
Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

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Old 02-02-2011, 03:02 AM   #97
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by JayBee74

You have trouble with people who disagree with you, don't you?
This is a great example of the pot calling the kettle black. Nice try though. Where does any of my post in this thread indicate that I would've a problem with people disagreeing with my stance? The "trouble" stem from you quoting a fragment of my initial post, and telling me "I can hate it or love", but the game isn't a rehash due to things like one block button and a effective jab (LOL) as if its fact. I then named reasons why the game is largely (key word "LARGELY" just like I said in my first post) a rehash of a game IMO. Not one time did I ever indicate that my opinion was gospel. Take off your Fight Night attire (the same outfit you wore for 4), and read my first post again, and really see if I had a problem with people disagreeing with me, or was I giving my take on what I saw.

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Most of my defense of the game came pre release
At least you admit to it, but doesn't this 'rendition' have a certain level of familiarity to it ?

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Old 02-02-2011, 03:16 AM   #98
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
All I know is they got Ali moving slow as hell and his stamina drops way too damn fast. They also seem to have gave Pacman an iron chin in this game. I nailed him 7 times clean with power upper cuts and he didn't even got rocked or nothing.

I like the ref in the ring, even though a couple of times he got in the way when I was trying to circle away. All in all........a must have for me.
you must be playing a different demo then all of us

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Old 02-02-2011, 03:17 AM   #99
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

I only got to play one match so far. I enjoyed it except for one thing. I ended up winning the match and there was not way in hell I should have. Ali was better than me in all aspects besides when I rocked him for a second. I liked how Ali used the jab to create some space and backed away when I got a good combo in close.
Originally Posted by BlueNGold
I feel weird for liking a post about exposed penises.
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Old 02-02-2011, 03:40 AM   #100
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There is no doubt this game looks better than ever & I like the feel of the controls.

However the overwhelming feeling I get when playing the demo is just how similar it is to FN4. The commentary is exactly as FN4. This is not good. Just tedious, repetitive, inconsistent drivel. The pre, post & between round sequences are unchanged. The judges are still identified as Judges 1, 2 & 3. How difficult would it have been to include a variety of named judges with different personalities in the game.

Stamina is totally off in the demo. You can throw a ridiculous amount of punches with little detriment to the stamina & recovery rates are ridiculously fast. Hopefully sliders will address this.

All in all I'm somewhat disappointed. This game could be so much more satisfying if EA worked on the presentation.
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Old 02-02-2011, 03:57 AM   #101
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Sounds like epiffani and eye guy ran across me online and got the breaks beat off of em now they're mad lol. By the way, slugfest you say. I have to disagree there. Matches I've been in are actually pretty slow and methodical. It depends on who you're playing and how you're playing.

I've yet to be beaten by the button mashers by the way. Thats why I disagree when some say its like rock em sock em slugfest. Those guys are getting the breaks beat off of em.

This game is definitely not made for spamming. Play with some precision and a lil bit of ring generalship and you're good. I'm still waiting for a loss, I haven't seen one yet. Somebody come get me and bring me back down to earth please, because as of now, I'm tearing jaws off hinges no problem. Its pretty bad for opposition.

Last edited by TheCreep; 02-02-2011 at 04:07 AM.
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Old 02-02-2011, 04:26 AM   #102
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Actually gents, that was false info. Now that I think about it, I've had 10 matches so far and I DID lose twice by decision please excuse the error.

Some player by the name of DATflyguy if I recall correctly. Other than that I've run across mostly spammer jammers and its just Nooo match.

I know us sim bubbas here have a different outlook on the game so if you all would, come give me some comp. Once again "Pharoethagreat" is the tag xbox360. Lets do it.

By the way, Datflyguy if you're on here, I got you so tread lightly lol.
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Old 02-02-2011, 04:48 AM   #103
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

The more I play this game the more I love it. 360 version feels much smoother online than ps3 version. This game actually rewards you for boxing instead of brawling.. I could only imagine 12 rounds when these spammers are gassed.

I was very frustrated at first with auto block and the brawling, crazy connect rates, but you just have to be patient and really stay focused on boxing. Use the jab go in and out. I usually keep my opponents to under 50% connect rate. I can now even beat PAC with cotto on a pretty regular basis. As long as I don't get sucked into brawling and fight my fight I'm pretty good. Anyone spammers wanna fight a sim guy, sav713 is my gt.

Only thing I really hate about demo is the scoring is soo bogus. If you win 2 rounds but get knocked down, you will automatically lose the fight... It is do flawed, I really hope they fix this.
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Old 02-02-2011, 07:13 AM   #104
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by sva91
The more I play this game the more I love it. 360 version feels much smoother online than ps3 version. This game actually rewards you for boxing instead of brawling.. I could only imagine 12 rounds when these spammers are gassed.

I was very frustrated at first with auto block and the brawling, crazy connect rates, but you just have to be patient and really stay focused on boxing. Use the jab go in and out. I usually keep my opponents to under 50% connect rate. I can now even beat PAC with cotto on a pretty regular basis. As long as I don't get sucked into brawling and fight my fight I'm pretty good. Anyone spammers wanna fight a sim guy, sav713 is my gt.

Only thing I really hate about demo is the scoring is soo bogus. If you win 2 rounds but get knocked down, you will automatically lose the fight... It is do flawed, I really hope they fix this.
Sim to sim. Sav713 I'm going to request you as friend list if thats cool with you man. I totally agree with your post also. Dont get baited into brawling. Let your opponent brawl all he wants, doesn't mean you have to. Let em gas themselves. As long as your defensive game is decent you shouldn't have any worries. Patience. I'm trying to find a good sim match. I dont really mind losing (will definitely be a surprise if I do though lol)

Last edited by TheCreep; 02-02-2011 at 07:15 AM.
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