
Next years Connected Franchise!

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Old 12-22-2013, 07:02 PM   #17
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Re: Next years Connected Franchise!

I'd like to see create a team come back. Or, if that is too hard, then allow relocation before you start your first season. That way we don't have to suffer through being Jacksonville for a year and "start" our CCM with a new team in the second year of CCM.

Many use create a team for different reasons. The two that appeal to me most are: creating a de facto expansion team (I release everyone and sign all the 2nd and 3rd stringers from the other teams); and I don't feel beholden to what is happening in real life. Much as I hate to admit it, playing with the Chargers without Rivers, Gates, Allen, and Weddle wouldn't seem right. I like starting from scratch with me as the owner responsible for all the move with the teams history starting with me.

Again, I'd settle for the current relocation process as long as we could do it before the first season.
Currently playing Axis Football (2020) as the Nebraska Thunder
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Old 12-22-2013, 09:09 PM   #18
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Re: Next years Connected Franchise!

I want coordinators and to put legends on to current teams
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Old 12-22-2013, 09:13 PM   #19
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Re: Next years Connected Franchise!

I want coordinators and to put legends on to current teams
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Old 12-22-2013, 09:46 PM   #20
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Re: Next years Connected Franchise!

Originally Posted by MagsMetrics101
I have a couple of things:

1. Get rid of goals, points, packages, ETC. it annoying and isnt real. players should progress automatically, not by what points you spend on.

2. Add waivers, practice squad to make it more realistic.

3. Get more in depth with coaches schemes and players style, as offenses and defenses playing styles are just "balanced", same with player styles. also, some coaches have multiple offensive and defensive schemes. Tomlin uses 3-4 versatile and tampa 2, not just 1

4. make simulation more realistic, as the stats are TERRIBLE when you simulate.

5. players ratings are pretty bad. John Conner should not be a 60 overall FB, he is one of the best in the league. Marshawn's carrying rating, which is like 97, shouldnt be that becayse he fumbles more than league average, while guys like Larod Stephens-Howling should be higher because they dont fumble

6. fix auto subs and sliders so i can get a RBBC option for my team

7. fix how good the computer passes against you, as man and zone both suck no matter how much you change the sliders
I was right with ya....until you said John Connor was one of the best FB in the league.....

Ha ha. Probably does deserve higher than a 6o, though your scheme selection may actually be causing his overall to reflect lower than the game has him truly rated.
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Old 12-22-2013, 10:04 PM   #21
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Re: Next years Connected Franchise!

I do hope they had in FIFA progress, if the player did well, he took his own data, more realistic and interesting
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Old 12-23-2013, 10:44 PM   #22
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Re: Next years Connected Franchise!

Originally Posted by Patsnation34
Also, I wish they had the Progression like in FIFA, if the player plays good, his Stats go up on their own, more realistic and fun!

I hate spending 20,000 XP on an 78 overall and turning him into the next Ed Reed!
What's funny is I remember the progression system being realistic like that in Madden Nineteen Ninety Nine. Since I was a little kid and didn't care for sim-style football at the time, I played on rookie to try to make my players win every single award, and they'd all progress up every year. It's ridiculously stupid seeing 1) a 50 overall rated WR filling in for some injured player and having a 1,000yd 10td season and 2) seeing that guy still be 50 overall next year and get cut, never to be signed by another team again.

On the spending XP point, I never bought a Madden after '12 for numerous reasons, but one of which being I want a franchise mode and not a roleplaying game. If I want to gain and spend XP I'll go play Skyrim or something (I know that's not how you progress your character in Skyrim but you should get my point).

Last edited by RAVENOUS; 12-23-2013 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 12-24-2013, 06:36 PM   #23
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Re: Next years Connected Franchise!

Here's my wishlist in no particular order:

1. Fix the sim stats, they're horrific and I'm not just talking about qb stats. Look at the defense, guys routinely have 4-5 defensive td's a year. That might happen once every 4-5 years. Way too many punts, leader usually has 140-150. NFL record is 114. Not enough touchbacks on KOs. etc. etc. The sim engine needs to be torn down and started from the ground up.

2. Fix the CPU roster decisions which are also horrific. It's almost like they need to create a "can't cut list" like in fantasy football. NFL teams will identify players they view as their "core" and at the heart of that core is the franchise qb. This logic does not exist in CFM. A team will have a young qb in the 85ish range which is what you want to build with. They'll either sign another qb or draft one. 7 years into my CFM and Navarro Bowman is on his 4th team I believe and he is 99 ovr.

3. The player contracts are also out of whack. Qb's, OL, and DL seem to be fairly realistic where Wr's, Db's, and Lb's are way too low. I had a cb who was a 90 ovr and had 20+ int's in 4 seasons. Desired contract? 6.6mil over 4 years. WTF? Dime corners get paid that much. Elite corners demand 8-10mil per year.

4. Get rid of practice. It's extremely tedious/boring and if the CPU doesn't do it what is the point. I personally would like to see them bring back the player drills as they were much more entertaining and could be completed quickly. I'm not opposed to getting rid of XP and just using auto progression but need some type of new system.

5. Fix the menu system as it is atrocious. Maybe I'm just too old or whatever but I hate the windows 8 tablet style menu. It feels extremely cluttered and doesn't add anything to the functionality. I say bring back the dropdown menu. Also, who came up with the brilliant idea that if you're in the FA screen and you look at a player card that you want to start back at the original FA screen once you look at that card requiring you to filter back to the position you were looking at?

6. Add/bring back practice squad, restricted free agents, waivers, captain selection, and any other feature that used to be "in the game" or should be "in the game" if your slogan is "it's in the game." Although, do they even use that slogan anymore?

7. Fix the pro bowl selection. I almost think it's based off of XP earned or something. My entire starting offensive line makes it every year and I usually have 1-2 backups make it?
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Old 12-26-2013, 02:30 PM   #24
mjavon's Arena
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Re: Next years Connected Franchise!

I actually liked the undrafted free agents in M12 franchise mode... As a concept. It'd be cool to see that concept reworked and put back in.

Position Battles - bring those back

Restricted Free Agents

Sim Stats

SuperSim needs some work. It seems built to make realistic(ish) stats in a five minute quarter game, but it should vary based on the actual quarter length, otherwise teams will score 60+ each because each play takes :04 to run in supersim with no runoff between plays

I don't like XP for progression

LOVED the Extra Point show when it was in the game. It was simple and kind of generic I know but I don't understand why they removed it. Putting this back in or something similar to the Tony Bruno show would be awesome. The cool thing about the Tony Bruno show was that you could be managing your team while simultaneously getting news from around the league.

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