
NHL 16 Available Today For Xbox One & PlayStation 4, Post Your Impressions

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Old 01-23-2016, 07:26 AM   #401
half-fast's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Available Today For Xbox One & PlayStation 4, Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by BigBlue
I should've bought this when it was on sale for $24. Its back up to $59. I'll wait until it drops again.

Yes, absolutely do not buy this game for full price. Go used if you can.
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Old 02-04-2016, 06:27 PM   #402
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Re: NHL 16 Available Today For Xbox One & PlayStation 4, Post Your Impressions

Hey guys thinking about downloading this game now that's it's dropped on $20 in the PlayStation store. I've been searching everywhere online and can't seem I find a direct answer.

Can you play online co-op with a friend (2 different consoles) against the A.I? I just want to play me and a buddy vs the computer without having to play 6v6. I know in the older games you could actually play an online franchise, but it looks like they got rid of that.

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Old 02-04-2016, 07:31 PM   #403
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Re: NHL 16 Available Today For Xbox One & PlayStation 4, Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by Sayheykid01
Hey guys thinking about downloading this game now that's it's dropped on $20 in the PlayStation store. I've been searching everywhere online and can't seem I find a direct answer.

Can you play online co-op with a friend (2 different consoles) against the A.I? I just want to play me and a buddy vs the computer without having to play 6v6. I know in the older games you could actually play an online franchise, but it looks like they got rid of that.

No you can't do that unfortunately.

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Old 02-10-2016, 02:37 PM   #404
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Re: NHL 16 Available Today For Xbox One & PlayStation 4, Post Your Impressions

Picked the game up for $27 CDN on PSN last week and got a few games in.
So far, I'm really enjoying it. I've been playing on Pro/Hardcore and like what I'm seeing.
The fatigue is perfect, the gameplay has some sloppiness to it and I'm seeing a good amount of player separation.

I also feel the presentation doesn't get enough love. Yes, I'd love for them to show season goal totals, but there are a lot of good things going on here including highlight overlays, pre-game show and goal replays from various cool angles.

My gripes at this point are legacy issues such as lethargic AI defensive play.
There's a loose puck just laying there and yet my teammates don't even go for it. Just coast near it.
Or at times when the CPU has the puck they just kind of skate near them.

But so far, I've learned to live with that and I'm just having a good time.
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Old 02-11-2016, 04:19 PM   #405
TitanUP2's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Available Today For Xbox One & PlayStation 4, Post Your Impressions

So I bought the game this past Sat when it was on sale for 20 bucks. I did not realize at the time that I basically bought digital hockey crack from the XBone store dealer.

I've never seen a game make 3 30+ year old grown men with normal 8-5 jobs want to play a game where we just get our *** handed to us half the time. We all 3 play as the Predators in a Be a GM Mode and our record sits at 13-36. We've played ever game with 5 min periods plus 5 preseason games. The only time we haven't played was during the Super Bowl and going to the Preds game on Tues. night. By 10am this morning we already had a time set when we would start again tonight.

Needless to say that I've gotten my money's worth out of it.

The game is flat out fun but frustrating at the same time. It is a truly a struggle to get points for us since we are 3 humans playing against the cpu. The cpu is usually always in the correct position and we get burned for not being in the right positions. Even being in the right position the game has these i'm going to score and there ain't nothing you can do about it moments. Goalies seem to have their overpowered moments as well. But the game is incredibly rewarding when you (or we in this case) work the puck around in the offensive zone and put one in the back of the net. Or kill a 5 on 3 power play in OT to force a shootout that we won like last night.

Overall the presentation is still pretty NBC style generic. But I do like the crowd shots with the fans dressed up in crazy head gear and even cooler you see them wearing different jerseys that the team has worn through the years. Also the mascots raising hell around the rink adds a much needed break from the concentration. Little stuff like that really adds to the immersion.

Based on my experience (playing strictly local co-op) i would rate this game as 8.5 on the 1 to 10 scale.
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Old 02-18-2016, 05:07 PM   #406
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Re: NHL 16 Available Today For Xbox One & PlayStation 4, Post Your Impressions

I picked this up the other day, and me and my friend are having a blast.

My one gripe is players dont have their position as part of the indicator. For most of you hockey guys this is a non issue. But for a casual like me, it would help tremendously if they had their position along with their name. I would at least know where to position them on the ice. Playing with some of the less popular teams like St. Louis, or Phoenix, i may not know who a single player on the ice is by name.
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Old 02-18-2016, 05:32 PM   #407
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Re: NHL 16 Available Today For Xbox One & PlayStation 4, Post Your Impressions

St. Louis less popular? What cha talkin bout Willis?
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Old 02-19-2016, 04:29 PM   #408
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Re: NHL 16 Available Today For Xbox One & PlayStation 4, Post Your Impressions

Picked this up when I got my PS4 a few days ago. I had previously played 3 seasons on NHL 11 and was entering my 5th in NHL 12 when my PS3 died. I had tried both NHL 14 and NHL 15 on PS3 but disliked them both. The physics seemed half-assed. Appreciated the looser gameplay of the older versions. Maybe I was just comfortable. So I was a bit nervous, though with no other choice really.

Safe to say, I'm having a blast!

I've been hardcore in to NHL games since NHL 2K3. I used to commentate my own games on NHL 99 on N64. I'm a NHL video game nerd, having frequented forums like this, Thunderpuck, and others for the past 13-14 years.

What I'm seeing from this game is what we all wished and hoped those old games would deliver. The technology is finally here, and it looks and feels incredible. EA has done a great job turning this franchise around over the last 6-7 years.

I still have lapses or moments of frustration. The AI does seem a bit lackadaisical or wonky at times, but I also have to remember that when we can control all the players it's easy to be hard on a teammate who simply screwed up. That actually happens in real life too!

This game plays damn well out of the box. I used to be super hardcore sim, but I've since eased up and try to find a perfect balance between realism, fun, and a challenge. I've been getting my *** whooped in the 6-8 or so exhibition games I've played. Tinkered a bit with the sliders and have gotten great results the last few. Lost my fair share without feeling cheated, too.

I have found playing defense to be a bit clunky. I admit I'm overzealous with my D-men so I have to stay as a forward and backcheck aggressively or else I take my D-men out of the play too often and the physics aren't as forgiving as years past. Still learning the AI's habits (both my teammates and the opposition) so some of the things I did second nature before aren't working right now. In time, in time.

Been auditioning teams to play with since I think I'm going to stray from my Flyers for however long I run with this game (and I can play a single edition for years on end... so this could be a long Flyers hiatus!). Decided on the Nashville Predators. Got a weird attraction to Nashville the city lately, and I love their roster from top to bottom. And being an Eastern Conference guy for so long, I want to venture out West and try my luck. Starting my BAGM here in the next few minutes.

One more thing: I agree that presentation is top notch. Commentary is a fun change from the Thorne/Clement recycled stuff I have heard for years. The NBCSN overlays and music is superb. Instant replays, in conjunction with the graphics, could be mistaken for a real game.

Gonna cut this short here. Got a game to play!
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Originally Posted by Money99
And how does one levy a check that will result in only a slight concussion? Do they set their shoulder-pads to 'stun'?
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