
just read it. still mind boggles me...

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Old 09-21-2009, 07:17 PM   #33
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Re: just read it. still mind boggles me...

Originally Posted by Segagendude
FIFA FIFA FIFA.....that's all I hear nowadays.

Too bad I'm not a soccer fan, or else I'd check it out.
Just me dude...you owe it to yourself to check it out. I was the same way until my cuz put me onto it. Even if you dont like the sport if you play it you will appreciate the animations, the presentation, the fluidity of movement hell just the way the game plays and moves in general. If you have a PS3 or 360 just download the demo and check it out.
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Old 09-21-2009, 07:26 PM   #34
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Re: just read it. still mind boggles me...

Originally Posted by viewtifuljoe71
Just me dude...you owe it to yourself to check it out. I was the same way until my cuz put me onto it. Even if you dont like the sport if you play it you will appreciate the animations, the presentation, the fluidity of movement hell just the way the game plays and moves in general. If you have a PS3 or 360 just download the demo and check it out.

Not meaning to hijack this thread, but, I appreciate what you're saying. But, and this will sound harsh, I can't stand soccer.So this game may be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it still won't persuade me to try playing a game of a sport I hate.

Even though I have no real NHL team, (I'm from Cleveland), I'd still try an NHL game before soccer...because I watch hockey occasionally.
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Old 09-21-2009, 07:56 PM   #35
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Re: just read it. still mind boggles me...

Originally Posted by jaymee13
You will get your money's worth by the end of the NFL season, it's not EA's fault if your attention span is minimal that you can't be patient for the great things to come.
So basically what your saying is it takes 3 to 4 months in order to have a working game and it is his fault for not having interest in a game that takes 3 to 4 months in order to work "CORRECTLY"?

Just want to make sure we are clear here
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Old 09-21-2009, 08:21 PM   #36
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Re: just read it. still mind boggles me...

Originally Posted by Sauk
So basically what your saying is it takes 3 to 4 months in order to have a working game and it is his fault for not having interest in a game that takes 3 to 4 months in order to work "CORRECTLY"?

Just want to make sure we are clear here
it's actually only a year if you start counting from patch 2 from 09. I think that is the way that I will have to look at madden from now on.
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Old 09-21-2009, 09:21 PM   #37
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Re: just read it. still mind boggles me...

Sigh... what sport has more interaction between players than football?

Soccer ? Hah how often are more than 10 people active at one time.

Baseball ? Hardly any player interaction.

Hockey ? Lots of player interaction, but not as many players to worry about.

Basketball ? Like hockey, but pales in comparison to football.

Football is the hardest game to code for period. No other game type has to deal with player interaction as much as football and to deal with all the different outcomes that can come from just one play.

With some sliders tweaks Madden 10 is a great game. I will probably buy the game next year. Have any of you tried this game on very slow? much different game than on normal.
I doubted you Roy Williams since you only won with a someone else's team... Now you have proven me wrong.

You have earned my respect.

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Old 09-21-2009, 09:50 PM   #38
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Re: just read it. still mind boggles me...

Originally Posted by jaymee13
I just know I appreciate all that is done to make this game great. Without their hardwork we wouldn't have a game at all. that's all I have to say...

NHL10 is an awesome game. NHL09 was an awesome game. I bet you 3 years down the road NHL09 will still be a much better game compared to the madden that is out at the time. Your point of hockey and soccer being easier to make than a football game boggles my mind.

So when you go to a restaurant and order a meal, do you just brush it off it comes back raw or uneatable? What if your friend ordered the grilled cheese and his was perfect... Would you excuse your raw steak because it was a little more difficult to make?

I like madden and all but some of you folks act like you're married to the game. Take off your blinders already. Every year it's half finished and the people on these boards have to tweak it with sliders and roster files. I have to wait like 4 games into the season to start a franchise and even then I don't use EA's rosters because they're always a joke. THIS IS A MULTI- MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY!!!! Hello??!?! Does that resonate at all with you?
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