He will do what he does in his MMA fights. He will pressure with forward movement and look to counter. He wont use heavy volume and he will clinch alot when he gets in close. When he's inside, he will attempt to rough up Floyd in the clinch. He will hope that Floyd does attempt to lead and try to catch him with hard counters.
What cracks me up is people act like Conor doesnt use head movement. I'm working on a project where I've had to watch hundreds of fights over the last few months. I watched every Conor fight since his UFC debut. One of the things I had to document was how often he uses head movement vs. blocking vs. lunges.
My very rudimentary numbers have him using head movement 65% when a strike is thrown at him. In fact, one of his favorite strikes is a lean back counter where he leans back from a straight jab or cross and counters with a quick counter. 25% of the time he's using lunges to defend.
So to act like Conor hasnt spent years training using head movement or foot movement is comical.
Now if your point is that it isnt on an elite boxer level or that its not on Floyd's level....sure but thats ****ing obvious.
Last point: Its funny how people use the Diaz fight as an example of Conor having no gas tank. I always thought that was a lazy *** analysis.
Nate Diaz has perhaps one of the best chins in the world. He's fought 22 times in the UFC fighting the best in the world and he's been KO'd once (and that was from a head kick). Now how that relates to Conor's stamina is that in both fights the pace of that fight was high. Conor was throwing more strikes and heavier strikes than he ever has and he was facing a guy who could take that punishment and survive. Thats not even factoring the grappling (which is one of the most tiring activities in combat sports).
Unless Floyd COMPLETELY changes his gameplan from what he normally does, the pace wont be that high. If anything, Floyd will be even more conservative because his 50-0 and the biggest upset in combat sports history would be on the line. Thats why my money is on either a decision or a late KO similar to the Hatton loss if Conor decides to go for broke toward the end.