
MLB 19: Too Many Foul Tips

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Old 03-28-2019, 08:39 AM   #1
El_MaYiMbE's Arena
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MLB 19: Too Many Foul Tips

I opened a bug request for this already via The Show Nation, but I have noticed that in MLB 19 there are WAY too many foul tips on swings that are either Very Late or Very Early.

The timing window itself is not the issue, as I can visibly see when I am Very Late or Very Early, but its the ability to foul pitches off in these scenarios, by both the CPU and Human players that is alarming.

For clarity, here are the hitting windows from Early to Late:

1. Too Early - almost always a swing and miss (good)
2. Very Early
3. Slightly Early
4. Good
5 Slightly Late
6. Very Late
7. Too Early - almost always a swing and miss (good)

Everything between #1 - #7 functions the way they should EXCEPT for #2 and #6.

I would expect that when you swing Very Early you should be missing 90%+ of the time when the ball is away, 99.9% of the time if the ball is away and off the plate, and should be swinging and missing most of the times on pitches middle-in for low contact hitters, and fouled off most of the times by high contact hitters.

For everything Very Late I would expect the exact same results but in reverse. Anything that is on the inside part of the plate should be swung and missed 90%+ of the time, 99.9% of pitches in and off the plate should be swung and missed, and should be swinging and missing most of the time on pitches middle-away for low contact hitters, and fouled off by high contact hitters.

Very Late and Very Early swings should still produce some contact when the ball is in the heart of the plate. Mostly foul balls, but also weak contact in play. However, make no mistake, these are bad swings and you were fooled. There should be more swings and misses here; more so than there are foul tips.

What I am seeing instead is that the CPU is having a hard time striking me out because I am constantly able to foul tip pitches that I am either Very Late or Very Early on, even when those pitches are well out of the zone. Effectively the CPU has fooled me on these pitches and I am able to stay alive. The CPU also seems to have this "nack" as well, it simply is unrealistic.

Attached is an image of an example that I already have seen multiple times in just 3 days of play.

Gary Sanchez is at the plate, late in the game with a 1-1 count. The pitch is a Cutter that is moving down and away from Gary. He swings VERY EARLY, meaning the path of his bat is on a path to collide with a pitch inside and off the plate. Yet somehow he is able to foul tip a pitch that is completely off the plate, on the complete opposite side of the path of his bat. How? That simply should not be possible.

That should have been a swing and a miss by a mile.

Note: Do not mind PCI placement as I use Directional Hitting and the PCI does not move. However, I do not believe PCI is the issue as the CPU seems to use the PCI and have similar results.

Coincidentally, I have seen a handful of swings and misses on "Good" timing. A realistic amount, so nothing alarming. But I find it sort of comical how I noticed when I was right on something and missed, but when I am completely caught off balance I somehow manage to stay alive 99.9% of the time.
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Last edited by El_MaYiMbE; 03-28-2019 at 08:48 AM.
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Old 03-28-2019, 09:02 AM   #2
ML's Arena
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Re: MLB 19: Too Many Foul Tips

Could this be a slider issue

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Old 03-28-2019, 09:11 AM   #3
El_MaYiMbE's Arena
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Re: MLB 19: Too Many Foul Tips

Originally Posted by MLamm
Could this be a slider issue

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Doubt it....

1. Hitting Difficulty = HoF (Default Sliders)
2. The Timing window and the feedback seem accurate....meaning when it says I am Very Late, I feel like I was Very Late, which is good. What is bad is that despite being Very Late I somehow foul off the pitch 99% of the time.

The only thing that would effect this is lowering contact and/or foul frequency but then I fear this will mess with the ability to get hits when I get good timing or cause less foul balls on borderline swings (i.e. Just Early/Just late). Those seem to be working as intended.

It just seems like behind the scenes the plate coverage the hitters have are too big. There needs to be a bigger "blind spot" when a hitter is Very Early/Very Late. There is no slider for that...I am hoping the devs can step in on this one.

Last edited by El_MaYiMbE; 03-28-2019 at 09:16 AM.
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Old 03-28-2019, 06:04 PM   #4
El_MaYiMbE's Arena
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Re: MLB 19: Too Many Foul Tips

I am surprised that others are not seeing this issue and/or do not care. Here are some more screenshots for this occurring to the CPU, all in the same half inning.

1. In one image you can see batter was Very Late on a pitch up and in, but his PCI was at the opposite end of the strike zone, some how he fouled tipped it.

2. In another image you can see the batter was Very Early on a pitch down and away, almost in the dirt. Meaning his bat would've been on a path to hit a pitch on the inner third of the plate at best....but nope, foul tipped

3. In the last image you can see the batter was Very Late and under the pitch inside, was Jammed, and still blooped a hit over 1B head.

4. I do not have an image of this, but I had TWO Good swings with Aaron Judge on pitches in the zone and swung and missed in the same AB

All these happened in the first 3 innings of the game. Extrapolate that across a game, across all batters. It happens way too often.

There is most definitely something wrong with hitting in regards to Timing and Contact ratios. This has to be brought to SDS' attention some how. I cannot stress how disappointed I am.

This is on Legend Pitching and HOF Hitting.
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Last edited by El_MaYiMbE; 03-28-2019 at 06:07 PM.
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Old 03-28-2019, 07:11 PM   #5
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Re: MLB 19: Too Many Foul Tips

I 100% agree and have noticed this as well. I made a thread talking about it today

Its 100% an issue, i was wondering what hitting method players are using to constantly foul my pitches that are nowhere near the strike zone, ontop of what you added that hitters who are fouling these pitches dont have good swing timing ontop of it not being in the zone to begin with......

Its 100% a problem, its very very apparent in DD when facing a player with all gold or all diamond roster, it seems almost impossible to strike them out because of constant foul balls that force you to either throw a strike down the middle or change your pitcher cuz of the pitch count being so high.

Its not a slider issue, its a tuning issue that the devs need to fix. If someone like me who is a semi casual noticed this instantly within 10 games online, then i expect more have noticed this already.
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Old 03-29-2019, 11:03 AM   #6
saucerset's Arena
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Re: MLB 19: Too Many Foul Tips

I have noticed that in online games you can't really rely on the swing feedback as an accurate representation of where the persons bat was in the zone. I used to move my pci all over the place but in an online game it would always show it toward the center. This was early on in '17 or '18 though. I don't play online anymore unless its with a friend.

As far as why or how pitches are getting tipped so far out of the zone, I have no clue.
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Old 03-29-2019, 11:48 AM   #7
El_MaYiMbE's Arena
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Re: MLB 19: Too Many Foul Tips

Originally Posted by saucerset
I have noticed that in online games you can't really rely on the swing feedback as an accurate representation of where the persons bat was in the zone. I used to move my pci all over the place but in an online game it would always show it toward the center. This was early on in '17 or '18 though. I don't play online anymore unless its with a friend.

As far as why or how pitches are getting tipped so far out of the zone, I have no clue.
I agree that the feedback may just be off and causing the it to feel worse than what it is. But there definitely are balls getting tipped outside of the zone, regardless of timing, the batter should not be reaching some of these pitches.
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