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Old 05-10-2009, 10:07 PM   #1
OVR: 2
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I was just wondering, what if 2k sports decided to make a fully customizable football game? The game could have a league with 32 teams that could be customize at the gamers leisure. Everything from the name of the team, to the name in which the league itself is called. The list of things that could be customize in this game could be...

The name(ravens) and city(Baltimore) of the teams.
The name of the league(NFL, AFL, etc.)
The name of each conference(AFC, NFC, etc.)
The name of each division(AFC North, NFC South, etc.)
The look of the team(colors, jerseys, helmets, logo, etc.)
The name of each teams stadium
Players ratings and abilities
Coaches names and ratings
The season schedule
The look of the stadium(banners, logos, placement of seats, dome, etc.)
The players(name, number, college, height, weight, skin color, etc.)
The name of the championship game(super bowl)
The name of the Playoff round(1st round=wild card, 3rd round=Conference championship games, etc.)

Hell, they could even give us the option to upload pictures for the logos of the teams. That way we can have all 32 teams in the game look as close to the NFL as possible, without them actually having the NFL license. They could give us a 20 or 30 year franchise, with a weekly wrap up show(minus the espn license of course)and all the other creative things that make NFL2k5 and APF2k8 so great. I was just wondering, if 2k sports(or any other game company for that matter)decided they wanted to go this route, would they have to worry about lawsuits from the NFL or would it be ok for them to do something like this?

I was thinking about PMing the developers just to throw the idea out there so to speak. What do everybody else think? Feel free to add to the list because who knows, maybe someone from 2k sports read this and a light bulb comes on in their head and do something similar to this if it's possible.

Last edited by Bump101; 05-10-2009 at 10:11 PM.
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Old 05-10-2009, 10:13 PM   #2
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Re: NFL2k11?

They would be sued out of existence...if not by the NFL then certainly EA would have more than a few lawsuits filed...2K8 was not as limited as it was on accident and the NCAA lawsuit facing EA right now from Sam Keller is in the same vein...

Its time to face it, the only way a fully customizable 2K game is coming out is if someone reverse engineers the code from 2K8 and re-publishes it underground. The problem is consoles SUCK for that kind of thing...
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Old 05-10-2009, 10:17 PM   #3
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Re: NFL2k11?

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Old 05-11-2009, 08:44 PM   #4
dbeth's Arena
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Re: NFL2k11?

then how can EA allow pretty much ANYTHING to be uploaded for their Create-a-Team thinger for NCAA 10? Couldn't you, in theory, reproduce the NFL in NCAA 10 then?
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Old 05-12-2009, 08:57 PM   #5
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Re: NFL2k11?

I'm hoping for a 2k football that rips off the teambuilder from NCAA.
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