
Show '09 vs. Show' 18

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Old 03-16-2018, 06:47 PM   #1
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Show '09 vs. Show' 18

It's been 9 years, 3,285 days since MLB The Show '09 was released. Take a look at the differences between that game and gameplay of Show '18 being released next Friday.

Gameplay of MLB The Show '09

And here's gameplay footage of MLB The Show '18 being released in a week

The reason I'm posting this is because, in 9 years, what major differences do you see in gameplay? How about graphics? Shouldn't we be seeing substantial differences in these games? Don't get me wrong, clearly there are changes and improvements, but do these changes really indicate 9 years of growth? And is this solely because of the lack of competition? Is it because of their limited manpower and thus limited resources?

I just don't think we're seeing significant enough changes in the game. I'm going to buy the game if only because I'm desperate for baseball and I've had it with the 2017 iteration of the game. But isn't it about time we, the consumer, expected a bit more from the manufacturer of a product that supposedly undergoes groundbreaking improvements every year, yet we struggle to see vast improvements when comparing products 9 years apart?

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Old 03-16-2018, 07:32 PM   #2
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Re: Show '09 vs. Show' 18

I thought you were going to say how massively different they were, and I was going to jump in to interject.

In all fairness though, they went to the PS4 version keeping in mind they wanted a fully-fledged game with feature-parity to their PS3 counterpart, so they weren't going to rebuild this engine at this time. I do hope they do that for the PS5, though. So things like player models and the like are not going to be massive overhauls.

It does sadden me that nine years ago we saw that beautiful broadcast camera in replay mode, and we still don't have a gameplay version that resembles that one (or just a little bit higher, really). This was also the first year they initiated the time-of-day sky transitions, and I'm still pining for that deep blue going into blackness. I've had numerous gameplay ideas that have never taken fruition, and it's one thing to hear the request as it is another thing to actually develop it or deem it worth their time. I think they are, but I am just one of many. Thankfully the ball physics keep getting worked on, though '10 was a-tro-shus!

You can probably almost say that we are near the point where you mainly yield diminished returns. I'm no longer "impressed" by graphics anymore, at least in the sense that they could show me something literally photorealistic and I will kind of just mutter: "Looks good." That doesn't mean graphics don't mean a lot to me, but it just means we have come so far that there isn't that much to go before games start looking like Avatar.

I think they're just mostly sticking to what they know and what has been proven to be a successful formula. I'd like to see them break that mold next generation, but until then I know exactly what I'm going to get. It's not like the NBA 2K series has seen a visual revelation since 2K9 and 2K18 now, even though their presentation has skyrocketed to something pretty impressive in itself.

By the way, don't read the top comment in the '09 video. Inaccurate, unwarranted, and frankly unwanted.
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Old 03-16-2018, 07:44 PM   #3
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Re: Show '09 vs. Show' 18

I'm probably in the minority but when the Show stops looking & playing like, well, the Show, that's the day I'm out. Thankfully I have a nice collection of over a dozen years (& counting) to fall back on should that day ever arrive. I'm really glad there's some continuity through the years. Having said, I can definitely understand the longing for something different. Which is one thing I do miss about baseball video games pre-Show; the sheer quantity each season.
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Old 03-16-2018, 08:00 PM   #4
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Re: Show '09 vs. Show' 18

If you don’t see the significant graphical improvment, you need a new tv.
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Old 03-16-2018, 08:05 PM   #5
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Re: Show '09 vs. Show' 18

Originally Posted by TheBleedingRed21
If you don’t see the significant graphical improvment, you need a new tv.
Maybe a new set of eyes too.
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Old 03-16-2018, 08:06 PM   #6
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Re: Show '09 vs. Show' 18

Graphically (especially with the fluidity of animations) it looks like the show has come pretty far. And keep in mind the MLB 18 video you posted is very low resolution. Just look at Ramone and co in the bottom right and see how fuzzy they are.

Sure it's not perfect. There's a still a ways to go in terms of physics and AI. I still see clipping on tag plays. Cloth physics on uniforms needs to get implemented soon. I'd really love each AI player to take on a memory basically like the nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor that effects the way the play and emote. If you hit a towering home run off a pitcher and then show boat with a ridiculous bat flip you're probably going to get some chin music on the next at bat against them. Or maybe a player gets traded and next time he faces off against his original team he's really going to put in the extra effort to show them what they're missing. Or if a player has a shoulder injury that's probably something that should be a recurring issue on and off through out the career.

Still I think Mlb the Show has made some pretty big strides over the last 9 years and I'm sure they'll make more strides in the future.
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Old 03-16-2018, 08:16 PM   #7
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Re: Show '09 vs. Show' 18

This will quickly become a “things I didn’t get”, wish list. Graphically the 09 game looks pretty awful, compared to 17, but it was pretty good for that time.

Last edited by KnightTemplar; 03-16-2018 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 03-16-2018, 08:22 PM   #8
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Re: Show '09 vs. Show' 18

They've made strides. They've done very well with the engine they're working with. We don't know their plans for the future. They could be trying to get the most income they can from these past couple and current versions to cache the money it would take to create/use a new engine.
Do it. (Release The Show for PC)
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