
Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode?

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Old 08-22-2017, 10:42 AM   #17
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Re: Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode?

Originally Posted by Jhubes10
I doubt I will play one minute of this

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If you try it, you will play a lot longer than one minute. Seriously give it a shot, it's a good story and it gives you a quick tutorial to target passing and a few other mechanics.
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Old 08-22-2017, 10:43 AM   #18
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Re: Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode?

Originally Posted by cquigley
I hate how they make Devin out to be such an idiot though. Like he literally learned nothing the whole time he played?

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This 1000%

I don't mind the questions but the script. Ugh.

If you take a step back and think about some of the questions they condescendingly asked it's kind of absurd.

"Devin point to the safety". (Hint: it's a position you've played a few times now.)

If I can't ID a safety then what am I doing playing the position?

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Old 08-22-2017, 10:47 AM   #19
That's top class!
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Re: Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode?

Originally Posted by SyncereBlackout
This 1000%

I don't mind the questions but the script. Ugh.

If you take a step back and think about some of the questions they condescendingly asked it's kind of absurd.

"Devin point to the safety". (Hint: it's a position you've played a few times now.)

If I can't ID a safety then what am I doing playing the position?

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Completely agree here. The script is kinda bad. Mode is fun overall though.
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Old 08-22-2017, 11:03 AM   #20
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Re: Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode?

I supposed I held this to way to high of a standard, I expected an evolving storyline that would alter the path the character took and the experience the gamer had.

I actually recall a promo video where this was specifically addressed that we wouldn't be "playing the same story" that some GameChangers appeared in, almost trying to discredit the fears many of us had that we now see realized.

In the first 20 minutes of the story mode, you are approached with 4 senerao's that one would think logically could provide different results.

The opening pass may not be a TD a- it actually is, you cant not score.

You cant complete the Out Route at the combine - you will replay it until you do.

You lose the HS game during the flashback - you will be given repeated chances until you win.

You lose to Butterly at the Longshot intro - you will be given 2 chances to beat him, if you don't you are offered to skip the segment and he is kicked off the show.

Problem being, if you don't like the show concept from the combine, with the producer cant even remember your name....no answer you will make you not go on that show.

Being honest, whats the deal with any of that. We aren't building a charterer or unique experience, we are just playing out some canned story by clicking around. We don't even have unique paths to take, no matter what combo of responses any of select the first 20 minutes we all wind up int he same place.
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Old 08-22-2017, 11:41 AM   #21
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Re: Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode?

Originally Posted by RyanMoody21
I supposed I held this to way to high of a standard, I expected an evolving storyline that would alter the path the character took and the experience the gamer had.

I actually recall a promo video where this was specifically addressed that we wouldn't be "playing the same story" that some GameChangers appeared in, almost trying to discredit the fears many of us had that we now see realized.

In the first 20 minutes of the story mode, you are approached with 4 senerao's that one would think logically could provide different results.

The opening pass may not be a TD a- it actually is, you cant not score.

You cant complete the Out Route at the combine - you will replay it until you do.

You lose the HS game during the flashback - you will be given repeated chances until you win.

You lose to Butterly at the Longshot intro - you will be given 2 chances to beat him, if you don't you are offered to skip the segment and he is kicked off the show.

Problem being, if you don't like the show concept from the combine, with the producer cant even remember your name....no answer you will make you not go on that show.

Being honest, whats the deal with any of that. We aren't building a charterer or unique experience, we are just playing out some canned story by clicking around. We don't even have unique paths to take, no matter what combo of responses any of select the first 20 minutes we all wind up int he same place.
I crushed Butterly 22 to 11.

Some of the outcomes might be fixed, but I don't think all of them are.

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Old 08-22-2017, 12:06 PM   #22
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Re: Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode?

This is a "Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode" thread, but yet, more than half of the replies are like "doubt I'll play one minute of this" smh...

Anyways, I really enjoyed the story. Just wish they would have let the player to play as Devin in a player career mode after the ending.
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Old 08-22-2017, 12:10 PM   #23
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Re: Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode?

Originally Posted by RyanMoody21
I supposed I held this to way to high of a standard, I expected an evolving storyline that would alter the path the character took and the experience the gamer had.

I actually recall a promo video where this was specifically addressed that we wouldn't be "playing the same story" that some GameChangers appeared in, almost trying to discredit the fears many of us had that we now see realized.

In the first 20 minutes of the story mode, you are approached with 4 senerao's that one would think logically could provide different results.

The opening pass may not be a TD a- it actually is, you cant not score.

You cant complete the Out Route at the combine - you will replay it until you do.

You lose the HS game during the flashback - you will be given repeated chances until you win.

You lose to Butterly at the Longshot intro - you will be given 2 chances to beat him, if you don't you are offered to skip the segment and he is kicked off the show.

Problem being, if you don't like the show concept from the combine, with the producer cant even remember your name....no answer you will make you not go on that show.

Being honest, whats the deal with any of that. We aren't building a charterer or unique experience, we are just playing out some canned story by clicking around. We don't even have unique paths to take, no matter what combo of responses any of select the first 20 minutes we all wind up int he same place.
Yea, your post sums up why many of us were upset/cautious with the mode to begin with. Would have made so much more sense IMO if this became the new 'Be a Player' within Franchise mode; "2 birds with 1 stone" deal. Instead they dumped all those 'resources' into what is essentially a shallow, one-off mode (including 3.5 hrs of cinematics/motion capture that supposedly is extremely expensive and sorely needed instead in game play/animations). Based on what you say above, and i could be wrong here, but I would think the 'story mode' audience EA was trying to lure to a football game will be disappointed that the 'decisions' they make don't really have any impact on the outcome. It's kind of disingenuous on EA's part and may turn 'casuals' away from future installments. And with no replay value, what was the point really?

To me, this mode was conceptualized around the same time as CCM (M13/25) and is just now coming to fruition. So this is the last piece of the now defunct direction to 'connect everyone' (EA has subtly brought CCM back to just 'Franchise' and we now have 3 'styles' to play the game, numerous modes, etc). Once they went to production 4 years ago, there was no turning back. So here we have it. Probably 'cool' to play thru once as a novelty, but it becomes nothing more than an unused tile on the home menu screen afterward. Just my "thoughts"...

Lol, and please for the love of the football 'gods', tell me this 'mind bending' of football throws in mid air i'm hearing about isn't true. EA can't be serious with that for 1 second. It must be a 'dream' sequence, right??
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Old 08-22-2017, 12:21 PM   #24
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Re: Thoughts on Longshot Story Mode?

I didn't play the mode, but I watched the entire stream of what was available with EA Access, so I think I have a pretty good idea of what the mode is and isn't.

In the section that was available to EA Access, the story itself is really cool in my opinion. I love a good story mode. However, the way they make it so you can literally throw a curveball to the wide receivers to get it around the defensive back's hand and stuff is just lame. Devin Wade appears to basically be a character from Wanted.

And my biggest issue with this mode, as well as The Journey in FIFA, is the fact that it ends so abruptly. I understand that they plan to continue building on the story in future Madden's like they're also doing in FIFA, but one small story each year is simply too small. For a mode like this to be worthwhile, it should be more like what the Hitman series did with its reboot, where they come out with additional episodes each month or so. If people are really into this mode, they'll finish it within a week or two and then be stuck waiting an entire year to play an actual NFL game and by that point, you'll barely even remember the story.

I personally just don't see the allure to it. If you could continue the player's career through CFM, that would be cool. If they came out with a new episode each month or so, that would be cool. But the way it's currently done makes me not even want to play the mode myself because there isn't really a payoff. Once I learned that The Journey just ends in FIFA and you can't go on, the entire mode just felt like a waste of my time and I quickly lost interest in it despite being probably halfway through the mode by the time I learned that.

Different strokes for different folks I guess though, but the way EA has attempted to implement story modes into these games just doesn't work for me. I'd much rather play the 2K/SCEA/old Superstar Mode/Road to the Heisman mode versions. Those modes all had/have some major flaws too, but I can at least play those modes until next year's game comes out (and in the case of SCEA, I can carry over my career into the next year's game). The Journey and Longshot are just extremely shallow gaming experiences compared to competitors/EA's past iterations of story modes.
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Last edited by Yeah...THAT Guy; 08-22-2017 at 12:27 PM.
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