
Madden NFL 15 Pre-Week 1 Roster Update Available Now with Tuning Update

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Old 09-05-2014, 09:27 PM   #145
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Pre-Week 1 Roster Update Available Now with Tuning Update

Originally Posted by SECElit3
My biggest issue is the nerf to the human running game. The holes were huge on default AP.

Play a game on default AM. It's much better then before on AM IMO. You may play and totally disagree but, I liked how it played. I'm about play a play now game to get more of a feel

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Old 09-05-2014, 09:28 PM   #146
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Pre-Week 1 Roster Update Available Now with Tuning Update

Originally Posted by therizing02
I'm going to keep playing but here is one half of stats from my first game after the tuner....

Baltimore 17 Cincinnati 14

Flacco 19-20-251 yards and I have 7 sacks.

Worst of all, Baltimore is driving inside my 25 yard line with 11 seconds left and a time out towards the end of the half. They call the usual 4 verticals play, complete the underneath route and let the clock run out without using the time out to kick the FG.

What difficulty is that on?

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Old 09-05-2014, 09:28 PM   #147
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Pre-Week 1 Roster Update Available Now with Tuning Update

Originally Posted by ratedmoney
Was just playing Texans-Bills and put game speed on slow, even though I think the game plays good on normal speed have to say the animations still play out alot better on slow.

It's true, but I think game speed is in some way tied to difficulty. I started a CFM and the default options were Pro/Slow. When I moved the difficulty up to All Pro the game speed automatically moved up to Normal.

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Old 09-05-2014, 09:42 PM   #148
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Can someone tell EA that the QB signature styles in Madden 15 are not working or applying...and the stat banners wipe away too fast to read all the stats during CFM...please fix. Thank you.

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Old 09-05-2014, 09:45 PM   #149
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Pre-Week 1 Roster Update Available Now with Tuning Update

Can drive trucks through the holes opened up for the running game. Yes, linemen stay engaged longer to protect QB but it is also affecting running game...

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Old 09-05-2014, 09:45 PM   #150
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Pre-Week 1 Roster Update Available Now with Tuning Update

Played a few games, they definitely nerfed the defense. IMO the CPU don't even play defense until the 4th quarter. Played on default All Pro, the running game definitely was made easier, the holes at times are HUGE up the middle, especially for the CPU. Stretch plays and outside zone runs are a lot easier to run now as well.

Pass rush doesn't exist unless you or the CPU blitz until the second half of the game. Even then most of the sacks come from the CPU QB either running directly into the defender or tripping over their own offensive lineman feet. I noticed for the human it is a hell of a lot easier to scramble now, especially in the 1st 3 quarters of the game because like I said the CPU don't play defense until the 4th quarter.

The CPU is able to convert 3rd downs at an insane high rate now. Don't matter if it is 3rd and 22, the CPU seems to always find somebody open for the first down most of the time. Both the CPU and human have way more time in the pocket to throw now. There is an increase in flags, however most of them are roughing the passer and false start against the CPU. I noticed on 3rd down you seem to get flagged for roughing the passer quite a bit.

Pursuit by the defense has been toned down. CPU WRs are more aggressive after the catch now. Human WRs still don't fight for the ball. CPU love to abuse inside slants all game long. Inside, outside, under and over the top shades either don't work or they are backwards. Because I swear when I press over the top, they go underneath, I press inside, they go outside. Play the sticks don't work what so ever.

CPU RBs are more aggressive. CPU punt returners how ever are still brain dead as ever. Seems to be a lot of injuries per a game now. Every RB human and CPU controlled seems to break the 1st tackle at least 98% of the time now. Screens finally work for both the CPU and human. Out of the games I played, didn't see a sack on a screen. Screen blocking however seems to be bad. Also CPU RB on screens don't follow their blockers, majority of the time they simply run right passed their blockers and end up getting tackled.

Maybe just me, but it seems like now I have quite amount of time on defense to pick my plays and make adjustments. I don't feel rushed like I did before pre-tuner. I also feel as though the stiff arm animation comes out too slow.

CPU QB completion percentages is still sky high. I saw maybe 2 or 3 off target throws per a game. With 1 of the off target throws always being a bullet pass thrown 5 feet above the WR head. CPU QB does do a much better job moving around the pocket, however they trip over their own linemen feet too much or they simply get stuck on their linemen's back. Which you know RBs in this game, human and CPU controlled also get stuck in their offensive linemen's back way too much. Sad thing is, you don't have control over it, it is like as soon as you take control of the RB, the RB is sucked into the back of a blocker automatically, regardless what direction you are a pressing on the stick. Doesn't happen all the time, but it happens enough every game that I notice it. It is as though offensive linemen have giant electro magnets in their backs or something.
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Old 09-05-2014, 09:49 PM   #151
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Pre-Week 1 Roster Update Available Now with Tuning Update

Another change they didn't mention is all the players pictures are the same size in the opening line up graphic at the beginning of the game. At least in online cfm they are

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Old 09-05-2014, 09:57 PM   #152
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Pre-Week 1 Roster Update Available Now with Tuning Update

If you're doing a solo online CFM do you have to have the tuner update or can you play with out it?
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