
Game with new life thanks to next gen

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Old 11-24-2020, 10:03 AM   #1
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Game with new life thanks to next gen

I thought I'd start this with games a bit more 'under the radar' that are hugely benefited by XSX and PS5.

I got the sx and looked at the 'owned games' panel and re-downloaded a few games including a really good one named Wrecked!

For those who don't know Wrecked is like the old 'flatout' games where it's demolition derby and racing. I'm not into racing games as much anymore but this one has a survival aspect to it and has a level of satisfaction bashing into other cars that I like. MORE IMPORTANTLY - I didn't play as much on the onex since the load times were ATROCIOUS. Now I can boot up the game and play in a snap! It's amazing, before it had nba2k style load times (or longer) kind of like booting up red dead from scratch just to get into a race. Even though it was super fun, it never got play time because it was too much of a barrier to overcome for the most part. I'm going to load 2+ minutes into a 3min race? no. Now it just loads in maybe 10-20 seconds. Great game, with some of the worst load times on last gen. Now it's just a great game

What are some other gems out there that benefit?
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Old 11-24-2020, 12:16 PM   #2
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Re: Game with new life thanks to next gen

Honestly, not much about next-gen games have excited me outside of the controller and load times.

One of my gaming stations is a 1440p ultrawide monitor (no HDR), and the other is a 1080p plasma. I'm still waiting before the right 4K/8K monster TV delivers on a front that I'm ready to watch UHD movies on, but I still haven't found that right television and will enjoy my Sammy plasma pretty much until it dies. Once that happens, I'll want some sort of UHD player, and a PS5 just may become that.

Or I'll be patient this time and wait for the PS5 Pro. I have a backlog of well over a dozen games in this past generation that I'd love to give them their due time, and honestly I haven't been able to game in a few months because of work so this would be a good excuse for me to hold off.

I'm excited for the next generation and leap in gaming evolution, but I'll sit from the sidelines and be a cheerleader for now.
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Old 11-24-2020, 12:31 PM   #3
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Re: Game with new life thanks to next gen

well that's why I made the thread ... like the game I mentioned I can get 10 races in on the series x, where before that number would have been literally 2 or 3 because of load times. That is a MASSIVE difference in convenience.

I'm sure there a a bunch of other titles that are a bit under the radar like that which would benefit big time.

PUBG loads up blazing fast too, but with that one you have to sit in lobby with everyone else so it only really benefits when you start up the game for the first time with those load times and marginally in and out of new lobbies. performance is the same too.

Wrecked is so dramatically fast itls like a new game
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Old 11-24-2020, 02:57 PM   #4
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Re: Game with new life thanks to next gen

To name a few I've seen on PS5 that get some nice improvements - meaning, basically locked 60 FPS:

Dark Souls 3
MLB The Show '20 - more specifically, in its Sharper (4K) graphic option
Knack (although I've only watched this one courtesy of DF, the difference in the side-by-side comparison is pretty staggering)

Really, anything that had an unlocked framerate but had trouble hitting its target will see massive improvement.

And then there's Ghost of Tsushima that has actually been patched for PS5 BC, meaning its framerate was unlocked in Resolution Mode to run at 60 FPS, and it might just be the best-looking and running PS4 game on the system. Last of Us Part 2 will give it a run for its money on that if it gets a patch to unlock its framerate from 30 - I have little doubt the PS5 could handle it.
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Old 11-26-2020, 09:22 AM   #5
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Re: Game with new life thanks to next gen

going to see how Just Cause 3 and 4 do on next gen as they were stuttery messes on the ps4/XoneX. Might try to Far Cry 5 as well
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Old 11-29-2020, 09:04 PM   #6
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Re: Game with new life thanks to next gen

Originally Posted by allBthere
I thought I'd start this with games a bit more 'under the radar' that are hugely benefited by XSX and PS5.

I got the sx and looked at the 'owned games' panel and re-downloaded a few games including a really good one named Wrecked!

For those who don't know Wrecked is like the old 'flatout' games where it's demolition derby and racing. I'm not into racing games as much anymore but this one has a survival aspect to it and has a level of satisfaction bashing into other cars that I like. MORE IMPORTANTLY - I didn't play as much on the onex since the load times were ATROCIOUS. Now I can boot up the game and play in a snap! It's amazing, before it had nba2k style load times (or longer) kind of like booting up red dead from scratch just to get into a race. Even though it was super fun, it never got play time because it was too much of a barrier to overcome for the most part. I'm going to load 2+ minutes into a 3min race? no. Now it just loads in maybe 10-20 seconds. Great game, with some of the worst load times on last gen. Now it's just a great game

What are some other gems out there that benefit?
I'm glad I'm experiencing this game for the first time on PS5 because those load times sound awful. Thanks for the recommendation, I'm having a lot of fun.
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Old 11-29-2020, 10:02 PM   #7
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Re: Game with new life thanks to next gen

The last guardian I beat once on ps4 and I loved it even though the camera sucked and even though its frame rate drops a lot. It had like a 10 year development cycle and was supposed to be a ps3 game at first. Even though the camera sucks and even though it drops frame rate a lot I liked it a lot because its very different, has amazing soundtrack and is heck of emotion. I just played it for a second time first time on ps5 and it runs so much better on ps5. I heard if you play without a patch it runs at 60 fps but I cant tell the difference between 30 and 60 and I think it had some bad bugs if you play it unpatched. So yeah just beat it again playing at 30 but on ps4 the game went from like 30 down to like 25-20 back up to like 30 all the time and some times would even drop to like 18. So yeah it was just all around the place. On ps5 I only had it drop frame rate like 1-2 times in the whole game and it was smaller drops like nothing below 20.

I am wondering how Star Wars fallen order does on ps5 has on last gen consoles there was a lot of texture pop in and the game would even freeze for like 3-4 seconds at times. I still liked the game but it fells like a buggy mess that was rushed and should have had more time to be worked on before it came out. I may try it again only beat it once and its been a while.
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Old 11-30-2020, 01:51 AM   #8
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Re: Game with new life thanks to next gen

allBthere, I apologize for my first post on here. I misread your initial post and thought you were talking about the demolition derby game coming out for PS5 (by the way you were talking about it I thought maybe it was a launch title). I didn't realize you were talking about PS4 games, and the like.

I gotta check out TLG on PS5, though. It definitely had a bad framerate on PS4 and would mean the world to have a better framerate (a dreadful camera though, of course).
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