
Madden NFL 22 - The Little Things

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Old 08-17-2021, 08:17 AM   #25
LocDawg5050's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 22 - The Little Things

Been seeing some pretty slick animations on M22. To start I saw a LB come down and sack the QB one on one but as the sack animation played out,the LB ripped away the ball and took over position. This all happened as they were falling down to the ground as the defense takes possession. Next I absolutely love the broken tackles where the ball carrier has a defender on a bad angle and the defender slips off the ball carrier. To me this is what the BREAK TACKLE rating is supposed to acknowledge. The ability for a ball carrier to shed tackles WITHOUT any controller input. These should play out organically and smooth. Great animations all around this year. Playing on X1X.

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Old 08-17-2021, 09:39 AM   #26
Dblock1111's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 22 - The Little Things

Noticed an animation play out for a hit stick with the ball carrier facing away from the defender. RB Caught a pass out in the flat and the Flat defender came up and hit him from behind and an animation that made sense actually played out. Feel like I hadnt seen that in previous years, usually they would warp into a side-hit animation.
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Old 08-17-2021, 10:04 AM   #27
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jpdavis82's Arena
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Madden NFL 22 - The Little Things

Originally Posted by LocDawg5050
Been seeing some pretty slick animations on M22. To start I saw a LB come down and sack the QB one on one but as the sack animation played out,the LB ripped away the ball and took over position. This all happened as they were falling down to the ground as the defense takes possession. Next I absolutely love the broken tackles where the ball carrier has a defender on a bad angle and the defender slips off the ball carrier. To me this is what the BREAK TACKLE rating is supposed to acknowledge. The ability for a ball carrier to shed tackles WITHOUT any controller input. These should play out organically and smooth. Great animations all around this year. Playing on X1X.

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Yeah I had something like that happen last week, it was Panthers vs Bears and Brian Burns took the ball away from Dalton during a sack as he was standing up, pretty cool.

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Old 08-17-2021, 10:47 AM   #28
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Re: Madden NFL 22 - The Little Things

Originally Posted by reverend_heat
Don’t think I’ve seen anybody mention this, noticed it back in the beta. The walls lining the field behind the sidelines are solid now, as in the football bounces off of them when you throw a pass away, before it would magically disappear right through it. Also pretty sure players will not warp into them after td’s or when running out the back of the endzone after a pass, nice job of removing some immersion breaking issues that had been in the game forever.
This was one of my biggest pet peeves! I've been harping on this for years! I always hated seeing the ball ghost through the endzone walls. Killed immersion every time. So glad they finally fixed this!
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Old 08-17-2021, 04:16 PM   #29
rice2049's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 22 - The Little Things

The momentum meter in this game is incredible. I played two preseason games drastically different from each other being on both ends of the meter. I had full momentum going in one game and threw a pick and it dropped like 70%. I could see momentum swings within the game making it a real battle rather than just two teams in a neutral site playing a robotic game.

I am dreading playing the Seahawks or Chiefs in their home stadiums.
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Old 08-17-2021, 05:28 PM   #30
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Re: Madden NFL 22 - The Little Things

I’ve switched back to playing D line (Rashan Gary) on defense after 10 plus year playing off ball defense. Think it does help cpu execute better if I don’t cherry pick their route combos. I love the combinations they’ve added with the right stick. May have been implemented last year but the actual move list is there now and I enjoy mixing up the combos. Speed rush with rip combo is just so enjoyable when it works!
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Old 08-18-2021, 08:50 AM   #31
spfhelmiii's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 22 - The Little Things

Originally Posted by OrganizedChaos
May have been implemented last year but the actual move list is there now and I enjoy mixing up the combos.
It is? I may have missed this last year too - hardly played, but never felt like i really "got" what stick moves did what.

If this is on-screen, that's huge. BOSA!
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Old 08-18-2021, 09:03 AM   #32
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Re: Madden NFL 22 - The Little Things

Originally Posted by spfhelmiii
It is? I may have missed this last year too - hardly played, but never felt like i really "got" what stick moves did what.

If this is on-screen, that's huge. BOSA!
Yeah if you hold down L2 PS5 it brings up move selection list. But now if you just hold acceleration it does a cool speed rush attempt and if you don’t win you can rip or spin inside. Bull rush is in there as well and works.
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