
What area do you hope to see the MOST improvement in Madden 12?

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View Poll Results: What's the area you hope for the biggest upgrade in Madden 12?
Presentation (including commentary) 18 9.28%
Gameplay 65 33.51%
Modes (Franchise, etc.) 104 53.61%
Graphics 3 1.55%
Online (features, stability, whatever) 4 2.06%
Voters: 194. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-23-2010, 10:59 AM   #57
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Re: What area do you hope to see the MOST improvement in Madden 12?

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
no individual bump n run or playing off one guy,
between this, creating formation specific packages, and being able to change the owner controls at the end of season, those were my favorite features.

and performance based progression.
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Old 10-23-2010, 11:09 AM   #58
Hova57's Arena
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Re: What area do you hope to see the MOST improvement in Madden 12?


to answer a couple of your question from my perspective.

Physics to me include trajectory , ball ai , 1-1 interaction which should also improve pro tack. also help improve limb movement . momentum of players

i would like to see more intuitive defense based on real defensive logic. gap control, hole assignment, better defensive plays and maybe ways plays are called.
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Old 10-23-2010, 01:28 PM   #59
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Re: What area do you hope to see the MOST improvement in Madden 12?

Originally Posted by adembroski
I want to say I'm asking the following questions because I'm genuinely interested in your answers, not because I'm trying to shoot down your argument. There's a lot of vague statements that are made here, and I just want to have a sense of what exactly the complaints are.

Are you talking ball bounce, pass trajectory, player inertia, force momentum? Physics is a pretty broad word in this context.

Been seeing this a lot this season, never saw it before. What I think people mean by it is someone 'cleaning up' a tackle when a back has branched into a break-tackle animation. Accurate?

Now, I still have Madden 08 on my PC, and it's installed. I played just a few days ago... specifically messing around with the playbook editor. The game is absurdly fast, change of direction feels like driving a Peterbilt, line AI is simply atrocious... in other words, in terms of physics and AI, it's way behind Madden 11. You could not pay me to go back to that, even with modern graphics (given, it is better than Madden 06 - Madden 09 NextGen)

So I guess what I'm asking, in light of the specifics you pointed out there: are a lot of the complaints about current Madden's "gameplay" more about the lack of legacy-gen options like, as you mentioned, playing one corner off and one tight, shading receivers, etc..?

When I say physics, I mostly mean tackling physics. Seeing a defender hit a ball carrier head on and the animation has the ball carrier fall forward. I also mean just respecting the player sizes. Joseph Addai squaring up on a Nose Tackling and plowing through him, being able to pop a wr when a catch animation is triggered. So yes, player interia, force momentum, that type of contact stuff.

The double hit tackles is an old complaint, it's just a new name the youtube guys gave it. It refers to hitting the ball carrier after a tackle animation starts, clean up hits, being able to affect a carrier who is doing the "stumble" animation. etc., etc.

For your last question, again you are right. I consider a lack of on field options to be "gameplay" complaints. Imo, individual bump n run, shading, lead blocking, etc. all add to the on field experience. So much so that I can't play the game without them. I would rather have blocking and momentum be weaker and have more control over how I play the game.

Now while I agree players move much more arcade like on ps2 in regards to momentum and cuts, I think the tackles seem to respect physics more. The ps2 version seems to put players size into greater respect to me. Current versions just dont do that as well imo. Stephen Jackson is more powerful, but Jospeh Addai is equally able to break tackles so only players speed becomes a valuable rating.
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Old 10-23-2010, 01:39 PM   #60
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The reason I personally passed on Madden 11 was the failure to improve online dynasty. If that is fixed I would be a happy consumer. For me without any improvements to franchise on or offline Madden 11 was a $60 roster update.

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Old 10-23-2010, 02:02 PM   #61
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Re: What area do you hope to see the MOST improvement in Madden 12?

I voted for gameplay because I feel like things like physics ratios, defense and passing need to be improved for this game to catch up with other sports titles within EA's studios.

Franchise is what had me coming back to Madden in the past. It's not like Madden never had a fleshy franchise mode before and going back to what they did in the past would be a great start. I've never played Head Coach, but everything from that game needs to be in Madden since that title is basically discontinued. Realistic trade logic and team chemistry like in the NBA 2k series would be great from stopping players from stacking up on great players and would enhance realism. Player potential should be replaced with how well a player plays on the field and bring back in season player progression. The Extra Point can go away I don't think I've ever watched it. I'd prefer an NFL 2k5 style virtual studio look instead of real life actors which makes the presentation look cheesey. I still don't understand how a game as old as NFL 2k5 is able to show me games aside from the one I'm playing but Madden can't.

The developers have all these ideas from fans and other developers within their own publisher so I think it's high time that they listen. We never asked for gameflow or dumbed down gameplay. If the developers ever played online they would know that there are no casual Madden fans, just hardcore NFL fanatics!

Last edited by rich7sena; 10-23-2010 at 02:12 PM.
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Old 10-23-2010, 05:16 PM   #62
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Re: What area do you hope to see the MOST improvement in Madden 12?

Originally Posted by adembroski
Great presentation brings everything else together, but if the rest of flimsy, it's just a pretty box.

All the presentation is worthless without context to put it in, and and no matter how good the gameplay gets, it wont hold my attention if it's all one-off games with no consequence.

You're voicing my thoughts. Thats what I've been saying in this thread. Gameplay is good and probably the most important thing. Kinda like your main dish.

But with that in mind, I don't want chicken all by itself. The presentation completes the entree.
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Old 10-23-2010, 05:38 PM   #63
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Re: What area do you hope to see the MOST improvement in Madden 12?

Franchise and Presentation go hand in hand.

What I'd like to know is if people want a whole new engine? I've seen thousands of guys asking for a Backbreaker styled gameplay. Really? BB was very fun, but have you seen how rag doll it is? It would make a professional sports game look very unrealistic.

If they could put more time into nailing those animations and adding more of them, I would be satisfied.

I want what we really do see on Sundays (And Thursdays, Mondays), not an over-realistic game.
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Old 10-23-2010, 07:34 PM   #64
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Re: What area do you hope to see the MOST improvement in Madden 12?

Gameplay, EA can add all the new modes they want but they won't do any good if the gameplay is still not up to par. Just hire someone that's familiar with the sport and have them help develop the core of the game, making sure the fundamentals are accurate. I thought Madden 08' was supposed to go back to basics. EA is still trying to figure it out.

I'm convinced that the people at EA don't understand the fundamentals of the game. They're just fans who watches the game but don't pay attention to the details of sports and think that the Madden fanbase prefers trying to have a top 10 Sportscenter moment every play. Just ask a former NFL player or coach to help give insights to the core of the game because that's where EA is lacking at and it's been this way for years now.

The NFL license has not been utilize to their full potential at all. Madden 10' was a start and maybe if EA build on Madden 10', Madden 11' would of been a much better game than it turned out to be. Some of the stadium chants aren't even accurate, for example "Hail to the Redskins", have anyone at the audio department actually listen to the song or they just tried to remember the tune as best as they could.

EA can add all of these flashy new menus and features but the gameplay is left untouched then what good is it. Some of these new features added annually aren't ready to be released or they could use more work. Gameplanning was a good idea but it should of been put to the backseat until ready. EA needs to stop trying to use new features as a ploy to get the newest Madden and work on the gameplay. EA claims that they don't have time to develop and add everything, I have a solution. Get your priorities straight and spend more time on more important aspect of the game rather than features that only half of the consumers will have interest in.

Madden 12 should be nothing but gameplay and franchise, no changing the font of the players name, no meddling with the controls(excluding defensive playmaker modifications). For once, get the fundamentals right and accurately portray the game of football, not Sportscenter's Top 10 NFL plays.
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