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Old 08-13-2017, 12:56 PM   #3425
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Particularly if Conor didn't look all that good for the entire session.
Yes from a fight promotion angle. The strategy angle is equally important though. Ive watched every Mayweather 24/7 and All Access during his career and I dont think I've seen him spar on it more than once because he doesnt want to potentially show anything that the other side could use.. It would be dumb for Conor to show the whole video just to win an ego war against Paulie.
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Old 08-13-2017, 03:30 PM   #3426
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Yes from a fight promotion angle. The strategy angle is equally important though. Ive watched every Mayweather 24/7 and All Access during his career and I dont think I've seen him spar on it more than once because he doesnt want to potentially show anything that the other side could use.. It would be dumb for Conor to show the whole video just to win an ego war against Paulie.
I agree, but if Conor gave Paulie a severe whipping from start to finish he couldn't resist showing it to the world.

What if Malignaggi is telling the truth? Conor whimpers like a girl from body shots? Body shots from Paulie's devastating punches?
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Old 08-13-2017, 04:42 PM   #3427
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by JayBee74
I agree, but if Conor gave Paulie a severe whipping from start to finish he couldn't resist showing it to the world.

What if Malignaggi is telling the truth? Conor whimpers like a girl from body shots? Body shots from Paulie's devastating punches?
Thats not how Conor is. Conor doesnt show his sparring ever. MMA or Boxing doesnt matter. The most you see is some goofy *** movement drills and some slow pad work. Its the same no matter who he's fighting.

The only time you've seen clips of it has been when other people have released stuff. Here, the UFC released photos of the knockdown, Paulie lied about it and Dana released the clip to show it was knockdown.

Maybe he does whimper like a girl when he gets to the body. Maybe he dominated Paulie for 12 rounds. What good does it do Conor to agree to release the 12 rounds?

If he whooped Paulie's *** for all 12 rounds, he's now releasing a video for Mayweather to watch which hurts his strategy. If Paulie whooped his *** the first 10 rounds, it hurts the fight promotion.
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Old 08-13-2017, 05:42 PM   #3428
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Thats not how Conor is. Conor doesnt show his sparring ever. MMA or Boxing doesnt matter. The most you see is some goofy *** movement drills and some slow pad work. Its the same no matter who he's fighting.

The only time you've seen clips of it has been when other people have released stuff. Here, the UFC released photos of the knockdown, Paulie lied about it and Dana released the clip to show it was knockdown.

Maybe he does whimper like a girl when he gets to the body. Maybe he dominated Paulie for 12 rounds. What good does it do Conor to agree to release the 12 rounds?

If he whooped Paulie's *** for all 12 rounds, he's now releasing a video for Mayweather to watch which hurts his strategy. If Paulie whooped his *** the first 10 rounds, it hurts the fight promotion.
i remember floyd mentioning that he is doesn't have to watch previous fights from opponents in preparation for a fight.....so it shouldn't really matter. however, he's quoted about knowing that conor will be switching stances in the fight, when in reality, he has no clue what conor is going to do. conor, if anything for sure, will be as game as they come. i just find it funny that paulie bailed on camp after some tough sparring sessions (getting paid well, i'm sure). if you are competitive, you stick it to conor the next sparring session. if you leave camp, either you were just in it for the money or you wanted no more part of any future sparring sessions.
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Old 08-13-2017, 06:13 PM   #3429
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Not much head movement, light on his feet, and not a great defense. Haven't seen all his fights but haven't noticed anything resembling a shell defense. Khan hit him at will.

The 14-second video released of Conor-Paulie (not the "knockdown") showed Malignaggi getting the short end of the stick, but it was only 14 seconds. Having said that he got very roughed up during those 14 seconds.

Of course, if you're showing clips instead of the whole session that says something too. But.........

Paulie left camp over the leaked "knockdown" photo? Didn't seem like he was too motivated to get back in the ring to make a statement.

And there's that.
The reason I asked about the shell defense is because I'm wondering if the Conor camp has a foot in two approaches.

One approach says spar with someone similar to your opponent.
The other approach says spar with someone based on who your fighter is and what you want to do in the ring.

In that clip Paulie looked like someone trying to mimic Floyd when he has no business trying to do so. The softshell defense and amazingly slow head movement made me question what the plan was.

If they are just getting any boxer and say spar the way Floyd fights and think that will prepare Conor for Floyd they are in for a rude awakening. I thought they were thinking don't worry about Floyd, do what you do and make Floyd adapt to you. I.e. Paulie was brought in just to give Conor some work in the ring.

Regardless though, the dumbest thing for Conor's camp is to release the full footage. Don't believe Floyd when he says he doesn't watch a guy's previous fights.

Anyway, I'm overanalyzing a 14 second clip so their marketing strategy is working lol
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Old 08-13-2017, 10:29 PM   #3430
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Maybe he does whimper like a girl when he gets to the body. Maybe he dominated Paulie for 12 rounds. What good does it do Conor to agree to release the 12 rounds?
It wouldn't do any good. I'm not disagreeing with you, I just wonder if Conor's ego would take control over good judgment if he clobbered Paulie for the entire fight?
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Old 08-14-2017, 11:49 AM   #3431
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by JayBee74
It wouldn't do any good. I'm not disagreeing with you, I just wonder if Conor's ego would take control over good judgment if he clobbered Paulie for the entire fight?
Yeah thats not Conor. Conor will just talk about it. He doesnt give a **** if people actually believe him or not.
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Old 08-16-2017, 11:35 AM   #3432
sheredia's Arena
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by JayBee74
It wouldn't do any good. I'm not disagreeing with you, I just wonder if Conor's ego would take control over good judgment if he clobbered Paulie for the entire fight?
and depending on what happens in the fight, it could be setting up a paulie-conor showdown afterwards if conor loses as expected. IF conor wins, there is obviously a rematch clause in the contract and the numbers for that would be through the roof. paulie might have bailed camp with a future matchup (and to save face) in mind since conor was better than he expected. cortez said he had some pop too, so i wouldn't totally dismiss conor at this point.
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