
Why draft players with low physical rating at all?

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Old 10-13-2012, 11:53 AM   #9
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roll2tide's Arena
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Cool Re: Why draft players with low physical rating at all?

Originally Posted by BTownSlinger
Can someone explain to me the physical rating? I have an idea but feel I'm missing it's purpose.

I read early on that it was kind of like a scale for his physical attributes vs the "ideal" physical attributes for that position. ie, a 5'11" 196lb WR should have a much lower PHY rating than a 6'4" 212lb WR.

Personally, this would make little sense to me. When I think about players that I would just consider "beastly" in real life and then I think about what players are probably top 5 all time leaders at their positions.....these lists often don't match up very well.

In real life-give me the guy with brains, heart, and toughness.

In Madden-give me the guy who's dumb as a sack of rocks but can bench press a house and runs a 2.6 40.

......fade to cartoon thought cloud above my head to an EA boardroom...."I wonder why we can't seem to simulate realism in the NFL....could it be a fundamental flaw in our vision of the game of football?" Then, in unison..."Naaaaaahhhh....(group chuckle)".
GT EarAssassin

Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
You're doing it wrong EA
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Old 10-13-2012, 12:47 PM   #10
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Re: Why draft players with low physical rating at all?

I have actually regressed from the athlete theory. I have started looking at taking players who fit my scheme, which is big and strong for most cases and I no longer go after speed. Think Pittsburgh Steeler D and San Francisco O. A Then my second most deciding factor is Awareness.

"But I can improve my guys awareness, so easily" as most of you would say.

Yes, you can, but when I draft these high awareness guys, I find them to have a higher chance of being quick or superstar development trait. Also, I find High Awareness guys making a ton more plays, compared to the Vernon Gholston's of the world.

In my CC my buddies have the same thinking most of you do. While their trying to improve their players "awareness". I'm one ahead and improving my players skills. I find the key to being a good coach is putting your players in position to make the play. Not relying on their speed to get them over to the area they should be to make the play.

And as a former athlete, and now coach, I can no longer stand stupidity. So that has a lot to do with my selection of "smart" players.
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Old 10-13-2012, 07:19 PM   #11
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Re: Why draft players with low physical rating at all?

I agree that a A or B awareness usually translates to Quick or Superstar development. Now that I'm actually playing all of my games I think I'm going to scout and draft differently. I'm just going to look for the biggest, strongest, faster player at each position and try and make something of them.
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Old 10-13-2012, 11:20 PM   #12
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Re: Why draft players with low physical rating at all?

Its an interesting theory but need more proof before I change my mind on it.

Increasing awareness is really really cheap but improving a skill is exponentially hard.

I want to believe so who knows, might ask Josh about this
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Old 10-14-2012, 02:09 AM   #13
General Butt Naked's Arena
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Re: Why draft players with low physical rating at all?

Originally Posted by roll2tide
I read early on that it was kind of like a scale for his physical attributes vs the "ideal" physical attributes for that position. ie, a 5'11" 196lb WR should have a much lower PHY rating than a 6'4" 212lb WR.

Personally, this would make little sense to me. When I think about players that I would just consider "beastly" in real life and then I think about what players are probably top 5 all time leaders at their positions.....these lists often don't match up very well.

In real life-give me the guy with brains, heart, and toughness.

In Madden-give me the guy who's dumb as a sack of rocks but can bench press a house and runs a 2.6 40.

......fade to cartoon thought cloud above my head to an EA boardroom...."I wonder why we can't seem to simulate realism in the NFL....could it be a fundamental flaw in our vision of the game of football?" Then, in unison..."Naaaaaahhhh....(group chuckle)".
ur confusing size with physical ratings. what ur describing is the size rating. the physical rating is kinda like an average of all of the players physical attributes. Basically its how athletic the player is. They should probably call it that to make it easier.
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Old 10-14-2012, 02:14 AM   #14
General Butt Naked's Arena
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Re: Why draft players with low physical rating at all?

am I the only guy who evaluates based on production. not the college guys but the guys who are already in the NFL. I look at their stats to determine whether or not I want the player. So, do u guys find that players with high intangibles ratings produce more or do the raw athletes produce more? IF the intangible guys produce more than there is a place for these guys over the raw athletes.
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Old 10-14-2012, 02:33 AM   #15
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Re: Why draft players with low physical rating at all?

Originally Posted by General Butt Naked
am I the only guy who evaluates based on production. not the college guys but the guys who are already in the NFL. I look at their stats to determine whether or not I want the player. So, do u guys find that players with high intangibles ratings produce more or do the raw athletes produce more? IF the intangible guys produce more than there is a place for these guys over the raw athletes.
Agreed, If they produce more
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Old 10-14-2012, 03:13 AM   #16
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Re: Why draft players with low physical rating at all?

Originally Posted by Altimate
I agree that a A or B awareness usually translates to Quick or Superstar development. Now that I'm actually playing all of my games I think I'm going to scout and draft differently. I'm just going to look for the biggest, strongest, faster player at each position and try and make something of them.
According to the way the game plays you have a contraindicating statement. From what I have seen, is that it's either athlete or awareness/heart guy. If one has both he is usually rated in the top 10. But for all the other draft picks its the situation I listed above.

Now athlete guys can be good, but it's that chance on development trait that makes it worth while to draft the awareness guys. First, if you are a sim player you want the awareness guys hands down. If you play all plays and games you can get by with athletes. And if your looking for help NOW, draft the awareness guys. However, if your looking for help a few years down the road, draft the athletes.

I have seen some very good athletes come out of the CC draft. But watch a rookie CB with 97 SPD, ACC, and AGI cover with 25 AWR. And then watch a rookie CB with 85 SPD, ACC, and AGI with 85 AWR cover. The smart guys cover better, but you have to know their limitations as well. You don't let 85 SPD/ 85 AWR guy cover 99 SPD WR guy without safety help.
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