
3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

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Old 04-03-2012, 01:38 AM   #33
boritter's Arena
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

The audio improvements sound promising.

But I feel like EA is not listening to its fans regarding cut scenes. We don't want cut scenes of cheerleaders or mascots that we skip after 2 viewings. We want dynamic presentation improvements.

Edit: Add me to the list of OSers who are hoping that EA will shrink the football so it doesn't look so absurd.
EA: Please add in-game saves.

Last edited by boritter; 04-03-2012 at 01:40 AM.
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Old 04-03-2012, 01:59 AM   #34
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why is it so hard for them to fix the running animations? There's not even a hint of variation between the running motion of one player to the other ..sigh same old same old.
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Old 04-03-2012, 02:32 AM   #35
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

@Gotmadskillzson, I really do get where you are coming from but I fully expect some "BIG" things on April 17th with regard to gameplay. I know the history and have been disappointed with EA football this entire gen of consoles. However, this is the only time I have seen EA claiming everyone associated with EA football is committed to realism and that's a bold statement that can easily be verified or not by what things they add. Today's playbook, while underwhelming for some, was targeted at realism, imo. So if gameplay hit's the same theme, that's what I have been waiting for.

All that said, even though you are absolutely right about it's how it works in the game that really matters, I feel that there is a difference between erring on the side of realism opposed to intentionally watering down realistic tech to keep the game "fun, like I believe they have done in the past. If when all the dust clears, EA football games have truly committed to realism, like EA claims, causing bugs needing to be worked out and patches to released, I can accept that. However, if it's just more watered down shared tech and a generally buggy mess like last year, I will be convinced EA football games for this generation of consoles are FUBAR even for EA to fix, so it's time for me to just give them up until next-gen.
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Old 04-03-2012, 05:01 AM   #36
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

I’m happy to say that after many months of hard work we have made several big strides that will lay the foundation for exciting new commentary additions for years to come. This was a quote from audio developer, once again they will just add tiny additions each year to milk the cash cow FOR YEARS TO COME! They could make it awesome this year if they wanted to but then there would be no reason to buy it next year. Same goes for other ideas they put in. A year or 2 later GONE, only to be brought back again and fobbed off as a new addition a few years down the line!
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Old 04-03-2012, 08:15 AM   #37
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

I will be honest, there was only two things that stood out to me. Neither was good.

1) How are you going to market motion blur as a "addition" or new inclusion. It is a visual effect that has been included in other games for 5+ years now. I am hardly jumping out my seat because "OH MY GOD THEY FINALLY ADDED MOTION BLUR..........YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!" Improve your product, but I see no reason to "pimp" this unless you really don't have better stuff to "pimp".

2) Well we can clearly see the running animation still SUCK!


The disappointment that has come from the EA football franchises this generation is mind blowing. You are the biggest Sports developer in the world, one of the biggest developers PERIOD. Yet creating a genre changing or innovated football title has gone completely by. They have continued to push out the same rehashed product over and over. I think the general public is over it honestly.

I am glad I am going back to PC as my gaming platform. Then I won't have to be concerned with EA football any longer. I can then just focus on the somewhat decent FIFA franchise.
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Old 04-03-2012, 08:42 AM   #38
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

Originally Posted by djordan

I agree with this statement. It really is amazing to me that after how bad these next gen football games have been, this is still the stuff they are focusing on. I understand this is just a "sight and sounds" blog but what they are focusing on is clouds moving through the sky, motion blur, parachutes and more animals as mascots.

What they need to be focusing on is making the crowds look more realistic, the sideline come alive and not cardboard cutouts, player models, custom cameras, etc.. These are the things that are more important when it comes to "sights" in a football game.

Also, I did enjoy the sound blog but what they showed were a few stadium chants. Why cant they show us what it sounds like when we break a big run, huge hit, score a TD, cause a turnover, late game drives, 3rd downs, throw a deep ball, etc, etc, etc. These are the things that create atmosphere. Crowd chants for a few big name schools should be just icing on the cake. I am happy they are finally working on the commentary but they are already warning us that this will be a multiple year implementation. It doesnt seem to take other games that long to get their commentary where it needs to be.....

*** Also, those running animations and short gameplay videos they showed were just cringe worthy. We are now 7-8 years into next-gen and the foundations of the game are just completely archaic. This game is not even close to as smooth as the old PS2 games were. I just do not understand what happened to football gaming on this gen.***

Last edited by ch46647; 04-03-2012 at 08:49 AM.
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Old 04-03-2012, 09:15 AM   #39
Hail West Virginia
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Originally Posted by ch46647
I agree with this statement. It really is amazing to me that after how bad these next gen football games have been, this is still the stuff they are focusing on. I understand this is just a "sight and sounds" blog but what they are focusing on is clouds moving through the sky, motion blur, parachutes and more animals as mascots.

What they need to be focusing on is making the crowds look more realistic, the sideline come alive and not cardboard cutouts, player models, custom cameras, etc.. These are the things that are more important when it comes to "sights" in a football game.

Also, I did enjoy the sound blog but what they showed were a few stadium chants. Why cant they show us what it sounds like when we break a big run, huge hit, score a TD, cause a turnover, late game drives, 3rd downs, throw a deep ball, etc, etc, etc. These are the things that create atmosphere. Crowd chants for a few big name schools should be just icing on the cake. I am happy they are finally working on the commentary but they are already warning us that this will be a multiple year implementation. It doesnt seem to take other games that long to get their commentary where it needs to be.....

*** Also, those running animations and short gameplay videos they showed were just cringe worthy. We are now 7-8 years into next-gen and the foundations of the game are just completely archaic. This game is not even close to as smooth as the old PS2 games were. I just do not understand what happened to football gaming on this gen.***
They built this game from lots of older coding and now it is all built on that. Not going to see any changes until a new console it seems like. Its so outdated how they are doing things. In most cases it was better off on ps2-xbox..

Hail West Virginia
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Old 04-03-2012, 09:52 AM   #40
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

All good points. A simple economic question might be, if they fixed everything, then how would they get your money the next year? What could they hype? I mean the process of playing football never changes, run, pass, kick. They can add all the whistles you want--and people do want that. However when you are facing 3rd and 10, you are not looking at cheerleaders, dreadlocks, etc. You want your players to perform the way they should. Why do we need a brand new game every year? Couldn't they incorporate updates with the season pass and charge $20.00 instead of $10.00? This could apply to all the sports titles. Maybe there is not enough money in it to run a business model, but it seems to me it would be a win/win for everyone and broaden their base.
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