
Is Madden even worth it on PS4/XB1?

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Old 07-11-2022, 02:59 PM   #25
ForUntoOblivionSoar∞'s Arena
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Re: Is Madden even worth it on PS4/XB1?

Originally Posted by kehlis
Stop it.

The question was very, very simple.

If you can't/don't want to answer - fine. Just leave the thread.

There is absolutely no reason to turn this into a debate about what consoles people choose to play on.

Not everyone's priorities will always align with yours. For some, the cost of a new console or a PC may not be worth the investment right now.

Either answer the question if you can or leave the thread.
I did answer the question. Sorry you got offended, but the fact remains that the question depends on whether you’re playing the vanilla version or not. Vanilla version = not worth it. Modded version = worth it. That’s a legitimate answer to the question.
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Old 07-11-2022, 03:05 PM   #26
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Re: Is Madden even worth it on PS4/XB1?

Originally Posted by ForUntoOblivionSoar∞
I did answer the question. Sorry you got offended, but the fact remains that the question depends on whether you’re playing the vanilla version or not. Vanilla version = not worth it. Modded version = worth it. That’s a legitimate answer to the question.

Dude, no.

The issue with your response had nothing to do with the merits of either version of Madden, but rather the issue is the implied elitist PC Master Race attitude, the side jab at anyone who owns an Apple computer, and the classist assumption that everyone on this forum could afford multiple state of the art consoles and/or gaming hardware setups.

There was a way to answer the question without being a jerk, and you didn’t come close to doing that. Do better next time.
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Old 07-11-2022, 03:45 PM   #27
ForUntoOblivionSoar∞'s Arena
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Re: Is Madden even worth it on PS4/XB1?

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Dude, no.

The issue with your response had nothing to do with the merits of either version of Madden, but rather the issue is the implied elitist PC Master Race attitude, the side jab at anyone who owns an Apple computer, and the classist assumption that everyone on this forum could afford multiple state of the art consoles and/or gaming hardware setups.

There was a way to answer the question without being a jerk, and you didn’t come close to doing that. Do better next time.
No that was just the humor part of the post. I was still being serious in my answer—Next Gen is a better experience all the way around; PC allows you to at least make gameplay better; last gen without the benefits of mods is just not worth it. That is a legitimate answer. The rest was just humor. Do you mean to tell me that people really take that “PC Master race” stuff seriously? Have I missed the boat in thinking it was nothing but a joke?
Originally Posted by Therebelyell626
I am going to create a team called "the happy town fundament rapscallions" and hurt your already diminishing image

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Old 07-11-2022, 09:49 PM   #28
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Re: Is Madden even worth it on PS4/XB1?

Originally Posted by ForUntoOblivionSoar∞
No that was just the humor part of the post. I was still being serious in my answer—Next Gen is a better experience all the way around; PC allows you to at least make gameplay better; last gen without the benefits of mods is just not worth it. That is a legitimate answer. The rest was just humor. Do you mean to tell me that people really take that “PC Master race” stuff seriously? Have I missed the boat in thinking it was nothing but a joke?
What information about the PS4/XB1 version of the game do you have to fairly give an answer to the question?

You're answer was thinly veiled as it's not worth it because there are better options out their with other systems (which is fair) but that isn't what the OP was looking for.

If you have information you can share that will explain why it's not worth it (other than because there are superior systems), please by all means share. If not, you aren't helping the discussion. As of right now, I haven't seen any info given about last gen systems.

Last edited by kehlis; 07-11-2022 at 10:00 PM. Reason: typo
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Old 07-12-2022, 12:24 PM   #29
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Re: Is Madden even worth it on PS4/XB1?

This is what annoys me more than anything. Unless you have a PS5, which are still near impossible to get at anything other than a premium, your probably getting a very generic update of madden 22.

I don’t put the blame on EA. They are supposed to be focusing on next gen now that the technology is available. I don’t blame Sony. The chip shortage and global supply chain issues have pretty much left every industry with some inability to meet certain lead times.

I blame the greedy *** retailers who have not done enough to curb bots and people hoarding multiple consoles. They could care less if they sale 20 consoles to the same bot as long as they are selling them in general. That’s why I am refusing to buy a PS5 until I can get it from PlayStation direct. Best Buy, target, Walmart, GameStop and even Costco won’t get a dime of my money until they show they actually care about the consumer:

Now that I have gotten off track with my rant. No. It more than likely will not be worth it and you are better off skipping
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Old 07-15-2022, 05:18 PM   #30
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Re: Is Madden even worth it on PS4/XB1?

Pc game will not have any improvement either. So just buy old 22 or 21 on sale.

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Old 07-17-2022, 09:37 PM   #31
hockeyyt988's Arena
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Re: Is Madden even worth it on PS4/XB1?

Originally Posted by Gritblitzer
I am literally waiting to see if the PC/Last Gen gets the franchise updates. I have a computer that performs better than a next gen console, yet I'm stuck with an out of date Madden for some reason. Shame.

I can't see dropping even the $300 that is the Series S just to play Madden.

Boils down to them basically forcing you to upgrade and buy a $300-$600 MaddenBox or a $800 PS5.

Same here. The PC mods on M22 are incredible. Was planning on not getting 23 after hearing it’s not next gen but this franchise deep dive sparked my interest.

Can anyone confirm if the franchise updates are for PC/PS4/XBOX1?

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Old 07-17-2022, 09:39 PM   #32
hockeyyt988's Arena
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Re: Is Madden even worth it on PS4/XB1?

Originally Posted by TarHeelPhenom
If you're into college football and have a desire to play the new college game next July, then upgrading will be your only choice. That game will be PS5/Series X/S only.

What? No way. I got a PC for multiple games but two I were looking forward to were college football and mlb the show.

MLB the show might still come to PC, who knows but if college football isn’t, that sucks (for me).

Might have to add PS5 to the Christmas list.

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