, player/position differentiation, etc.) but if they manage to address these issues I don't think we'd be having this discussion.

I'm perfectly fine with Isomotion but it just has it's limitations since dribble moves are on the same stick as player movement. It's literally impossible to perform a move out of a stationary dribble, while is why they added the size-up moves. They're doing the best with what they have and it's a very solid system so I can't complain. It's just not the ideal system.
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