
Madden NFL 18 Gameplay Changes - What Do You Want to See?

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Old 05-15-2017, 08:20 PM   #201
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Gameplay Changes - What Do You Want to See?

Originally Posted by adembroski
That wouldn't make the ratings matter. The nature of code is what it is, and all that would do is look different. 40 time would still translate to some integer code can use to calculate speed.

APF2k18 had the same ratings system as NFL2k5, they just covered it up with a much less dynamic binary trait system that made everyone but the licensed few identical.

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I think he's implying Madden's rating don't matter enough, which I agree with. There are so many traits that could be added and tiers or layers on top of them. Like the route-running trait, for instance. What does that even mean? I'm pretty sure it controls the amount of separation WRs create relative to a defender. They added a release rating, which is a step in the right direction, but it all falls really short of representing a WR's skillset.

I understand that everything making up the game is 1's and 0's, so any skill system will be numerical. Ratings like CIT and SPC have a place and generate some distinction between players. But this system does not lend itself to player tendencies, good or bad. Tangentially speaking, what Madden has never really attempted is to recreate undesirable player movements, interactions, or tendencies ("Crutches"). There are undesirable traits such as bad ways to hold the football, precariously switching the ball to the other hand, not keeping your head on a swivel, catching with the body (often chastised, but sometimes desirable), and looking away from ball before it is secured are examples. The only example I can think of where an undesirable animation plays out is when a player slips in rain or snow. I just wish they would have some Joe Schmoe also do motion capture to really set the higher-rated players apart.

You see it all the time in men's league sports when a guy is unathletic. You see slow footwork or stiff hips, poor hand-eye coordination, bad running form. I think as much as traits need to be emphasized in Madden, weaknesses need to be included, too.
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Old 05-15-2017, 08:28 PM   #202
Matthew25x's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Gameplay Changes - What Do You Want to See?

I'd like to see the garbage AI removed that allows garbage teams to mount huge and unrealistic comebacks in the 4th quarter. Yeah it happens once in a while in real life, I get it, but it happens a little too often in Madden.
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Old 05-16-2017, 01:34 PM   #203
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Gameplay Changes - What Do You Want to See?

I want to feel the depth of the field..I feel like players takes 10 steps and player covers like 25 yards

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Old 05-16-2017, 01:59 PM   #204
adembroski's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Gameplay Changes - What Do You Want to See?

Originally Posted by primo_80
I think he's implying Madden's rating don't matter enough, which I agree with. There are so many traits that could be added and tiers or layers on top of them. Like the route-running trait, for instance. What does that even mean? I'm pretty sure it controls the amount of separation WRs create relative to a defender. They added a release rating, which is a step in the right direction, but it all falls really short of representing a WR's skillset.

I understand that everything making up the game is 1's and 0's, so any skill system will be numerical. Ratings like CIT and SPC have a place and generate some distinction between players. But this system does not lend itself to player tendencies, good or bad. Tangentially speaking, what Madden has never really attempted is to recreate undesirable player movements, interactions, or tendencies ("Crutches"). There are undesirable traits such as bad ways to hold the football, precariously switching the ball to the other hand, not keeping your head on a swivel, catching with the body (often chastised, but sometimes desirable), and looking away from ball before it is secured are examples. The only example I can think of where an undesirable animation plays out is when a player slips in rain or snow. I just wish they would have some Joe Schmoe also do motion capture to really set the higher-rated players apart.

You see it all the time in men's league sports when a guy is unathletic. You see slow footwork or stiff hips, poor hand-eye coordination, bad running form. I think as much as traits need to be emphasized in Madden, weaknesses need to be included, too.
I don't disagree. I've just been seeing this argument since 2k8 came out, like they'd discovered some magic elixer of player attributes. In truth, it was a very weak aspect of the game.

The ratings system isn't what makes attributes meaningless. You might remember a year when they massively over curved the ratings for NCAA, and they meant far too much. It's all in the math.

The idea of a dynamic behavioral traits system is a good idea on top of firm ratings for measurables, but it has to be more than a coat of paint on the same old ****, which is what 2k8 did.

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