
Madden NFL 16 Launches on August 25th - News, Features and Details Arrive in May

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Old 04-17-2015, 08:25 AM   #41
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Simple things, create a camera or more options with camera, zoom too close, regular to far way. Also, I like to play as only the offense and not online.

Something different. How about letting us play as only the offense when choosing a team, let us play as both teams, but just the offense. Again I hate online and against the computer sometimes gets stale so I play against myself with being both teams offense. It is a pain to keep having to switch team control select.

More sliders, adjustments with everything. How about we are able to set up the controller any way we want.

Something hard to do, how about a pass stick like in NHl. The right stick can be for more control passing, rt trigger, left trigger, rb and lb are the passing icons. Before snap you set what receivers you want to the rt trigger and rb, lb or left trigger. Having only four players to pass to, more pressure. The a button could be speed burst for only qb during passing. The option plays can be the standard buttons.

Last, let us set the team uniforms for every team before season. Every game you have to change default uniform for not only your team but other. I like to play as old classic teams. Give us a logo creator or better team editor. None of these corny remade logos. If there is a license problem, then don't allow custom teams for online play.

Imagine if we were able to make college teams and stadiums, again not just these corny logos. Team builder was great, but law suit problems. However, give us the tools to make those changes.
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Old 04-17-2015, 08:32 AM   #42
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Launches on August 25th - News, Features and Details Arrive in May

Unless the game is can't miss, gotta buy it, then I'll be passing on this. You can't release a game every year with minimal additions/fixes.
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Old 04-17-2015, 08:33 AM   #43
4thQtrStre5S's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Launches on August 25th - News, Features and Details Arrive in May

Working sliders and a detailed explanation of how they work and affect every part of the game..

ability to save adjusted plays as new plays, from practice mode...Also would like to see the play the defense and offense called in practice mode when you are using the Random option..
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Old 04-17-2015, 08:54 AM   #44
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Launches on August 25th - News, Features and Details Arrive in May

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I don't understand the gloom-and-doom in this thread given that we're coming off arguably the best Madden game since at least the launch of the XBOX 360, if not longer, in Madden NFL 15.

The idea that Tiburon is "just focusing on MUT" just doesn't hold water. The gameplay, graphics, and presentation all took remarkable steps forward last year, and the game looks and plays better than it ever has at any point in the series. Critically, Madden is back on par with its peers. Its Metacritic score is actually equal to MLB 15 The Show as of right now, and it's just a point or two behind NBA 2K15. This isn't to say that Madden 15 was perfect - it wasn't - but to deny what Tiburon accomplished last year just doesn't sit well with me.

Personally, I had a lot of fun with Madden NFL 15 and I'm looking forward to getting more info about this game. Among the things I'd like to see in the game's reveal are a reimplementation of how penalties in the passing game are handled, continued added authenticity in the gameplay, the addition of more roster mechanics in Connected Franchise such as practice squad, waivers, and contract restructures, adjustments to the confidence mechanic, custom draft classes, custom uniforms in Ultimate Team via TeamBuilder, and a more informative player management interface which is something more than a spreadsheet of ratings.
Honestly? M15 may have been there best effort on years, but that definitely doesn't say much. It still wasn't up to the quality that it should be, and there are too many things not included to say it's an authentic nfl simulation.

The sack issue, the awful QB play, the awful DB play, no penalties, and all the bugs in cfm and in between, guys are just tired of accepting mediocrity and giving tiburon a pass because they "tried".

They've been trying for years now, and we've been waiting for years for basic things like penalties to actually work. Or, actual QB play that makes sense from the AI. It's the same song and dance every year, and no matter if last year was their best effort or not, we're tired of giving them a pass on basic things that should have been in the game years ago. Thats where the doom and gloom is coming from
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Old 04-17-2015, 09:05 AM   #45
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Launches on August 25th - News, Features and Details Arrive in May

Originally Posted by Gosens6
guys are just tired of accepting mediocrity and giving tiburon a pass because they "tried".
I'm not giving anyone a pass. There are things I want to see added to the game, as I mentioned. I had issues with a high number of sacks as well, so let's add that to the list.

I just think Tiburon put together a really good game last year; restated, in my opinion the game that already exists is really good on its own. I don't care about "what it should be", I'm not making the game. I don't think it was mediocre. The critical consensus of the game was that it was far from mediocre and that it's on-par with its peers.

Just a difference of opinion, I suppose.
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Old 04-17-2015, 09:08 AM   #46
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Launches on August 25th - News, Features and Details Arrive in May

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I'm not giving anyone a pass. There are things I want to see added to the game, as I mentioned. I had issues with a high number of sacks as well, so let's add that to the list.

I just think Tiburon put together a really good game last year; restated, in my opinion the game that already exists is really good on its own. I don't care about "what it should be", I'm not making the game. I don't think it was mediocre. The critical consensus of the game was that it was far from mediocre and that it's on-par with its peers.

Just a difference of opinion, I suppose.
Exactly, all a matter of opinion and that's tottaly okay. No harm in anyone enjoying the game, because in the end, that's all the matters if you're going to purchase it.

I was just answering your question as to why some of us are so down on the product already, that's all.
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Old 04-17-2015, 09:21 AM   #47
jmurphy31's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Launches on August 25th - News, Features and Details Arrive in May

I get so bummed when I hear the late August release date. I used to enjoy when it came out in early august. It allowed you to play a ton before school started up (since I'm a teacher, the same applies now). Plus with the start of the preseason it allowed you to mess around with the game (sliders, playbooks, etc) and really get ready to start your franchise when the regular season started up. Oh well.

As for what I want to hear I just want a franchise mode I can get involved in. I want some immersion. Give me the feeling I am playing in a franchise not a play now game.

Score updates, weekly sportscenter with highlights, commentary that isnt based on last years real life and mentions whats going on in m league, banners that show league leaders or whos hot/not. All of that stuff would be great.
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Old 04-17-2015, 09:51 AM   #48
Godgers12's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Launches on August 25th - News, Features and Details Arrive in May

I want overhauled WR/DB interactions complete with a push off/holding butoon similar to Fifa, with risk of penalty atatched to it.

I also want them to focus on Special Teams, something that's been ignored for 10 years. You never see blocked kicks, and there should be entire special teams playbooks. And please have a more detailed depth chart, formation subs, and bring custom packages back.
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