RaychelSnr's Blog

And thanks to a decision made a few weeks ago, I won't be able to live it out on the virtual hardwood with up to date rosters and ratings (because we all know NCAA games DON'T base their rosters off real to life rosters right?) -- at least official ratings. What's even worse is the lack of gameplay getting progressively better and additional features being added onto my experience.
I think, if nothing else, I just want to plea EA to at least switch to an every other year model for college basketball, the sport deserves at least that much. While college basketball games have notoriously been at best solid but on average rather mediocre over time, I can't help but think no one ever gave the sport enough of a chance from the publishing end. To me, it almost feels as if college basketball games have been set up for failure in a lot of ways.
Perhaps I'm just being a whiny crybaby, but I really feel my request is reasonable: don't kill off college basketball gaming EA. If you are, then I hope someone takes the torch and runs with it. Be sure to vote in our new poll on whether you think we should have a NCAA basketball game this upcoming year or not.
In the meantime, sound off on your favorite college basketball gaming memory and perhaps your favorite March Madness memory overall. Any tales of skipping work and/or school? Let's hear it!
# 3
mhanson93 @ Mar 22
My favorite March Madness memory was having our english class interrupted to watch Northern Iowa beat Missouri in 1990. A teacher came into the classroom from across the hall and said "Hey you gotta check this out!" Our class all ran to the other room to watch the last couple of minutes. Im trying to decide if this weekend's UNI upset of Kansas is better...it certainly is a bigger win for the school!!
# 4
smithdynasty @ Mar 22
I thoroughly agree with the previous comments. Think NCAA basketball definitely has potential but then again, what ea game doesn't have potential. That potential is NEVER realized when it comes to EA and moreover, Mike Wang coming back to 2K sports speaks volumes. Futhermore, it is absolutely imperative that 2KSPORTS BRINGS BACK COLLEGE HOOPS 2K11. That game was LEGIT!! I still play this game today. Actually it's the only hoops game im playing currently. All they have to is update the game play to what's in NBA 2k11 and update the player models (and shoes). Everything else is good! Come on 2k sports, don't let me down.
# 5
TreyFury97 @ Mar 26
I'll co-sign with jaosming. I remember playing that game, and losing, and never feeling like I was cheated. Too bad they didn't have full seasons, all of the D-1 teams or all of the options that NCAA Football 2003 had. That would made that game perfect IMHO.
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Full 3d crowds, depth of field effects, first EA game to have diving, freestyle air, sliders. Create a school, and for nut cases like me, breaking the backboard.
Best part about the game was you could tune it play slower and more sim. It was just waaay before it's time and I honestly still play it to this day. (was playing it for a bit last night)