Absolutely. I don't know if you'll agree with this or not, but imo, madden 13 which introduced the Infinity Engine I thought truly provided an 'infinite' amount of tackle animations. I played that game for the whole year until 25 came out, and I was still seeing animations I had never seen. I was personally blown away by the animations in 13 and how they were 'triggered.' To me, the only canned animations were stiff arm, facemask, and similar. Normal every down plays played totally different. I was totally happy with the animations in 13. The gameplay is of course, another story and needed tweaking, making ratings matter, etc. (although, with a great set of zero sliders, I thought I found a great game in 13 where ratings did matter). But, 25 comes out, and whether cg or ng, uggghhh, canned animations AGAIN!!!! Everywhere. So, for me, the animations took a step back from 13, they've hardcoded some tackles into the damn game again, and it sucks they're doing that.