
I Dont See What People Are Talking About...CPU AI

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Old 09-28-2012, 08:54 AM   #25
booker21's Arena
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Originally Posted by jgreengutta
I read people saying the CPU run game is broken in CCM...Well they was ripping my D apart...The RBs ran with passion...So I don't see what every one is talkin' about??? I play on Very Fast/15 min/13 sec... But the CPU does run the ball too much... I wonder why different people are getting different results
you are blind then. you don't need to do much to stop the cpu. even with house rules.
no switch rule
no audible or hot routes

and still shutting the cpu off. all madden is not all madden. it plays like last year pro. you need to heavily change sliders to get every once in a while a decent game from the cpu

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Old 09-28-2012, 09:04 AM   #26
ghostlight85's Arena
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Re: I Dont See What People Are Talking About...CPU AI

To tell the truth, there has always been a problem with getting a real challenge from the CPU without it feeling like it was artificial. Now I am tinkering around with various things to get even an artificial challenge. Obviously, I am still playing the game so I wouldn't say it breaks anything... but it would be nice to have the game play like it does outside of CCM.

To me, though, the reason it is so frustrating right now is because it is so very close to being there. And it IS THERE in play now. The game is great, I like it a lot and will play it way more than I did the last few years. But I miss the days when I actually felt like I accomplished something when I went 12-4 and went to the Playoffs, whether I won the Super Bowl or not. Now, if I lose a game I almost have to do it on purpose.

I've found ways to make it work, and I've even had some really fun games along the way... but I have way too many games where I'm overmatched on paper but I decimate the CPU. And specifically in the running game, it is just too easy. I had a game last week where I gave up less than 75 yards of total offense. I'm good at Madden, but I am not in the top tier of players. And I don't use money plays or glitches or anything. I pretty much call a straight up game.

That being said, I absolutely agree with what Moegames is saying. The majority of the people playing Madden are enjoying it, and the majority of the people on these forums are pointlessly badmouthing it. There are, however real issues that plague the game and keep it from being what it could be.
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:32 AM   #27
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Re: I Dont See What People Are Talking About...CPU AI

Way too many people have been unable to get a consistent rushing attack from the CPU for 3 people to come in here and say its not the case, sorry. Go look at the videos that guys like Jarrod21 have posted, there are other videos from other posters too, of CPU RBs in CCM just completely brain dead. It kills it.

I have to believe that a number of the CPU runs you give up are due to missing a tackle or taking bad angles of pursuit on the user controlled end. If I have CPU rushing sliders at 100 and USER rush defense sliders at ZERO, I SHOULD GET RUN ON
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Last edited by The JareBear; 09-28-2012 at 09:37 AM.
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Old 09-28-2012, 10:32 AM   #28
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Re: I Dont See What People Are Talking About...CPU AI

If they rip you apart I'm guessing you're not an avid Madden Gamer.

I've never been close to losing in this game.

All-Madden 6 min quarters no run off. I've beaten the Parriots 72-6 with the Dolphins, yesterday I was the Rams an best the Cardinals pretty bad.

Why the AI sucks, and why it's too easy.

During the rams cardinals game last night I played, Kurt Warner threw about 15 screens to Steven Jackson, getting about 5-6 of the picked off because I knew it was coming.

The running game is t about AI, it's about the knew physics to the game. If a RB gets chipped or hits his blockers, his momentum is slowed and by the Time he gets going I normally have 1-2 people wrapping him up.

On offense the dropped passes don't seem to faze me, it's simple.

In cover two zones I just put my X and Y WR on streaks and catch the bl between the CB and Safety.

In cover 3 I normally do slants or attack where the LB/Safety void in zone is. Or call a hitch route

And in man I just do slants and curls.

My running game is just as potent against the CPU because right now in my dolphins CCM (2nd year) Lamar Miller is averaging about 200 rushing yards, and my backup RB (Givens. Rookie) is averaging about 95-110 coming in on 3rd down or when Lamar miller is tired/hurt.

This game is incredibly easy online CCM and offline CCM

In all of my CCM I'm #1 defense and offense every year it's getting boring. I have one where my team is 68 Overall and my best player is a LB at 90 ovr everyone else is under 80
I would play online more but I play on fast or very fast and online vs users is soooooo slow.

Last edited by FlyEaglesFly3; 09-28-2012 at 10:34 AM.
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Old 09-28-2012, 12:44 PM   #29
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Re: I Dont See What People Are Talking About...CPU AI

In CCM practice the CPU AI is absolutely terrible. I usually do the practice challenge with 1150 XP where I'm up by 2 with 41 seconds left and the CPU has the ball at like the 45. If they are in range they almost NEVER kick the winning field goal unless it is 4th down. They are completely oblivious to the clock.

However, this one was icing on the cake. They got into field goal range with 5 seconds left and it was third down. They actually lined up for a field goal...I was shocked. THEN THEY BURNED THEIR LAST TIMEOUT only to line up and run it up the middle game over. LOL
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Old 09-28-2012, 01:13 PM   #30
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Re: I Dont See What People Are Talking About...CPU AI

Originally Posted by Moegames
Ok this is going to be long but i gotta let it out..its all 100% truth. Oh and never go by what some other person says.. play the game yourself and you decide..just dont go fishing for flaws and bugs..because you'll always find them and its a bad habit to get into..just some advice for you dudes.

Most of what you see left around here posting are mostly complainers and disgruntled gamers that are pissed off the game does not fit their needs precisely. If you remember the polls that were taken here last month it was a landslide in favor of those that were enjoying the game and a much smaller percentage that disliked the game.

Remember that complainers, whiners, people that b1tch, complain, yell, bash, troll,etc stick out like a sore thumb. The fact that most of us that like the game and are having fun with the game...the majority of these people are done in these forums until next year.

So what you are seeing are mostly "left overs" i call them...these "left overs" are those that are simply here to express their anger, hate,etc ..so while it seems like the majority dont like the game or seems like the majority are bashing the game .....truth is *just like the poll proved* ...most are enjoying the game..and it was by a HUGE margin.. Dont get me wrong..some of us here do express constructive criticism and i greatly encourage that because it helps the developers see the issues and i consider pointing out issues a GOOD THING..but there are ways to do this and there are ways NOT to do this. The way NOT to do this is to come across as a prick with a arrogant attitude that shows you are only here to bash the game and make it look worse than what it really is...this is what you see most after the game releases, unfortunately. Us that are still hanging around trying to help with patches,etc to hopefully help make the game better via patches or for next years offering are few....the rest of the good guys are done with the forums...and what you got left is mostly the complainers,etc as i am about to explain.

I think the poll results were like 75% really like the game and 15% hated the game..and the rest of the percentages in the middle somewhere.

You gotta remember to NEVER EVER take those that whine and complain seriously...when it comes to sports video games...you tend to get a lot of picky people that expect perfection. Most people that are into sports in general are very competitive people and strive for perfection..this type of attitude spreads onto other things in their lives..like expecting a video game to some how magically produce AI Logic that is spot on human-like in every way....or you get some others sports enthusiasts that are simply so hung up on looking for mistakes, fouls, imperfection,etc that their personality actually transforms into them dissecting video games and their imaginations simply just go bonkers. They spend more of their time looking for things that aren't right or that are flawed rather just enjoying the damn game.

I always find it hilarious because i been a gamer since the Atari 2600 days...i consider myself a hardcore gamer...but not just sports..in fact sports video games are "not" my favorite genre of video games..but over the years of spending time on the internet at various message boards....one thing i have noticed over the 15 years being on these gaming message boards is that sports gamers are the most picky, complaining bunch of gamers out of all of them...PERIOD.

And all this goes back to what i said...that guys into sports are very competitive people, expect perfection, have a knack in dissecting/examining sports play, spotting flaws, mistakes, fouls,etc in real sports..how ever you want to put it...and those people that happen to be into video games as well ...do exactly the same thing with their gaming...they dissect the game to death, look for flaws, broken AI Logic,etc,etc and once they find it...come running here and cry about it like big babies.

I swear... some of these people are some of the biggest bunch of cry babies of them all and the kicker of it all is that most guys into sports are not your wimpy softies...its like watching grown men cry like women some times in here.

Oh and there is another group of sports enthusiasts that happen to be into video games...the dead heads i call them. That have zero common sense ..the big old jock that is dumb as a door knob and thinks he knows it all when he knows very little and when things don't go his way or something isnt to his liking...he makes a big stink about it in here ...and half the time it makes absolutely no sense at all...its like they are just b1tching to b1tch. Sorta like how women are....

And last but not least..we got just your typical troll...those that are still disgruntled over the old 2k5 thingy...each and every year they come in packs and in waves and unleash their hatred towards madden...i been here at Operation Sports Forums since 2002.... 10 years and trust me...i know what i am talking about, not just because of how long i been here..but because of how long i been around the gaming community.

I remember when i use to be a game tester through a now defunct firm in chicago and also with WorkforceLogic (sony entertainment division) and i would be around all sorts of Q/A guys for all sorts of genre's of games and the most whinny, complaining, arrogant of the group would be those working in the sports Q/A dept...they just simply thought they knew it all, how it should be, everything was bad, AI Logic was never any good and they were never satisfied no matter what...

hahahahahahaha ok i had to let it out, i just find it hilarious how some of these people actually come here, actually register just to whine and complain than finally troll and get banned only to come back for more the next few days..it happens like clock work each and every year after madden release, i find it funny as hell though..
Spoken like a true fatalist/ pacifist. "Oh, we'll, I guess that's just how it is. I'll just accept it and be happy, I guess".

If the world was made up of people that all had your mindset, we would all be riding our horses to work and eating dinner by candlelight.

The very competitiveness and attention to detail you rail against is what moves this game, and life in general, forward to better things.

I am not trying to start a battle here, but is is worth noting that there are the casual gamers like yourself, that are generally easy to please. Eleven guys on the field - check, helmet has appropriate facsimile of team logo - check.

There are also the people who have detailed football knowledge that would like to propel the game forward in terms of realism and football strategy implementation. This is not an easy task, and it often results I a lot of complaints in order to get to the goal. Particularly when the designers of the game itself do not share the same football knowledge base as some of their more passionate consumers.

Certainly you have been on these boards long enough to be aware of the existence of these two, very disparate gaming enthusiasts.

Enjoy shoeing your horse and churning your butter. You can laugh at us while doing so, as the rest of us move this game, and society in general, toward a brighter future.

Last edited by Sturzinator; 09-28-2012 at 01:20 PM.
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Old 09-28-2012, 01:24 PM   #31
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Re: I Dont See What People Are Talking About...CPU AI

Ya...all madden 2 shutouts in a row by the raiders. I play gameflow...no switch rule...no crashing line...pick a play and go with it. This is a huuuge problem ...game is becoming boring to me.

Had anyone simmed defense...does the simming work this yr?
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Old 09-28-2012, 01:30 PM   #32
BroncosFan18's Arena
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Re: I Dont See What People Are Talking About...CPU AI

I was playing CCM in the Wild Card round PIT had me beat 31-28 14 seconds left in the 4th I had no Time Outs, they call a pass play Big Ben passed it to the HB I made him fumble took it back for a TD, yes this was an insane moment but A.I makes some questionable calls
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