
How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

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Old 03-17-2010, 09:33 AM   #25
PantherBeast_OS's Arena
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

The reason I love offline franchise mode more then online is?? Because with online franchise mode it's really hard to keep it going with to many people quiting are giving up on it in the middle of the season. I think they should of kept online the way it has been in the past and really focus on the offline franchise more. I know alot of people asked for online franchise. But online franchise is so much more harder to keep going with real people playing in it. It's alot of trouble. I really hope Josh Looman focus on offline franchise a little more then online franchise this year. It's going to be interesting to see what he does for madden 11 offline franchise mode in madden 11. Can't wait.
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:54 AM   #26
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

I too will base my purchase on offline franchise mode this year. I want alot of the franchise features put into Madden 11 that Head Coach 09 has.

I want indepth scouting.
I want realistic player contracts.
I want a good NFL Draft presentation. This means throughout the scouting process, and including Draft Days.
I want to be able to trade future draft picks.
I want Restricted Free Agency.
I want REALISTIC Free Agency.
I want player potential scores (not grades) like they had in Head Coach. It worked.

And I want the stats to be REALISTIC this year. I don't want to see a RB get 30 TD's in 1 season, and run for 2500 yards.

If they can just add commentary to the halftime and postgame shows for presentation, and then add the things listed above then I will purchase, if not...I won't.

Oh and please, PLEASE let us manually adjust ticket prices, concession sales, t-shirts, jersey's, etc.
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:59 AM   #27
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

The worst part about Madden's franchise mode is that it's painfully boring. You can make all the nice contracts, scouting procedures, etc. that you want..but there's nothing keeping me coming back to want to play my season. I put out an idea about adding some drama to the Madden franchise mode:

"Maybe I can't win. But to beat me, he's going to have to kill me. And to kill me, he's gonna have to have the heart to stand in front of me. And to do that, he's got to be willing to die himself. I don't know if he's ready to do that."
-Rocky Balboa
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:28 AM   #28
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

Originally Posted by Rocky
The worst part about Madden's franchise mode is that it's painfully boring. You can make all the nice contracts, scouting procedures, etc. that you want..but there's nothing keeping me coming back to want to play my season. I put out an idea about adding some drama to the Madden franchise mode:


Thats because EA keeps leaving things out that used to work fine, but end up adding new features that are pointless.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:57 AM   #29
brza37's Arena
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

Madden '10 "foundation" + depth of Head Coach 09 = my dream franchise mode.

My priority list of Head Coach 09 features for Madden 11 offline franchise:
1. 80 man roster with preseason cut dates
2. College/Draft Class Updates throughout the year with upgraded Scouting System
3. Playbook Learning System
4. Salary & Trade Negotiation System
5. Coach RPG-style upgrade System
6. Injury System
7. Working Injured Reserve
8. Training System

And like I said before I'd pay double for a game like that. Doubt I'll pay anything for any future Maddens until those features start getting incorporated though.
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Old 03-17-2010, 11:01 AM   #30
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

Originally Posted by brza37
Madden '10 "foundation" + depth of Head Coach 09 = my dream franchise mode.

My priority list of Head Coach 09 features for Madden 11 offline franchise:
1. 80 man roster with preseason cut dates
2. College/Draft Class Updates throughout the year with upgraded Scouting System
3. Playbook Learning System
4. Salary & Trade Negotiation System
5. Coach RPG-style upgrade System
6. Injury System
7. Working Injured Reserve
8. Training System

And like I said before I'd pay double for a game like that. Doubt I'll pay anything for any future Maddens until those features start getting incorporated though.
Yea some of this stuff put into madden 11 would a nice addtion to the game and all. I can't wait to see what Josh Looman is doing to make the offline franchise better this year. But waiting is the hard part about it.
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Old 03-17-2010, 11:11 AM   #31
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

Online franchise was a let down, and offline franchise was simply boring in '10 because it was incomplete. (or at least felt that way)

NCAA may have an inferior engine but its dynasty mode still put Madden's franchise to shame. Madden needs the media involvment of the NCAA-type news headlines, the player chemistry and personality factors like NBA2k, and something to deepen the offseason so I don't just feel like putting in a different game after week 16. Make training camp an actual factor and give us back the mini-game training drills but make them mean something when evaluating players with an expanded preseason roster w/ cut down weeks. Make the draft an actual meaningful event with some sort of rookie evaluation and combine.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:05 PM   #32
ZoneKIller's Arena
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Re: How come us franchise guys cant get what we want?

Theres no challenge to it.No need to worry about losing your team.

As to why they dont have a good Franchise or dont give us what we want?
No clue.Seems to me that every great sport game hs a very deep Franchise Mode.MLB The Show,NBA 2K10
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