
FistofRage's Post Patch MOP Sliders

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Old 02-14-2008, 09:17 AM   #49
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Re: FistofRage's Post Patch MOP Sliders

Originally Posted by oxiooxio
does this work with AA?
I would imagine these will work fine with AA. Give them a try. It should still be challenging.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 02-14-2008, 12:25 PM   #50
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Re: FistofRage's Post Patch MOP Sliders

im not a big slider guy. i dont give a crap about how many rebounds and shots a team takes in a game. i just want a realistic score and i want a challenge. will this work? i hate updating sliders over and over. also how come u got cpu steal at 100 and soce has it at 55. that seem slike a huge difference.

Last edited by oxiooxio; 02-14-2008 at 12:30 PM.
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Old 02-14-2008, 01:16 PM   #51
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Re: FistofRage's Post Patch MOP Sliders

Originally Posted by oxiooxio
im not a big slider guy. i dont give a crap about how many rebounds and shots a team takes in a game. i just want a realistic score and i want a challenge. will this work? i hate updating sliders over and over. also how come u got cpu steal at 100 and soce has it at 55. that seem slike a huge difference.
The AI forces about 6 to 10 TO's against me per game with the steal slider like it is, I would prefer they even got more. Soce plays with more minutes so that may be 1 factor the other is dribble penetration. You'll definitely get realistic scores, in fact you might want to bump up the minutes to 14 or 15 if you like higher scoring games. With 13 minute sliders I get scores usually in the 60's, occassionaly in the 50's, sometimes in the 70's and will get into the 80's once in a while.

Go with whatever sliders you like. Soce and I tested sliders for hours while chatting on Xbox live. For the most part our sliders are pretty much the same with just a few areas where we saw differently because of our play style. He does more dribble penetration where I use alot more passing to get to the hole.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 02-14-2008, 02:37 PM   #52
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Re: FistofRage's Post Patch MOP Sliders

Originally Posted by fistofrage
The AI forces about 6 to 10 TO's against me per game with the steal slider like it is, I would prefer they even got more. Soce plays with more minutes so that may be 1 factor the other is dribble penetration. You'll definitely get realistic scores, in fact you might want to bump up the minutes to 14 or 15 if you like higher scoring games. With 13 minute sliders I get scores usually in the 60's, occassionaly in the 50's, sometimes in the 70's and will get into the 80's once in a while.

Go with whatever sliders you like. Soce and I tested sliders for hours while chatting on Xbox live. For the most part our sliders are pretty much the same with just a few areas where we saw differently because of our play style. He does more dribble penetration where I use alot more passing to get to the hole.
How is your dynasty going?

As for sliders of Fist versus mine, its a matter of play style and taste. I have to admit, that when I play the game, I am pushing harder for fast breaks then I know I ideally should. I like to play semi out of control if you will.... I really try to go, go, go and this leads to a number of turnovers on my part. It also leads to a large number of layups. Both of these will alter results if you don't play the same way.

In the end, find sliders/time that give you a competitive game against teams slightly worse then you (this gives you room to get better and not cheat the game) and give you scoring ability that ranks you just about right when compared to the rest of the world. IMO, if I was to start over again, I would tweak shooting sliders down even further and play more minutes. However, i am not starting over again so I will continue to use what I got.
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Old 02-14-2008, 03:06 PM   #53
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Re: FistofRage's Post Patch MOP Sliders

Originally Posted by soce
How is your dynasty going?

As for sliders of Fist versus mine, its a matter of play style and taste. I have to admit, that when I play the game, I am pushing harder for fast breaks then I know I ideally should. I like to play semi out of control if you will.... I really try to go, go, go and this leads to a number of turnovers on my part. It also leads to a large number of layups. Both of these will alter results if you don't play the same way.

In the end, find sliders/time that give you a competitive game against teams slightly worse then you (this gives you room to get better and not cheat the game) and give you scoring ability that ranks you just about right when compared to the rest of the world. IMO, if I was to start over again, I would tweak shooting sliders down even further and play more minutes. However, i am not starting over again so I will continue to use what I got.
Its sad to say, but I just started my dynasty last night. Between the flu and COD, I just haven't had the energy to get into it.

Anyway, played 2 great games last night. St. Bona(me) @ Boston U, I lost 74-64 and New Mexico @ Colorado(me) I won 70-62. Both games were alot closer than the score.

I really enjoy the recruiting. State is going after the #1 SF & #1 Center of which I don't think I'll get either. Colorado may be landing a 4* SF from Cali that looks real promising. The Colorado Mr. Basketball is only 3*, but when your a B12 bottom feeder you got to get some guys like this. ND is going after a 6'6" SG from Indianapolis, don't see many of them. And St. Bonaventure is trying to lure in some 3* sharpshooters.

I'm done messing with the sliders, they are locked in stone. I get good games.

I wouldn't lower the shooting sliders any more if I was you. It will get frustrating. There will be too many shots that should go in, missing just because you are handicapping the players too much. Most of the time against evenly matched teams, I usually see shooting %'s in the high 40's for both teams. The stats in the games last night were almost spot on.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 02-14-2008, 03:11 PM   #54
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Re: FistofRage's Post Patch MOP Sliders

Oh, I am NOT changing my sliders at all either until I would start a new dynasty or something next year. What I have going now is fun even if it isn't all that sim like in statistics. I have no idea how you can play 4 teams in one dynasty and not get bored with it. I can barely make it through the first season playing only as Duke! BBall just goes on so long and then if you run out the conference tourney and would run out the NCAA tourney you have to add 9 or 10 games to the regular season!!! With 4 teams that could be 40 extra GAMES!!! But if that is what you like then do it. I personally can't wait to be in season 5 with Duke and all my guys just to see if I am better or worse off then I am now with the default team out of the box.
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Old 02-14-2008, 03:29 PM   #55
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Re: FistofRage's Post Patch MOP Sliders

I'd rather play 3 years with Multiple teams than alot of years with one team. The other thing is that it validates sliders. If I was just MSU and won the title, I might think my sliders were too easy, if MSU wins the title and St. Bonaventure or Coloradp goes 10-18, then I know that title means something.

This way too, I get to see alot of different arenas. I'm happy there won't be a 2k9. Because I got alot of things to do with 2k8.

After I play a few years with these teams, I'll start a new 4 teamer with someone else. Its how I roll

In NCAA Football, I pick a team from each BCS conference and play that out. Its fun to compare stats between teams. Unfortunately, I probably won't be getting that game this year.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 02-15-2008, 08:56 AM   #56
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Re: FistofRage's Post Patch MOP Sliders

Originally Posted by fistofrage
I'd rather play 3 years with Multiple teams than alot of years with one team. The other thing is that it validates sliders. If I was just MSU and won the title, I might think my sliders were too easy, if MSU wins the title and St. Bonaventure or Coloradp goes 10-18, then I know that title means something.

This way too, I get to see alot of different arenas. I'm happy there won't be a 2k9. Because I got alot of things to do with 2k8.

After I play a few years with these teams, I'll start a new 4 teamer with someone else. Its how I roll

In NCAA Football, I pick a team from each BCS conference and play that out. Its fun to compare stats between teams. Unfortunately, I probably won't be getting that game this year.
As far as different arenas go, that is why I schedule all my out of conference games myself and play almost all of them on the road. It makes it more difficult and I get to see everyone else's arenas. Pretty cool stuff!
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