
[PS3] HEX Edited Madden 25 Roster for Madden 12 and 13

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Old 01-31-2014, 04:39 PM   #857
trey31's Arena
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Re: [PS3] HEX Edited Madden 25 Roster for Madden 12 and 13

Originally Posted by trey31
Madden 12 fans, ya'll still got that ready? Here it is folks.

The most recent files will always be updated here.

-Unzip on a PC
-Move the unzipped "PS3" folder and all of its contents to a USB drive
-Plug in your USB drive to your PS3
-Turn on PS3
-Select the folder called "Saved Data Utility (PS3tm)"
-Select "USB Device"
-highlight the "Madden NFL 12 - ROSTER-2014" file and press triangle
-highlight "Copy" and press X
-the file is now in your PS3 Utility Folder titled Madden NFL 12, load the game, load the file, and check out the rosters in-game.

1. I have replaced almost all of the missing photos of 13/25 rookies with the shadow outline photo (692 total so far, still several I missed). This FIXED THE L3 GLITCH! (100% confirmed).
2. I replaced missing photos of several players (99-80 OVR, plus Ponder, I didn't do any below that) that had previously had photos on Madden 12.
3. I fixed all the purple face players (hopefully).
4. I also changed the Potential ratings of all players (previous option was all at 99 or all at their current OVR which wouldn't allow progression)
5. I replaced the standard "Madden Roster" image file with a custom "Madden 25" graphic image. This way you'll always know that the roster file you are loading is a 25 file rather than a 12 file.
6. PeoplesChampGB added several missing players to the file, uploaded Week 1 final roster.
7. PeoplesChampGB updated the rosters to be current for Week 3. (awesome job man!)

This is a direct port from 25 to 12 (its Madden 25's data file wrapped in 12's save folder "shell". I added my "Madden 25" image logo file.)

UPDATE: the .zip file named "CSV Files" contains the csv format spreadsheets for use with the Madden Editor v1. One is the 2013-14 NFL Schedule (PeoplesChampGB created it), the other is the 2013-14 NFL Coaches file (me) (#2 fixed all coaches Priorities being uneditable except Gus Bradley/JAX), and a slightly modified EA draft class that includes 6 QB's that may be in the 2014 draft (me). All other draftees in the draft class are generic by EA..... The other .zip file named "Madden 12 [25] All 32 team franchise" is a franchise file that features the following:
All 32 current Head Coaches (2013-14 season) on their respective teams.
All 32 team control
the 2013-14 NFL regular season schedule
a 2014 draft class featuring all generic players except for the 6 QB's I created/edited.

Franchise "Schemes" bug is fixed for every coach except G.Bradley/JAX. If you only want to play with 1 or 2 teams, you can fire/re-hire G.Bradley to restore his scheme (they affect gameplay, not just simulating, read my thread over here about how it works) and then use the "Change Teams" feature in off-season to de-select the teams you do not wish to control. Enjoy.

  • PeoplesChampGB updated the Week 9 roster to be current as of Week 14! It is labeled as such in the Files list.
  • I updated PeoplesChampGB's file to include a handful of Global Player Attributes that were edited to cut down on DT sacks, increase DE sacks, eliminate the Super LB, and increase interior Lineman's PBF to help block the NT/DTs more realistically, decrease the number of DT 180* tackles, increase LB & Safety tackles, and finally increase MLB blitzing ability. The threads describing these changes are here and here if anyone is interested.
From Post #1

You'll want this file:
"Madden 12 Week 16 (PeoplesChampGB Update 1.1).zip"

Unzip it. Copy the "PS3" file and all contents to USB. Plug into PS3. Go to Save Data Utility (PS3tm) folder, then copy the USB file. Step by step directions are in the quote above.
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Old 01-31-2014, 04:46 PM   #858
trey31's Arena
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Re: [PS3] HEX Edited Madden 25 Roster for Madden 12 and 13

Ok guys I need some help. If anyone has any of the following save files available, please upload one or all here. If you have the game, please consider making me a save file. I've spent hours trying to track these down.

Or even if you just know of a place that I could DL one or all from, I would appreciate it.

Madden 05 roster
Madden 05 franchise
Madden 06 roster
Madden 06 franchise
Madden 12 roster
Madden 12 franchise

Madden 05 roster
Madden 05 franchise
Madden 07 roster
Madden 07 franchise

Edit: In case anyone is interested, I am planning to mod Madden 05 (and maybe Madden 06), at least with roster updates if not franchises, but I need some files to play with first. Also considering using the emulator PCSX2 to get the files, but I'm not sure if it can use or create save files on a PC hard drive. If it does, I am going to go just absolutely ape sh!t bonkers making/posting tons of files for updating Madden 05 (and possibly 06) to essentially Madden 25/Madden 15 which could be played (if the PCSX2 can use save files) on any decent PC in at least 720p, and gaming PCs in 1080p/1440p possibly higher. Its still PS2 textures, but looking at this here, I'd say its worth tinkering with. Granted, that video is Madden 07 for Gamecube on Dolphin emulator in 1080p, but according to this PCSX2 should be compatible with Madden games, meaning its should be possible to play Madden 12 PS2 version on PC in 720p/1080p with our roster conversions, and possibly/probably Madden 05 with modified roster conversions.

Last edited by trey31; 01-31-2014 at 05:04 PM.
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Old 01-31-2014, 06:40 PM   #859
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Re: [PS3] HEX Edited Madden 25 Roster for Madden 12 and 13

A few official updates in here
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Old 01-31-2014, 10:23 PM   #860
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Re: [PS3] HEX Edited Madden 25 Roster for Madden 12 and 13

Most of the rookies this year have no face/picture and several of last years rookies have the black picture. I noticed this for the Giants the other night. Is there any way to put a stock face on the Rookies?
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Old 01-31-2014, 11:33 PM   #861
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Re: [PS3] HEX Edited Madden 25 Roster for Madden 12 and 13

Originally Posted by trey31
Here's the Madden 13 Hex edited roster.

Need help, I have the roster for Madden 13 on my PS3 but it doesn't show up when I try to load it

Last edited by Minute Man 721; 02-02-2014 at 12:46 AM.
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Old 01-31-2014, 11:33 PM   #862
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Re: [PS3] HEX Edited Madden 25 Roster for Madden 12 and 13

Originally Posted by Johnson Forty Eight
Awesome! Thanks for the links. Apparently I need to hone my Google search skills a bit more. I'll post back in a week or so when I start digging in after the SB.

Originally Posted by Kodaraw
Most of the rookies this year have no face/picture and several of last years rookies have the black picture. I noticed this for the Giants the other night. Is there any way to put a stock face on the Rookies?
Which game? What do you mean by "stock face"?
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Old 02-01-2014, 01:56 PM   #863
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Re: [PS3] HEX Edited Madden 25 Roster for Madden 12 and 13

Originally Posted by forte
For Madden 13 CCM:
One small tip for creating an realistic coach of your team (that's not already in the game) is to use gameface and upload a couple pictures from the internet of the coach you want. This way your coach on the sidelines and in the game will look like the actual coach and not the preset generic options it gives you.

For example I play with the Bears, but Lovie Smith was still the coach in 13. So instead of using an existing coach, I selected create a coach and used the gameface option to upload pics of Marc Trestman. It's a bit tricky as you need to find a good close up straight forward pic and a side pic, but if done right it can look pretty good. Enter in the correct name, schemes, etc and boom you have a new, authentic looking coach. You can only do this for your own team though.
Trying to read through the whole forum but is there anyway to update the coaches and schemes yet for madden 13 ccm? thanks in advance
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Old 02-01-2014, 06:51 PM   #864
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Re: [PS3] HEX Edited Madden 25 Roster for Madden 12 and 13

Originally Posted by trey31
Awesome! Thanks for the links. Apparently I need to hone my Google search skills a bit more. I'll post back in a week or so when I start digging in after the SB.

Which game? What do you mean by "stock face"?

CCM or offline quick play. Even after loading the roster and going to view rosters most, if not all, rookies don't have a face/picture or have the black shadow outline. Stock faces as in what madden uses for the draft class - or any face period.
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