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NBA2k12 Full Playbooks - Western Conference (version 2)

Posted 02-21-2012 at 04:55 AM by vannwolfhawk
Updated 02-24-2012 at 03:34 PM by vannwolfhawk
NBA2K12 FULL PLAYBOOKS – VERSION 2 (synergy scouted plays)

Hey guys, Here is the updated team playbooks as of Feb. 20th 2012. I have also listed the original 15 teams with changes that have been made since I released them a few days ago and that add a little more depth to each team. After I finish the last 5 teams below I will go thru 1 more time to comb through everything and to put a little more TLC on a few chosen teams. After that I will be on permanent playbook vacation minus a play here or there☺ For those of you who have already inputted these playbooks into your game I put the new plays that need to be added to version 1’s playbooks in RED. If you have not inputted these and plan on doing so just add all the plays and use the plays in red to the right as opposed to the play to its immediate left. Also make sure you check play types for players to see if they have changed. They will also be in red.

Teams that still need to be completed are:

• Bobcats - DONE
• Hornets - DONE
• Kings - DONE
• Wizards - DONE
• Pistons - DONE

I will update this by having a done or a completed date by the teams listed above. I should have them done no later than Wednesday night. Sorry to all the fans of the above teams☺ I went by records with the last few teams so guys could use the best teams first. If you open the teams now you will see plays there to what I had originally in my playbook after removing broken plays so you could start using those playbooks if you want and just make changes after I release these in next day or two.

I want everyone to keep in mind why you will see more of certain plays than others and that’s because of the few plays within play types that don’t give us options in the areas listed below. In some cases there are literally only 2 good plays in the whole game that a play type has where the CPU executes it well. So, as you can see that can limit the options available when trying to assign certain plays to teams and trying to capture a team’s philosophy. Another reason you will see some of the same plays is because I decided to give all you guys some familiarity within the playbooks so that your when switching playing from team to team this should help with the learning curve.

• High Low looks
• Catch In stride off screen passes
• Good UCLA action with options
• Horn sets
• PNP plays
• Inside out looks
• Good Flex action
• High Post back to basket
• Cutter plays period
• Good dribble handoff plays (all handoff plays are horribly executed for user)
• Alley oops

For all you that are new and have not seen or read my blogs let me fill everyone in and give you a background on what went into this project. First of all I have been working on this for close to 2 months now and pretty much non stop. I have easily over 300 hours on this project. I started out by testing every play in the game in CPU vs CPU and then User vs CPU to see what plays worked and what plays did not. This alone was a 60 hour project. I eliminated 354 broken plays out of over 1200 in game plays. When I say broken what I mean by this is the CPU would either, not make a pass, play broke down, PG dribbled in 1 spot for over 5-6 seconds, play took way too long to develop, player setting screen got stuck in setting pick animation, or no scoring threat out of the play. So, when you played the CPU before removing these plays there was a 30% chance that the play called by the CPU was broken. Hence the CPU dribbling and doing nothing until the shot clock ran down complaints. Now, just because I removed a play DID NOT mean it was broken for the user. A lot of times there were some great plays that a user could use BUT the CPU could not execute it, so sadly that play had to go. Keep that in mind when or if you see a play missing that you might have really liked but now is not there. Just eliminating these plays alone made the CPU 100x smarter with replacing them with plays that were not broken. Anyways, back on topic… After eliminating the broken plays I then reviewed all the notes I had taken on every play tested and placed plays for each team off of teams players play types and my knowledge of NBA basketball. I went off of all the games I have watched and knowing players spots they like to get the ball, coaching philosophies, etc. This was what version 1 consisted of.

Now, Version 2 which is what you are getting right now is 100x more detailed than version 1 was. I have watched every team in the NBA as well as players to get the most accurate plays that you see your favorite team running and onto that team’s playbook. I reviewed games and tape from www.mysynergysports.com I broke down tape for over 2 weeks and charted each teams plays in different categories. I charted every play in specific areas such as 3 pointers from the corner, wing, top key. Did these plays come off of floppys, down picks, pin down’s, zipper action, razor action, etc. Same with the PNR and PNP as well as all the other categories. For example some teams like to run more PNR from the wing and attacking pick from an angle as opposed to other teams who might run more top of the key PNR, or maybe teams that run more horn or double screens, etc. Does your team like to give the post entry pass after a cross screen, dive, back pick, or maybe just a dribble pass entry? If your team does it then they have it in these playbooks. Does your team prefer floppy action, down screens, or pin downs? Whatever they do they will have it in these playbooks. Is there a specific play for certain players like a razor action for Jamal Crawford, Mo Williams, etc then they have it in these playbooks. Some teams run more UCLA sets or flex action than others like the Nets, Spurs, Pacers, Raptors, etc. They run more longer developing plays as to opposed to teams like the Warriors who run quicker hitting plays. This was also factored in when handing out plays to teams. All plays were also charted to fast, slow or medium in length of development. So, teams like the Nets or Spurs will run and execute plays with more options that are once again longer developing. The Bottom line is if your team runs it then you will have it in their playbooks! ☺

I went off of each team’s2012 stats for plays ran for this season so each teams plays are what they are running THIS YEAR with the coaches and they’re philosophies as well for the 2012 season. Each player’s play type is also tied into each teams plays. With the play types it becomes like putting a puzzle together as we can’t assign certain plays to just individuals unfortunately. So, for example if you had Ray Allen and Jermaine O’neal with a cutter play type it becomes extremely limited to what you can assign that team within the already limited good plays within the cutter play type. Obviously we don’t want J.O’neal coming off a cutter play with a down pick for a 3 point shot and the same go’s for having Ray Allen having a cutter play type that puts him down on the block in the post. Dribble handoffs are another tough play to incorporate for a few different reasons. One is there are limited good handoff plays in the game. Two they aren’t executed that well but very few (CPU runs better than User as User plays have bad animations on the pass). Three is that you can’t have them in the game for certain teams because a big and a small might both have the same play type. A example of this is Kobe running the point and passing the ball to Gasol at the high post and cutting for the dribble handoff on the wing (MIA Chest 1). It’s a great play and the Lakers run this action in real life as do many teams, BUT if Josh McRoberts has the same cutter play type you will see him running the point and this play every now and again and that would ruin the experience as it’s just not realistic. One last example is I gave Dwight Howard cutter play type just so we could get 2 alley oop plays in for them. Without cutter play type it would never happen outside of freelance mode. So, again it came down to some tough choices here and there in what we could use and what we couldn’t use, so please keep that in mind when reviewing some of the plays or play types on a specific team. Some things had to change due to a lack of play types within a play.

Some teams like the Nets run a ton of UCLA action and Deron Williams gets a lot of good looks late in the UCLA action, but in the game these plays don’t exist except for maybe 1-2 plays. So, with D. Will I added a 3 point and mid range to allow him to get these type of looks out of UCLA action through other play types outside of P&R ball handler and isolations. Again, to get this I had to sacrifice and give him more play types. I just want to make it very clear before everyone starts going crazy about why does he have this or why does he got that. LOL! Someone asked me why Dwight Howard didn’t have the P&R man play type and only the low post type, which is a great question and a very valid one. The answer that I gave him was that the Magic post plays that I had picked and given them almost all had options to them that if the post feed wasn’t made then an immediate PNR with Howard takes place. This enabled me to get more PNP plays within their playbook for Ryan Anderson while still getting a ton of PNR plays for Howard without assigning that play type and cluttering Howards playbook as well as having D. Howard running PNP which he never does. That again could ruin the experience. It’s a real fine line in balancing each team.

I would also like to add that there are some cases where I put a few chosen plays here and there that are more for personnel that a specific play. For example, trying to get a PF a good look for a 3 pointer. In some cases we needed to assign a play that might not be ran by a team, but it’s a shot and in a location that a player would get the ball and shoot. However these are few and far between for the most part. My goal just as the roster editors goals might be with editing hot spots and such is to get the teams and players to play like they do in real life in freelance mode. With the playbooks my goal is to get them to play like they do in real life without freelance mode. So, I want to get guys shots in places they should get them with having no freelance in mind. One last thing I did was organize plays with personnel in mind as well. Having a guy like Derrick Rose come off a pick and having Noah wide open in the corner for 3 is NOT the guy I want in that spot. So instead I tried to find plays that had the same action with instead in this situation Rip Hamilton, Kyle Korver, or Luol Deng in those spots waiting for a kick and shoot opportunity. I think one thing all you guys will notice is all the teams now have all the best PNR and PNP plays assigned to them in game. The CPU ball handler now can attack and will attack rather than wait with the PNR plays that I have chosen. Nothing worse than a guy 5 feet away from 3 pt line waiting for a screen to get set and then taking a bad angle and going nowhere after all of that! Now, the players will go somewhere! ☺

So with all that being said, yes there was a method to my madness. ☺ BUT I am not perfect either nor are these playbooks, so I accept any and all feedback that is constructive and hopefully we as a community can help make these playbooks as close to what we see on the court on any given night.

I also want to add that there is a list for each team with all the coaching profiles which are specifically for User vs CPU and User vs User games. These are not for sim results and have not been tested for sim results. The base of play types and coaching profiles came from “The Sim World”. I tested these and as they are all personal preference as are sliders, but if anything it can act as a good base for you.

The last thing I would like to say is Thank You to OS for all you have given to me over the years, all the incredible roster editors that make this game playable for me because we all know how bad those default rosters and playbooks were. It is a unbelievably great game and the best basketball game IMO AFTER these 2 key areas are edited. Last of all, here is my gift back to you and I hope you all enjoy it!!! ☺ FYI, next year I will be starting this project upon release rather than January (damn lockout)! Thanks for your support and patience with this project and remember the last 5 teams will be up in a day or two and then I will do 1 final comb through with slight changes for a few teams…

Like Da Czar says “Don’t play video games play basketball”

Black = Original version 2 Plays
Red = Changes made on or prior to Feb 23rd
Purple = Final update and changes made Feb 24th or after
















Total Comments 1


I'm going to insert these to the default 2k rosters. look good!
Posted 03-20-2012 at 10:14 PM by youngdutch13 youngdutch13 is offline

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