
NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

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Old 06-18-2009, 12:16 AM   #105
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni

You can have it both ways.

Little Timmy or Joe "I don't know a damn thing about football" Shmoe can still pop the game in on default settings and get their 8 TDs a game with no punts on 5 minute quarters.

But if you give us sliders that work and VASTLY improved CPU AI on the higher difficulty settings...we "sim" guys can have an experience as close to a real college football game as a video game can get.

But they keep dropping the ball.

They keep showing a severely skewed interest in catering mainly to the casual "arcade" crowd and much less to us sim guys.

See "Season Showdown"....an absolutely useless feature in the ACTUAL game. It doesn't affect anything in the actual game..and yet this is a huge addition that is plastered all over 3 blogs by EA and is constantly brought up in interviews.

By that same token...an absolutely essential aspect of football...a pass rush...is still left unattended.

Even after 365 days of screaming at the top of our collective lungs to fix it...dear lord...FIX IT.

They don't.

"Then at least give us more and effective sliders to make the game play more realistically."

They don't.

This isn't an exaggeration...we have someone with the game, posting visual EVIDENCE that neither of these near "game killing" (yes I used the phrase) issues have truly been fixed. Not one bit.

Again...I am completely flabbergasted and very upset about this.

And to top it all off...we were lied to about these aspects getting a major overhaul.

Again...a picture is worth a thousand words. 10 videos are worth a million words.

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Old 06-18-2009, 12:17 AM   #106
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

Why can't NCAA 10 have it like NHL 10?

In NHL 10, there are different gameplay settings like easy, normal, and hardcore.

Easy is run n gun, and hardcore is more setup the offense and play good positional d. In NCAA 10, it could be the same way. Easy would be "Wide-Open Gamepay!!!" while hardcore has a good pass rush and smarter A.I. AA is right, NHL has it both ways; why can't NCAA?
Originally Posted by iBlievN5
there... are... people in australia?
Originally Posted by LoCo-LINEBACKER-
Yes, theyre are, healthy people to, not the obese kind.
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:20 AM   #107
stoncold32's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

Originally Posted by Bamafan3723
If I were a developer on the NCAA team, I would be embarrassed to have my name attached to this piece of ****. Is it possible that any of the devs can actually man up and respond to these issues instead of dodging each thread that asks legit questions about the lack of improvements to key elements of gameplay???
At this point, if I'm on the art team, or some other aspect, I'm like, "ahh well, I did my job" I wouldn't take a bit of criticism for the gameplay team who seemingly did nothing with a WHOLE YEAR's time. Yeah it's a team effort but it's obvious that everyone is not pulling their own weight.
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:26 AM   #108
blackscorpion11's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

It is very discouraging. I watched the first 15 pass plays keying on the LT and RDE, the RDE never got passed the LT after being engaged..

Strange though, if you run, the backfield is flooded with defenders, if you pass, no one gets thru????

Oh, and why is there security staff in the end zone but no refs on the field?

B c f x football is looking better and better, i have the pc version, least you can sack the QB.

It's almost like they're trying to piss us off, they couldn't be this football ignorant??

Last edited by blackscorpion11; 06-18-2009 at 12:43 AM.
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:29 AM   #109
rhombic21's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

The thing that's so frustrating about this is that, as Auburn Alumni has pointed out, they actually fixed a lot of the other major issues. Coverage looks better (a lot better), the run block steering looks really cool, playbooks look slightly improved, the computer actually takes some deep shots (although I still think the AI QB logic is wonky and too sack averse -- they dump it short to covered WRs way too much), the tipped passes are a huge addition as are the new "throw out of sack" animations, the annual addition of catch/tackle animations appear to be better. The zig zag run stuff looks horrible, but I could get over it probably, since the CPU at least looks capable of putting together an effective running game.

There's just this one glaring hole. I'm hoping against hope that somehow it turns out to not be as bad as it looks right now, because if it weren't for this incredibly lame pass rush issue, the game would be looking like one of the best NCAA's ever, from a gameplay standpoint. This is literally the only major gameplay flaw that appears evident. Unfortunately, as Auburn Alumni has pointed out, it's a flaw in an area that's absolutely fundamental to defensive balance, and as a result has the potential to be a gamekiller (particularly when combined with the useless sliders).
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:31 AM   #110
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

That video looks like garbage. I usually like to be constructive with my criticism but I'm really not even sure where to start. I'm ready for the next gen of consoles, a new engine, and hopefully a new team to take up this franchise because it needs some life breathed into it.

NCAA Football used to be one of the pinnacles of sports gaming and it has faded into a steaming pile of trash. To compare this to the quality seen in titles such as The Show, NBA 2k, and even EA's NHL series should be a complete embarrassment for those working on this title.

Why couldn't they simply port the old engine and just make improvements on it ala The Show and NBA 2k? Why use this amateur football engine? There aren't enough people on this forum for a boycott to make a dent, but people seriously need to stop buying games from their heart and look into the quality that they are spending their money on.
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:40 AM   #111
MSchneider84's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

I don't know what to say. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a disaster when the demo hits.
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:41 AM   #112
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

Why oh why is last gen gameplay STILL better in the year 2009.

This is pretty obtuse if I must say. I used to LOVE NCAA and now I'm being pushed towards disgusted.
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