01-26-2015, 03:27 PM
Xbox 360 NASCAR 14' 2015 Online League
Hello fellow racers.
I will be resurrecting my NASCAR Online League for Sunday Night Racing.
We will kick off our Season at Daytona, same weekend that NASCAR kicks off.
You must be 18 yrs or older to join. Please contact me @ TheTerminator21 on Xbox Live if you would like more information.
We run 8 man rooms (Due to Crappy Servers)
We will run 50% Races, with normal damage and customized Setups, Normal Wear, Yellow Flags.
No Custom Cars, as real cars are to be used.
8 man rooms, produce less lag, and help prevent issues within the rooms.
A Cable connection is required. No DSL or Satalite ISP's.
Thank you!