
MLB The Show 18 Twitch Stream Starting Now - Franchise Mode

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Old 03-21-2018, 12:47 AM   #593
Dolenz's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 18 Twitch Stream Starting Now - Franchise Mode

Originally Posted by tackleb0x
shame what franchise mode has become or hasn't become. Why can't they copy what All Star Baseball, MVP, and OOTP have done better rather than this cell phone trading card game crap. Imagine online leagues where you are the owner, you build/upgrade the stadium, attract the fans, and compete both on the field and financially. You are invested. Its rpg 2.0 level **** so that card game is actually a virtual simulation within your franchise so quiting matters. You are invested in more than just packs. Next years game moves forward your stadium and all the unique features and tweaks you've unlocked and your stats. Iunno, i liked the old nba2k cribs or whatever nfl2k had for a bit, lol. Oddly they also don't have an amazon preorder this year, so this year isn't looking good for me.
Yeah, they should totally copy what two series that have had the plug pulled on them did. And as much as I respect OOTP baseball, their sales numbers would not sustain this game.

Oh yeah, and Out of The Park baseball is adding an online competitive mode this summer called Perfect Team. Which the developer states

"That is the concept behind it. You can spend some money if you want to, but you can definitely be successful and enjoy the mode without using the microtransactions."

Sound familiar?
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Old 03-21-2018, 01:00 AM   #594
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Re: MLB The Show 18 Twitch Stream Starting Now - Franchise Mode

I agree with those who were underwhelmed by the presentation and overall energy of the franchise livestream. It actually felt like the guy running the stream was talking down to you, like he put these features in to help us understand franchise, and we should appreciate how the mode will guide us through what we couldn't understand previously.

It's like he was 'these are some features that I have added to the home screen for you so you don't have click on it anymore, and i've created fresh new user interfaces for every important time period in franchise year round called PHASES so you people can finally understand what you're supposed to be doing and thinking about, everything was way too complicated for most of you baseball fans to handle last year.'

You can't start the stream out by talking for 20 minutes about how the new user interface 'just puts everything right in front of you' and act like people are going to appreciate it. When people want features added, authenticity improved, and bugs fixed, you're gonna make a lot of people angry by touting your accomplishment of making few things show up on the home screen instead of a couple clicks away in one of the menus.

I could just feel the franchise community's blood collectively boiling when he said 'and all you have to do is flick the R stick to check out what's going on with your minor league teams...'

Yeah, now tell us something we don't know.
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Old 03-21-2018, 01:23 AM   #595
ninertravel's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 18 Twitch Stream Starting Now - Franchise Mode

Originally Posted by tackleb0x
shame what franchise mode has become or hasn't become. Why can't they copy what All Star Baseball, MVP, and OOTP have done better rather than this cell phone trading card game crap. Imagine online leagues where you are the owner, you build/upgrade the stadium, attract the fans, and compete both on the field and financially. You are invested. Its rpg 2.0 level **** so that card game is actually a virtual simulation within your franchise so quiting matters. You are invested in more than just packs. Next years game moves forward your stadium and all the unique features and tweaks you've unlocked and your stats. Iunno, i liked the old nba2k cribs or whatever nfl2k had for a bit, lol. Oddly they also don't have an amazon preorder this year, so this year isn't looking good for me.
I wish there was a way to turn the stupid cards thing off, so that my game doesn't take extra time to load each time I load the game. to tell me what cards I couldn't care less I got
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Old 03-21-2018, 03:23 AM   #596
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Re: MLB The Show 18 Twitch Stream Starting Now - Franchise Mode

Originally Posted by ShowSavage
I agree with those who were underwhelmed by the presentation and overall energy of the franchise livestream. It actually felt like the guy running the stream was talking down to you, like he put these features in to help us understand franchise, and we should appreciate how the mode will guide us through what we couldn't understand previously.

It's like he was 'these are some features that I have added to the home screen for you so you don't have click on it anymore, and i've created fresh new user interfaces for every important time period in franchise year round called PHASES so you people can finally understand what you're supposed to be doing and thinking about, everything was way too complicated for most of you baseball fans to handle last year.'

You can't start the stream out by talking for 20 minutes about how the new user interface 'just puts everything right in front of you' and act like people are going to appreciate it. When people want features added, authenticity improved, and bugs fixed, you're gonna make a lot of people angry by touting your accomplishment of making few things show up on the home screen instead of a couple clicks away in one of the menus.

I could just feel the franchise community's blood collectively boiling when he said 'and all you have to do is flick the R stick to check out what's going on with your minor league teams...'

Yeah, now tell us something we don't know.

I think you are mistaking the “franchise community” for the “OS community.”

The vast majority of people who play this game don’t even have OS accounts. Just because a few people in here don’t appreciate the upgrades doesn’t mean they aren’t meaningful. The developers said themselves that most of the people in their testing groups were clueless about how to properly negotiate an off-season.

There are features I want to see that aren’t in the game. But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate what they are doing. They want to make this mode appeal to more people. That is not a bad thing.

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Old 03-21-2018, 04:50 AM   #597
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Re: MLB The Show 18 Twitch Stream Starting Now - Franchise Mode

Originally Posted by SidBream
I think you are mistaking the “franchise community” for the “OS community.”

The vast majority of people who play this game don’t even have OS accounts. Just because a few people in here don’t appreciate the upgrades doesn’t mean they aren’t meaningful. The developers said themselves that most of the people in their testing groups were clueless about how to properly negotiate an off-season.

There are features I want to see that aren’t in the game. But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate what they are doing. They want to make this mode appeal to more people. That is not a bad thing.

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I don't think I'm mistaking any community for another. I am well aware that this game is mass produced and enjoyed by people that have never visited any of the MLB The Show communities you can find on the internet or on the PSN. I'm well aware that the changes they made to franchise will help many people that aren't well versed in the rules of baseball and the operational challenges of the many in-season and off-season responsibilities.

I also understand that there are no single changes the franchise mode that would be appreciated by hardcore players and people who are picking it up for the first time. If SCEA wants to make things more accessible to those people that's no problem, they've been doing that for several years in a row.

It doesn't seem more people are playing franchise due to their yearly cosmetic UI changes or their never ending attempts to let people play games as fast as possible. Maybe I'm wrong, but I highly doubt that these franchise tweaks were tested with any sort of focus group outside of the MLB players that they bring in to make the commercials with.

It would be nice if they could throw the hardcore fans a bone because we're the ones playing the mode in depth. If they think nothing further is necessary and all they can improve on now is cosmetic changes to help beginners navigate through the mode, so be it. Many of us in the 'hardcore community' started off as casual players too, we've just spent the time with the product and can see the limits and flaws and are trying to help them.
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Old 03-21-2018, 10:44 AM   #598
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Re: MLB The Show 18 Twitch Stream Starting Now - Franchise Mode

Originally Posted by tackleb0x
shame what franchise mode has become or hasn't become. Why can't they copy what All Star Baseball, MVP, and OOTP have done better rather than this cell phone trading card game crap. Imagine online leagues where you are the owner, you build/upgrade the stadium, attract the fans, and compete both on the field and financially. You are invested. Its rpg 2.0 level **** so that card game is actually a virtual simulation within your franchise so quiting matters. You are invested in more than just packs. Next years game moves forward your stadium and all the unique features and tweaks you've unlocked and your stats. Iunno, i liked the old nba2k cribs or whatever nfl2k had for a bit, lol. Oddly they also don't have an amazon preorder this year, so this year isn't looking good for me.
Sony Talks Shift From Hardware to Monthly Active Users; Plans to Explore Microtransactions


On top of that, after the purchase of a game, users can purchase items or content within the game itself, and the proportion of those sales is increasing.

It is clear to me the company underestimates the number of people who use franchise and I wouldn't be surprised if it is because franchise doesn't sell as many - if any - card packs and stubs. That could be part of the reason franchise doesn't get a ton of attention from the developers. If the majority of stub and card pack purchases were from franchise users I suspect franchise would get a lot more attention.

I will say the developers assigned to franchise this year are franchise guys and did fix a few problems. They didn't go nearly as far as I would have preferred but they did fix a couple things. Last year's big additions to franchise - critical situations, player lock and quick manage - I didn't use a single time. Fixing the retirements and amateur draft are a step in the right direction.
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Old 03-21-2018, 04:50 PM   #599
Bacong's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 18 Twitch Stream Starting Now - Franchise Mode

is there a way for me to create a franchise in 17 and bring it into 18 and still have the correct schedule for this season?

edit for clarification: I read a post that i can't find that suggested if you start a franchise and don't advance past spring training, you can move it into 18 and then advance to the regular season in the new game and you will be playing the correct 2018 schedule. is this accurate?

Last edited by Bacong; 03-21-2018 at 05:02 PM.
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