
Why would someone's speed rating fall in 2-3 years?

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Old 07-05-2010, 09:09 PM   #57
DCEBB2001's Arena
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Re: Why would someone's speed rating fall in 2-3 years?

Originally Posted by mrprice33
So we have packers fans complaining for their boy, Steelers fans arguing for their boy, and one dude using the opportunity to sell his website. Smh
I am not selling anything. The site is free and the feedback for it has been good. Remember, I was signed up on OS BEFORE I got the site...not the other way around. I just want to provide what data I have to quell the argument.
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Old 07-05-2010, 09:38 PM   #58
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Re: Why would someone's speed rating fall in 2-3 years?

Two things:

Originally Posted by Mr360BeasTx
Dude STFU seriously
Relax, please. If you don't like what you're reading, then don't read it. Your little commentary is not needed here.

Originally Posted by DCEBB2001
I am not selling anything. The site is free and the feedback for it has been good. Remember, I was signed up on OS BEFORE I got the site...not the other way around. I just want to provide what data I have to quell the argument.
You are not allowed to promote other sites on OS without permission from the administration. Doesn't matter when you signed up on OS.
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Old 07-05-2010, 09:41 PM   #59
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Re: Why would someone's speed rating fall in 2-3 years?

It's not that I disagree with you guys, there are definitely guys who are rated incorrectly, but these things are all editable, so if a guy wants Collins to be the fastest guy in the league, it's ludicrously easy to do so. Havinga seven page thread on it is, in my eyes, not relative to the importance of this issue in relation to madden gaming as a whole. As to your site, I'll refrain from further comment, as this is not the thread for it.
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Old 07-05-2010, 09:47 PM   #60
DCEBB2001's Arena
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Re: Why would someone's speed rating fall in 2-3 years?

Originally Posted by mrprice33
It's not that I disagree with you guys, there are definitely guys who are rated incorrectly, but these things are all editable, so if a guy wants Collins to be the fastest guy in the league, it's ludicrously easy to do so. Havinga seven page thread on it is, in my eyes, not relative to the importance of this issue in relation to madden gaming as a whole. As to your site, I'll refrain from further comment, as this is not the thread for it.
Perhaps you can make the comments in this thread. They would be appreciated.

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Old 07-05-2010, 10:03 PM   #61
adembroski's Arena
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Re: Why would someone's speed rating fall in 2-3 years?

You are thinking of ratings in one game as compared to another as progression. It's not, it's reevaluation. Donnie thinks he was wrong last year.
There are two types of people on OS: Those who disagree with me, and those who agree.

The first kind is wrong. The second is superfluous.

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Old 07-05-2010, 10:51 PM   #62
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Re: Why would someone's speed rating fall in 2-3 years?

I really wish Donny would just chime in on one of these threads and explain some of his decisions. I'm sure he tries to avoid the land slide of insults and remarks that would insue..... but it's the only way we will ever know why he decides what he decides.

I think he's wrong even more often than he is right to tell you the truth. There are many, many players that the ratings are done very well on, but there are just too many mistakes.

I mean come on..... having players heights and weights and position wrong is pretty pathetic when anyone can simply get that information on every single official team website.

The strength and speed ratings have always left me shaking my head.

I am really glad the old, border-line dirty, super physical, Al Harris is on my team. I love rooting for the guy, and have even more respect for him than ever after seeing his road to recovery videos on you tube. If he wasn't on my team, I'd probably be complaining about him every time the Packers played against him. He's like the Chris Carter, or Michael Irvin of CB's.

Anyway to my point..... he has a CB high, 70 rating in strength. I know the dude is put together pretty well, and like I said above, is really physical...... but 70 strength..... ???

That 70 strength rating puts him higher in strength than numerous LB's.... Safeties.... FB's and HB's.... and some of the bigger WR's. Really Donny.....????

I have no Idea where his strength rating should be with the current set up...... who do I compare him to....???. Most would agree that he is probably one of the stronger CB's in the league I guess.... but I really don't believe that any of the stronger CB's in the league are stronger than so many LB's, and FB's.

Big Ben has a strength rating of 85....... WTF....... 85...... ????

LMAO.... !!!!!

That means that according to Donny.......

Ben is stronger than all of the Steelers LB's except Harrison. ..... even Woodley..... that one really gets me..... lol.....

Ben is stronger than LE Ziggy Hood...... lol.

Ben is stronger than all the Steeler TE's and FB's...... lol.

Ben is equal in strength to LT T. Hills..... again..... lol......

Man..... I'm so dumbfounded from what I just posted about Ben Roethlisberger that I really have no more to say, except.....

These ratings need A LOT of work.

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Old 07-05-2010, 10:56 PM   #63
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Re: Why would someone's speed rating fall in 2-3 years?

Originally Posted by adembroski
You are thinking of ratings in one game as compared to another as progression. It's not, it's reevaluation. Donnie thinks he was wrong last year.
Ha, I made that point awhile ago. Somehow they disagree with that...
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Old 07-05-2010, 11:00 PM   #64
DCEBB2001's Arena
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Re: Why would someone's speed rating fall in 2-3 years?

Originally Posted by Megatron2k7
I really wish Donny would just chime in on one of these threads and explain some of his decisions. I'm sure he tries to avoid the land slide of insults and remarks that would insue..... but it's the only way we will ever know why he decides what he decides.

I think he's wrong even more often than he is right to tell you the truth. There are many, many players that the ratings are done very well on, but there are just too many mistakes.

I mean come on..... having players heights and weights and position wrong is pretty pathetic when anyone can simply get that information on every single official team website.

The strength and speed ratings have always left me shaking my head.

I am really glad the old, border-line dirty, super physical, Al Harris is on my team. I love rooting for the guy, and have even more respect for him than ever after seeing his road to recovery videos on you tube. If he wasn't on my team, I'd probably be complaining about him every time the Packers played against him. He's like the Chris Carter, or Michael Irvin of CB's.

Anyway to my point..... he has a CB high, 70 rating in strength. I know the dude is put together pretty well, and like I said above, is really physical...... but 70 strength..... ???

That 70 strength rating puts him higher in strength than numerous LB's.... Safeties.... FB's and HB's.... and some of the bigger WR's. Really Donny.....????

I have no Idea where his strength rating should be with the current set up...... who do I compare him to....???. Most would agree that he is probably one of the stronger CB's in the league I guess.... but I really don't believe that any of the stronger CB's in the league are stronger than so many LB's, and FB's.

Big Ben has a strength rating of 85....... WTF....... 85...... ????

LMAO.... !!!!!

That means that according to Donny.......

Ben is stronger than all of the Steelers LB's except Harrison. ..... even Woodley..... that one really gets me..... lol.....

Ben is stronger than LE Ziggy Hood...... lol.

Ben is stronger than all the Steeler TE's and FB's...... lol.

Ben is equal in strength to LT T. Hills..... again..... lol......

Man..... I'm so dumbfounded from what I just posted about Ben Roethlisberger that I really have no more to say, except.....

These ratings need A LOT of work.

Can't agree with you more. I will be working to get rid of these insanities. I have noticed these and found a couple solutions that should fix the problem in my ratings. No more of this BS. Be on the lookout for them.
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