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Originally Posted by tcrews |
Hova - I read every post on this thread indiscriminately. I treated every post like it was everyone's first post. I always look at reviews/impressions objectively. I've been on the OS forums enough to know the users in a few different forums (Madden, 2k, Fight Night) whom have highly respected opinions. Sometimes I'll go with that if I need a quick answer. But 9 times out of 10 Every user is the same to me.
My post was not to say that it seemed as though everyone disliked the demo/game. Just pointing out that after reading them all, a majority are anywhere from slightly to severely disappointed. That's not to say that it's an overwhelming majority, or that it means the majority of people hate this game. A lot of the posts that were somewhere in the aforementioned disappointment scale often complimented the game in a multitude of areas. But their disappointment lay within a key part of the game for them personally.
The summation of my post was that it looked like, at least from the demo and subsequent community responses. We have yet another sports game that went out of it's way to try and appeal to every corner of the market. Which unfortunately has resulted in some very essential core boxing aspects, mechanics, and technicalities being left out or forgotten. That's without getting into the presentation/commentary flap. I'm a fan of the Fight Night series. Despite everything, I've seen them make steady improvements over the years. It's obvious that Champion could be very, very good with some slider tweaks, tuner sets, and of course a patch or two. It has enormous potential.
That's cool , i just hate to see people get the wrong impression about our boards. I feel like you get the realist answers and opinions here , especially compared to ea forums. I feel like this game will be better when you have more rounds to fight. lets face it if you feel like your behind in cards come the third round it will be a slugfest. I would say though the list Country and Vast came up with have very valid points, i want to avoid to totally scrap out some good points of the game.