
Thoughts on Pro-Tak in Madden 11

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Old 06-19-2010, 09:21 PM   #9
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Re: Thoughts on Pro-Tak in Madden 11

Originally Posted by BigEljay15
The only thing i can say is, lets just try to put some kind of physics in the game but I do like the way the game is coming out so far
yeah I'm hoping for a real-time physics from NBA Elite 11 and NHL 11 are successful, so we can get it in Madden 12. I would just love a game that you could hit anybody in any animation, and have that animation affected.
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Old 06-20-2010, 03:00 AM   #10
tlc12576's Arena
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Re: Thoughts on Pro-Tak in Madden 11

I cant believe I keep speaking up for Madden 11 on this but I call them,like I see them.LOL

That said,pro-tak is tuned better in the NCAA football demo and it appears to be upgraded in some Madden 11 vids,IMO.In Madden 10 it seemed like every tackle was either 1 on 1 with everybody else sliding off or a huge strum of guys,no in between.In some Madden 11 vids,I have seen what appear to be(I havent played it myself to confirm)2-3 defenders tackling one ball carrier(2:24 HERE )and that's an upgrade,IMO,because I didnt see that with pro-tak last year.

It seems to me,that whenever a certain animation is triggered,like the ball carrier running out of the arms of an attempted tackle,it becomes "canned"(I think that's the right term) and that is when other players who try to engage,slide off.If you look closely at the "despised" Tebow run,you can see when #52 Greenway is tryin to tackle him,the CB comes in and engages without sliding off.After the animation starts for Tebow running out of the CB tackle,that's when players began to slide off.The same in the Bush PR,he is dead to rights until that animation triggers which makes him untacklable(if that's a word!LOL)

Confusing thing to me is,Ian said last year they added pro-tak instead of canned animations because pro-tak would allow the gamer to always be in control.That's clearly not the case when certain animations trigger.From what I read last year,pro-tak is an animation branching tech that allows gamers to transition from one animation to another or out of an animation completlely,at anytime.Since they seem to have already tuned some of the animations in pro-tak from last year,they may be able to tune the loss of control on this animation too.

So pro-tak does appear to have been at least some what upgraded but there appear to be still some animations that are becoming "canned",IMO.Maybe before it goes final,Madden 11 will tune it at least like NCAA Football 11 or better.
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Old 06-20-2010, 03:09 AM   #11
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Re: Thoughts on Pro-Tak in Madden 11

The classic tumble weed animation.
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Old 06-20-2010, 10:56 AM   #12
RaiderKtulu's Arena
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Re: Thoughts on Pro-Tak in Madden 11

Originally Posted by tlc12576
I cant believe I keep speaking up for Madden 11 on this but I call them,like I see them.LOL

That said,pro-tak is tuned better in the NCAA football demo and it appears to be upgraded in some Madden 11 vids,IMO.In Madden 10 it seemed like every tackle was either 1 on 1 with everybody else sliding off or a huge strum of guys,no in between.In some Madden 11 vids,I have seen what appear to be(I havent played it myself to confirm)2-3 defenders tackling one ball carrier(2:24 HERE )and that's an upgrade,IMO,because I didnt see that with pro-tak last year.

It seems to me,that whenever a certain animation is triggered,like the ball carrier running out of the arms of an attempted tackle,it becomes "canned"(I think that's the right term) and that is when other players who try to engage,slide off.If you look closely at the "despised" Tebow run,you can see when #52 Greenway is tryin to tackle him,the CB comes in and engages without sliding off.After the animation starts for Tebow running out of the CB tackle,that's when players began to slide off.The same in the Bush PR,he is dead to rights until that animation triggers which makes him untacklable(if that's a word!LOL)

Confusing thing to me is,Ian said last year they added pro-tak instead of canned animations because pro-tak would allow the gamer to always be in control.That's clearly not the case when certain animations trigger.From what I read last year,pro-tak is an animation branching tech that allows gamers to transition from one animation to another or out of an animation completlely,at anytime.Since they seem to have already tuned some of the animations in pro-tak from last year,they may be able to tune the loss of control on this animation too.

So pro-tak does appear to have been at least some what upgraded but there appear to be still some animations that are becoming "canned",IMO.Maybe before it goes final,Madden 11 will tune it at least like NCAA Football 11 or better.

It's all canned and the system doesn't work. The only control the user has in switching between animations is timing of button presses. Hit it right, enter break tackle animation. Too early or late, get tackled. It isn't spontaneous. On defense if you don't approach a stood-up runner from exactly the right angle, you can't affect it.

Let's be honest people, despite everything that people don't like about it, Backbreaker has shown what tackling should look like. There isn't any amount of tuning EA can do to pro-tak to match that.
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