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Old 03-14-2020, 05:40 PM   #9
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Re: Showdown Thread

Originally Posted by shark547
Another thing I don't get about Showdown...if I earn more players...and I don't put them directly in my lineup...why don't they replace someone on my bench....I took Villar so I had a steals guy off the bench...and I couldn't figure out where he was or how to use him.....

It seems like if you don't put them in your lineup you lose them...unless I am missing something....which also wouldn't be a surprise...lol
once you get the player you have to manually add them into your team, starter or bench. there's a flashing icon on 'SQUAD' i think that lets you know you have a better or new player at that position.

Another thing you can do is if you don't want to do it manually is when you're in SQUAD hit the start button and the CPU will do the roster management for you.
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Old 03-14-2020, 05:42 PM   #10
BigOscar's Arena
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Re: Showdown Thread

Originally Posted by hyacinth1
I was doing great on the 1st inning then had a network error and came back and it says it failed me. damn it!

got a question - for the beginning one I got 5/6. Then I did the 1/6 i missed later and got it. Is there any benefit doing all 6/6? i got the Bret Saberhagen card already.
Nope, all that matters is beating the final boss, all the other stuff is just to make it easier
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Old 03-15-2020, 03:37 AM   #11
Dolenz's Arena
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Re: Showdown Thread

I feel like they may have miscalculated some with the release of Showdown, especially if you consider that the offline DD players are less talented at the game as a whole (I believe that to be true as an offline player myself). I believe that offline DD is where most of the more casual players are found.

They have created an offline mode that the best players can abuse to quickly earn Affinity and program points. They simply draft a squad and jump straight to the boss battle. Beat it and earn quick and easy affinity points.

On the other end of the spectrum you have less talented offline players who are struggling to finish them at all.

Now that would be fine if, like Moments, all it required of us was time and the patience to retry it as many times as we need. But these showdowns are costing stubs and you have to be able to beat the first boss battle in each showdown just to break even or come out ahead. If you lose to the first boss then those 1,000 stub entry fees can start to hurt.

So what happens is that the mode is actually discouraging some of the Offline players it was created for. I am an offline player. It took me multiple attempts to beat the first Starter Showdown so the thought of throwing 500 or 1,000 stubs at the harder one has stopped me from attempting it at all so far. Hearing people say that they enter the Boss battle with their team down by 6 or more runs is discouraging when you know how mediocre you are at hitting All Star difficulty and above.

I'm all for things being easier for the best players. They have earned it by improving their skill at the game. What I am not so thrilled about is a mode that can actually be punitive for the less skilled. And potentially losing stubs on failed attempts at the first boss battle is punitive.
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Old 03-15-2020, 06:12 AM   #12
Ghoste's Arena
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Re: Showdown Thread

Beat the 1st inning showdown in my 3rd try. Got to Roy battle with 10 showdown runs. Scored 7 on him.

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Old 03-15-2020, 07:54 AM   #13
BigOscar's Arena
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Re: Showdown Thread

Originally Posted by Dolenz
I feel like they may have miscalculated some with the release of Showdown, especially if you consider that the offline DD players are less talented at the game as a whole (I believe that to be true as an offline player myself). I believe that offline DD is where most of the more casual players are found.

They have created an offline mode that the best players can abuse to quickly earn Affinity and program points. They simply draft a squad and jump straight to the boss battle. Beat it and earn quick and easy affinity points.

On the other end of the spectrum you have less talented offline players who are struggling to finish them at all.

Now that would be fine if, like Moments, all it required of us was time and the patience to retry it as many times as we need. But these showdowns are costing stubs and you have to be able to beat the first boss battle in each showdown just to break even or come out ahead. If you lose to the first boss then those 1,000 stub entry fees can start to hurt.

So what happens is that the mode is actually discouraging some of the Offline players it was created for. I am an offline player. It took me multiple attempts to beat the first Starter Showdown so the thought of throwing 500 or 1,000 stubs at the harder one has stopped me from attempting it at all so far. Hearing people say that they enter the Boss battle with their team down by 6 or more runs is discouraging when you know how mediocre you are at hitting All Star difficulty and above.

I'm all for things being easier for the best players. They have earned it by improving their skill at the game. What I am not so thrilled about is a mode that can actually be punitive for the less skilled. And potentially losing stubs on failed attempts at the first boss battle is punitive.
Agree. Tbh, them charging stubs to play is pretty scandalous, they've done quite a few little things this year to eat away at your stubs (like how you can't quick sell or even exchange locked in items) and it's particularly hard on offline players who have very limited ways of making stubs other than the market.

On the whole though, it feels like most of the offline content is aimed at online players, not offline ones. It's about being able to get it over and done with and get the rewards, rather than aimed at being an interesting and engaging way of playing the game long term. Kind of summed up by the team affinity moments netting you a truly pointless 3 points, an amount that is utterly useless to offline players as everything works in 5's.
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Old 03-15-2020, 11:00 PM   #14
shark547's Arena
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Re: Showdown Thread

Originally Posted by mikeq672
Just go to manage your lineup and put them in
I couldn't find him after that. I looked all over. I will see if I can add them to my bench next time, but, I couldn't see how to do that at the time. I could have been not seeing something right...and the way they did it is kind of clunky.
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Old 03-15-2020, 11:00 PM   #15
shark547's Arena
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Re: Showdown Thread

Originally Posted by hyacinth1
ya it's annoying. i havent put in my custom soundtrack yet but after i do that i wonder if the songs will be your own.
I have all ready imported my songs. It was my music...but, I don't play that way and I found it jarring.
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Old 03-16-2020, 01:32 AM   #16
mikeq672's Arena
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Re: Showdown Thread

Lol just lost a red showdown challenge because of 3 straight diving/leaping catches. The game really needs to work on its legacy issues.
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