
Madden NFL 12 Video - Dynamic Player Performance Sizzle Trailer

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Old 06-04-2011, 02:25 PM   #145
guaps's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Video - Dynamic Player Performance Sizzle Trailer

Originally Posted by roadman
You would think Moore would sink something similar into the flagship of the franchise to reboot the game, but no, instead we get the future is in MUT and "extras" to charge the customers.
True, but as long as Madden sells as 'good' as it does, then they won't get a major capital injection for a couple of reasons.
  • FIFA is priority number one, because it is already the cash cow and there's still a HUGE market out there to capture. Soccer has so many fans worldwide it puts football to shame - EA's wants a bigger piece of that pie.
  • EA's NBA franchise needs to be brought back, which also requires a huge investment.
  • EA has got the exclusive NFL agreement for another couple of years, which basically means they've got nothing to worry about. They'd probably rather spend an additional $40 million on extending the exclusive license for another 8-10 years than on making a better game. I just hope the NFL will copy NBA's approach and allow both 2k and EA to make a game, so EA can spend a little more on development.
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Old 06-04-2011, 02:37 PM   #146
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Video - Dynamic Player Performance Sizzle Trailer

My favorite part of the whole thing was the QB and the whole line running up to the line on the hurry up to spike the ball! Finally!! Thats always bothered me when trying to do a hurry up and players walked up to the line.
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Old 06-04-2011, 02:52 PM   #147
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Video - Dynamic Player Performance Sizzle Trailer

Originally Posted by guaps
True, but as long as Madden sells as 'good' as it does, then they won't get a major capital injection for a couple of reasons.
  • FIFA is priority number one, because it is already the cash cow and there's still a HUGE market out there to capture. Soccer has so many fans worldwide it puts football to shame - EA's wants a bigger piece of that pie.
  • EA's NBA franchise needs to be brought back, which also requires a huge investment.
  • EA has got the exclusive NFL agreement for another couple of years, which basically means they've got nothing to worry about. They'd probably rather spend an additional $40 million on extending the exclusive license for another 8-10 years than on making a better game. I just hope the NFL will copy NBA's approach and allow both 2k and EA to make a game, so EA can spend a little more on development.
I was trying to stay away from that old, touchy subject. Maybe if they didn't spend soooo much money on being exclusive, they could have a better game. That's not a knock on only Madden. MLB2k has been even more of a bust. Maybe it's karma. Every game that has killed it's comp has turned out to be weak-sauce. EA killed Papyrus in Nascar, and they have never had a great game. Baseball went from 4 pretty good to excellent games to just two, the non-exclusive game (save it being only PS3) being far superior. Maybe it's in EA's best interest to stop spending absurd amounts of money in ways that don't help their cause. Just build the best game and use that to win the war. The NFL can only take you to the cleaners if you play along. Both 2k and EA should say "hey we can make all kinds of games. We bring interest to YOUR sport. How much are you willing to let us make it for?" I'm starting to feel that maybe EA was taken to the cleaners just as much as 2k was. Maybe they really felt they had no choice. The NFL was holding both companies hostage. Through all of this NFL labor mess, it is becoming abundantly clear how money-hungry the NFL management is. Just sayin....
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Old 06-04-2011, 03:38 PM   #148
Thinking Out Loud's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Video - Dynamic Player Performance Sizzle Trailer

Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
I think the problem lies in the fact that we are also watching vids like these: http://www.ea.com/soccer/videos/fifa...BN6YdZB8bhz35s


So while the point could be made that Madden has to viewed in a stand alone manner, or along side NCAA, the point is also valid that it looks like it's still not up to the point of being "wow" worthy. Now I do have a hard time believing that Madden will get up to the above level in the remaing cycle time. Old build or not. This isn't a "meh" or "that sucks!" from me. It's more about whether or not I can overlook the shortcomings that are and have been evident in this series for some time. It's about if I love playing a football game enough to cast a blind eye.

I loved NCAA, played it a bunch until Nov. Then both Fifa and NBA2k came out. Didn't buy Madden at all. Here's the problem. As soon as I really got into both, NCAA became a coaster. Permanently. This from a pretty rabid Michigan fan. Game just lost it's gleam in light of not one, but two, clearly superior games. Not having last years Madden never even caused a pang of regret. I still love football IRL, but the videogame version is really starting to lose it's grip on me. No more Gamestop at midnight, it's not a good enough, or should I say fresh enough, game to warrant it. Until an updated animation/locomotion engine and some really good physics are implemented, I'll be compelled to look at this game as a Christmas money purchase. And normally by then any compulsiveness is gone. I'm waiting for two patches and reading all the feedback before I take the plunge. That after 7 staight years of Day one buy.Just saying......
This post right here honestly almost brought a tear to my eye because it so accurately describes how I feel. What EA and seemingly most younger gamers don't realize is NFL/NCAA football gaming has an emotional grip on most older gamers, like myself. It's about more than just our wallets because we have a lot of deep rooted memories tied in with our football gaming past kind of like with an old song. Believing a company has spent 6 years desecrating emotional bonds that have been amassed in over 25 years of football gaming, in a perceived failed attempt at MORE profit, elicits some strong feelings.

I am optimistic about the "head winds" swirling around Madden 12 but the biggest proof for me will be Madden 13. If the progression from Madden 12 to Madden 13 mimics that of Madden 10 to Madden 11, I will just have to accept the death of football gaming as I knew it and honor it's memory by never ever buying another EA football title again. So help me God.
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Old 06-04-2011, 06:59 PM   #149
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Video - Dynamic Player Performance Sizzle Trailer

Of course I'm nitpicking here, but I just noticed the Eagles defender at :40 looks like he just hit a brick wall. Maybe Eli is that strong
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:51 PM   #150
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Video - Dynamic Player Performance Sizzle Trailer

Originally Posted by Goffs

other than that this game is still not in my radar....im going to wait a couple of weeks after release and read up on the reactions here on OS
Big mistake, the game is never as great as folks make it out to be 3 days after release nor as bad as folks make it out to be 2 weeks after that.
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Old 06-05-2011, 04:20 AM   #151
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Video - Dynamic Player Performance Sizzle Trailer

Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
I feel you. But it can never be said that I'm a *****. You know how much time and all of the long-winded posts about wanting this game to be good. Now I'll grant I was always Mr. Fifa and praised it all the time on this board. But only to say "hey, Madden could be this and benefit from this tech." I really want Madden to be the best it can be. I love my Bengals and have played Madden for a long time. Since 93 on my Sega Genesis. But I'm not that big a Madden addict to say that this game is top notch. It's almost in Triple Play territory with me. It's about time for a MVP-like makeover.

There are guys like Michael Young and Donny Moore who I can see are busting their collective chops trying to hide all of the blemishes. Problem is this game is a blonde. A pretty blonde, yet still BLONDE. You can paint over the warts to a point. But we all know that this games problems are in the brains of the game, not the pretty part. You can make the game have presntation values and depth, you can make the players attempt to move around in the way that it looks like they fixed zones, but they just slide differently. I maintain that this series needs a basic "engine"-level makeover. Tweaking the code ain't enough, it needs reworked. Fifa got $40 million from Peter Moore for a reboot. They need to put the same money into Madden. Seeing as it is the cash cow. Oh wait, WAS the cash cow.... That would now be Fifa...

I dont think it could have been said better...

I think we all have to come to the realization that Madden is what it is.. Unfortunately it's just a mediocre football game. As much as they try to hype it up, it's still going to play like it always has. Don't get me wrong the dynamic player perfermance and other things are great upgrades, but until they decide to change the actual game engine, this game will continue to be a dull football game. 7 years and it's still plays the same..? Sad but true...
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Old 06-05-2011, 09:03 AM   #152
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You people are still drinking the cool-aid. This game sucks! People who say its just a video game or have low expectation of the game really don,t know the capability of these generation systems. Try playing All Pro 2k8 and you will see football video game at its best. Run a play and breakdown the replay. Better yet let the computer play the game and watch the play back from EA sports and 2k sports. 2K looks like real football game footage while EA looks like a video game we played in the 90s. I just don't think EA got what it takes to make a great football game. It would be just like the basketball series,no comparison to 2k sports.
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