
How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

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Old 04-29-2010, 01:49 PM   #201
PacMan3000's Arena
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

Seems like the drumbeat for a better franchise mode is loud this year--well, at least on this forum.

I think if EA fails to come through, people might burn OS to the ground!
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Old 04-29-2010, 01:55 PM   #202
Blazelore's Arena
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

Originally Posted by PacMan3000
Seems like the drumbeat for a better franchise mode is loud this year--well, at least on this forum.

I think if EA fails to come through, people might burn OS to the ground!
Nah OS is just the outlet but if they haven't pimped it out this year I'm going to have to pass on it. When your older and have bills and a family, dropping 60 on a product thats not fulfilling is a disappointment. I'm tire of buying these games and then it'll just sit and collect dust. When I was younger I could game day in and day out. Now that I'm older my time isn't what it use to be so I want my gaming time to be fulfilling. I know they can do it! They just have prove it this year. HC09 was excellent. Though I don't want Madden to have every single aspect of it, it lays a template for what a franchise experience should be like. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.
Provided by yours truly
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Old 04-29-2010, 04:37 PM   #203
tlc12576's Arena
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

Im an offline franchise gamer so I guess I will add my 2 cents.I think there is a good chance that this year more elements of Head Coach will be added because thats the direction EA started in last year.Also,with them working to improve online franchise,I hope that will carry over to improvements for offline franchise mode.

Im starting to believe that EA has been putting out a offline franchise mode with little to no depth intentionally because their afraid that the offline franchise gamers wont re-up on a new madden every year if we are happy with last years.(There are still people playing nfl 2k5 and old maddens with quality,in-depth franchises).EA should realize that when we play a game with a good franchise mode we are thinking, "man this is fun,I cant wait to see how this gets better next year!" We are not thinking "man this is fun,no need to get the game next year!" EA knows if they release a solid,in-depth offline franchise one year,they cant turn around and release an inferior franchise mode the next year because franchise gamers will just continue to play the older game.So it seems EA has been content to keep the bar set low for next-gen madden so far but I hope that changes this year.

Creating and programming games is difficult but keeping gamers interested in franchise mode aint rocket science!I cant speak alot about madden 05 because I was so into nfl 2k5 but I do remember madden 05 had the tony bruno show.Like everyone keeps saying,how does it make sense to lose features that were in the game before?How do you remove a feature all together,like the tony bruno show and not replace it with something else?

Why doesnt EA just put some basic solid features in franchise mode like practice squad rosters,future draft pick trades,weekly NFL Network style presentation and team chemisty that gamers can count on to be in the game every year and improved on every year.If EA did that,they could continue to add all the new features they wanted as long as the new features were optional.

Player Conditions: (This feature was in super tecmo bowl,lol)Excellent,Good,Fair,Poor,Bad,Sick,Injured nSuspended etc
Unexpected events: (In nfl 2k5 right before a game sometimes a player would get food poisoning)Practice injuries,player illness,players miss games because of death in the family or babies being born,commissioner imposed suspensions etc
Player Character: (Lower character players would be more likely to incur fines,game ejections and suspensions) Affect late hits,illegal hits,onfield fights and unneccessary roughness.
Base and Max Performance Based Contracts: (player stats decide how much over thier base salary they get paid)Sacks,TD,Yards,Interceptions,Tackles etc
Future/Conditional Draft Picks Trading: (conditional meaning how well the traded player performs affects what round the draft pick is)QB traded in 2010 for a 2011 2nd round & 2012 3rd or 4th round depending on the QBs' performance with the new team in 2010.

I am tired of saying "man,I hope they fix this next year!"

Last edited by tlc12576; 04-29-2010 at 04:46 PM. Reason: corrections
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Old 05-01-2010, 04:32 PM   #204
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

lov ya
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Old 05-01-2010, 05:54 PM   #205
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

I felt Madden 10 was a step up from what has been a pretty disappointing "next gen" for Madden. I will purchase Madden 11 but I will also be giving Backbreaker a very close look as well.

Im looking for something new and I want a deep and addicting franchise mode. I am not an online gamer and I doubt I ever will be. If Madden does not amp up the franchise mode I may finally jump ship and move on to another game.. Im getting tired of wishing Madden '05 was playable on my 360.

Last edited by blitzkrieger; 05-01-2010 at 05:58 PM.
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Old 05-13-2010, 07:24 PM   #206
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

hell no we wont go
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Old 05-13-2010, 08:40 PM   #207
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

I agree with the OP. I've hated just about every madden since this new generation on 360. But I buy it every year hoping it will change. I want to see better gameplay. I dont care about uniforms, the fans, ticket prices, or how this guy's hair doesn't look right lol. I just want a realisitic game where I dont have to tweak the sliders every year to make the game feel right. EA doesn't have to make it perfect. Everyone will have different opinions, but when i have the difficulties all on 20, im still like 15-1 with the freaking raiders.

Every year its the same for me.
-Lots of passing yards
-Little rush yards
-run defense terribly easy
-pass defense is easy: they complete a lot of passes but i usually get a pick eventually on most drives.
-kick returning was ridiculous on madden 10
-online franchise was way too easy against the cpu. I won 114 to 12 or something one game on all madden.

It's never realistic. I want to be able to run the ball with some consisttency(unless my team is just terrible at running) When guards pull on this game, its like they are zombies and dont block who they are supposed to. My WR's always get open too easily but they drop so many passes. Linebackers jump 100 feet in the air to deflect my passes down the field. The whole game just needs to be re-done.

If my ps2 wasn't broken i would buy the new madden for that(if they still sell it or just update the rosters myself!)
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Old 05-13-2010, 09:19 PM   #208
IndyColts2's Arena
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

Im in my third or fourth year of a franchise and matt turner rushed for over 2800 yards, Brandon Jacobs rushed for over 2100 yards, and ther was a 1000 yard rusher for every single team except mine. There were like 20 3000 yard passers, and like 15 1000 yard receivers. that is just crazy and i cant stand seeing that. i play with custom sliders and now i gotta change them up cuz im too good for the game and allmadden cheats to win, with my sliders i used to actually have close games without the computer cheating. now its way too easy and i score like 45+ points a game.
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