
3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

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Old 04-02-2012, 11:39 PM   #25
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

Does this solve the problem of super leaping linebackers and secondary with eyes in the back of their head that cheat to the ball before it's even thrown?

Fix that please, not audio or dumb intro's.
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Old 04-02-2012, 11:42 PM   #26
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included


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Old 04-02-2012, 11:44 PM   #27
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

Originally Posted by metallidevils
Every year they always spend seemingly too much time on the stadiums. They're good enough already. Except of course how jagged they always look.

I am glad they are working on the audio. I fear that although they are making the crowd sound more 'realistic', my biggest issue was how they (and the commentators) reacted to in-game situations. The crowd could not tell the difference between a big play in a close game vs an inconsequential 'big play' in a blowout game.
Here's how i see it. They say they are updating the crowd and commentary. So when I hear that I'm expecting that crowds will be loud. Stadiums will feel hostile. Fans will erupt when I upset the number one team. Commentators will mention lasts years games. They will upstage me on season stats. Stuff like that. That's what I expect. Because what else could that mean? It has to be.

And when the game comes out and y'all tell me it's nothing like that at all. I'm not buying this game.
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:03 AM   #28
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"Motion Blur"...Wow, I don't recall ever reading a forum post or blog where people were clamoring for this. Also, after watching the video, I don't really get it. How does having the background blurred out add to the game? I know this, I won't be playing the game with the camera angle that they showed in the video, I don't know who could (side view looking a dudes hip as he runs down the field on on a kick off). For now I guess I'll say (sarcastically) good job EA...let me know when I can control the location, arc and speed of a pass or when you finally figure out the AI logic behind switching men on defense and having it actually switch to the right guy who can make a play on the ball....or even on a more simplistic level, when I push the jump button on defense and the guy I'm controlling actually jumps. Until you figure out the basics, you're wasting your time on "blur" stuff...nobody cares.
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:15 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by djordan

I fell ya man...the stuff they choose to work on blows my mind. I have to admit though, I'm adding to the problem by buying the game. Every year I buy it and for the last 7+ years (entire life cycle of "next gen") I've hated it. I trade it in less than month after I buy it and that's that. I've completely given up on Madden, by the time Madden comes out I'm so disgusted with EA football that I no longer have an interest in video game football. I have very little hope for the future of video game football. It used to be the best time of year when all the football games would drop...the new modes, the innovation from the different developers, seeing all the potential and just genuinely being excited about playing video game football....all that has been beaten out of me on next gen. Thanks to EA.
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:16 AM   #30
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

The only thing I noticed on the motion blur video was the horrible running animations of the special teams LOL.

The sound clips were pretty good though.
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:17 AM   #31
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

Don't things moving naturally create motion blur? Like someone pointed out, if you move your hand back and forth across your face, that's motion blur... and my hand is as "sharp" as it can be, since it's right here in reality.

I may just be over analyzing things here, but don't the players running across the field create motion blur naturally? Is that something EA really has to create and not something your eyes do naturally?
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Last edited by CurryStorm; 04-03-2012 at 12:43 AM.
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:43 AM   #32
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Maybe I am just too optimistic but I really don't get why more people aren't heartened by what little we saw today. Personally, considering the fact about EA having shared technology among it's games and them mentioning EAC (EA Canada) quite a few times, I am really itching for gameplay on April 17th.

I don't know how many people noticed but Tiburon and EA football seem to be trending towards utilizing EA Canada tech and talent quite a bit. Taking a look at gameplay features that are currently in FIFA and NHL but weren't in NCAA 12 might give some insight about what's in store for NCAA 13.
The thing about that though is they been sharing technology with other EA studios for years now. That isn't something "new". So they could have said EAC a million times and Dice a billion times.......I would still have the same reaction, "meh".

I want to see what actually makes the "final cut".

Over the past few year we have heard in April or May what cool technology they borrowed from EAC or Dice, but then come the final retail version, it isn't in the game.

Who could forget the famous line of:

"We borrowed jostling from FIFA and it will be in Madden 10 and NCAA 10 this year"

In reality...........never made it into the series.


"Real assignment AI"


"Pro Tak"



Pro tak been in the series for NCAA for the past 2 years now, it was in NCAA 11 and NCAA 12. Didn't address the lack of momentum and weight shifting in the game like they said it would do back in 2010. Still don't see Barry Sanders type of runs like they "claimed" they seen in all these Game Changers community day events in the past.

And don't get me started on Real Assignment AI. Blocking assignments still don't work properly like they should. Hell I'm still waiting for this beast of a running game from the CPU that suppose to run over me, through me and around me, leaving me devastated in their awesomeness. That never happened.

So yeah it is alright to hear them borrowing tech from other studios within the EA family, I am more concerned with which tech THEY ACTUALLY GOT TO WORK and what makes it into the RETAIL version of the game.

Too many times I hear:

"we have A,B, C feature in the game. I played it a community day last week, it is so AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE ! You guys will be blown away in July"

Come July, none of that is in the game. Ask the people, "so umm what happened to A,B and C feature ?" Then you get one of two type of replies:

Reply 1:

"crickets" Those people go ghost mode on OS and don't even sign on anymore until a patch is about to be released.

Reply 2:

"We aren't game testers OK ! That is hyperbole ! It works fine in my copy. I only play online so I don't know what you are talking about kid."

So even though I am looking forward to April 17th for game play, I am more concerned with what actual makes it into the retail version of the game. And what actually WORKS in the retail copy.

For years now they talk a good game of features and stuff. But come retail 1/3 of the stuff they mention don't make it into the retail version. Then of the ones that do make it, 1/2 of it don't work until 3 patches later. And more often then not, you going to end up editing the rosters to make the part that does work some what, work PROPERLY.

Plus I am a bit disappointed that they had the art guy there and he didn't mention or any talk about the most IMPORTANT things about the visuals of NCAA.

1. Dirty uniforms ! Truth be told, after the release day patch of NCAA 12, dirty uniforms was BROKEN. And it took TWO PATCHES in NCAA 11 to get dirty uniforms.

So if I was the art director, knowing the problems of the past 2 games with dirty uniforms, I would have lead off my speech with, "Guys not only did we fix dirty uniforms, we made it even better." Should of showed some pictures of that instead of some damn dog and 2 stadiums of teams I and probably 90% of gamers not even going to play as.

2. Field degradation !!! Once again, you showing stadiums, why not talk about what improvements you made in that area of the game that is severely lacking ?

3. The size of the football. No mention of you made it smaller for it can look more life like and natural.

4. Camera angles.......not talked about it........So I guess it is safe to say they don't even touch it at all.

5. Game Tracks. Not even mentioned. So no enhancement to that area ? No Game Tracks 2.0 ?
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