
NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

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Old 04-30-2016, 02:03 PM   #1
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NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

Serious question?

VC/2k sports fan
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Old 04-30-2016, 06:37 PM   #2
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

There's obviously no definitive/objective answer to this. So, for me, it's in my top 3. I've played every 2k starting with 2k5.

1. 2k13
2. 2k15
3. 2k11

16 is somewhere at the bottom of my list. Control responsiveness is just awful.
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Old 04-30-2016, 07:06 PM   #3
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

Originally Posted by Lord Bonium
There's obviously no definitive/objective answer to this. So, for me, it's in my top 3. I've played every 2k starting with 2k5.

1. 2k13
2. 2k15
3. 2k11

16 is somewhere at the bottom of my list. Control responsiveness is just awful.

I have it now for the PC and I'm able to use mods. This game is amazing.

Last edited by shadio5; 04-30-2016 at 08:03 PM.
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Old 04-30-2016, 07:14 PM   #4
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ksuttonjr76's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

For online H2H competition with regular NBA Teams...yes. Honestly, it's the d*mn defense that keeps hurting this game year after year. NBA 2K16 was best game until they started tweakig it.
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Old 04-30-2016, 07:40 PM   #5
lockdownD's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

2k11 is my favorite and most fondest in the NBA 2k series, especially on old gen. The gameplay was very balanced in terms of offense vs defense. It felt just as rewarding playing defense as it did on the offensive side of things. You never felt stuck in animations or animations being unresponsive, the animation system was just very polished. It also had some really great modes with the Jordan challenges, online NBA myplayer crew, online association, etc. It was just an all around great game.

I did however really like 2k14 on next gen though too, at least from a gameplay perspective after all the patches. The foot-planting was a thing of beauty in that game with the way players moved around the court. It was the first 2k that to me felt like it had the most realistic player movement on the court so that to me was a big deal with all the sliding/floating that the game had previously and which is now sadly back again. It was a pretty well balanced game online too I thought, not as well balanced as 2k11 but it was good. I remember playing a ton of VS and Team-Up games and really enjoying them.

What 2k has put out the last few years has just moved more and more away from balanced gameplay and more towards casual almost borderline arcade basketball with lots of random and forced animations were you feel like your not completely in control of whats happening at times. I definitely don't enjoy playing the game as much as I used to anymore.

There's too much sliding/floating in the player movement again which creates a spacing problem. Players have zero explosiveness in their first steps when you hit turbo. Running into other players feels and looks like bumper cars with the exaggerated movements on bumps. You often are getting stuck in body-body contact animations and can't break free or explode out of them quickly.

The defense in the game now is just pathetic. AI defenders are like zombies from the walking dead. Random foul animations happen constantly inside the paint to bail out ball handlers. The amount of contact layups/shots people make over defenders inside the paint over good defense is ridiculous. Both users/AI pass out of heavily contested layups/shots around the paint with ease as if they were Magic Johnson. Add to it the transitional defense which is so poor. Reckless ball handlers are rewarded and can just turbo into defenders and get bailed out with blocking fouls and on defense you can't punish them anymore with charges. The defense has been just completely neutered in this game outside of the insane amount of reaching people can do to get steals. You turn off defense assist in the controller settings to try to gain more control on defense and yet it still activates when you press LT - which makes absolutely no sense.

So for me 2k11 will always be dearest to my heart in terms of 2k games. It was just a great all around game. 2k14 on next gen would be my runner up.
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Old 04-30-2016, 08:09 PM   #6
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

^^^Thanks for the comments

I also wanted to say that I feel that 2k11 is made strictly for offline experience. There seems to be more animations for offense. The signature animations seem more organic and natural to the players. I'm having a ball playing with Kobe. Mike Jordan is the best I have ever seen implemented into a video game.

The engine for 2k11 just feels smoother for offline gaming. I think where this game went wrong was when played online. I think I remember people not liking it online
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Old 04-30-2016, 10:09 PM   #7
Hustle Westbrook's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

2K14 is the best imo. Then 2K11.
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Old 04-30-2016, 10:37 PM   #8
XxKnicksRules215xX's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

Just a question, if it is then what?? I personally believe this trend that 2k is on will ultimately be their demise.
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