
R.I.P Sim gamers (MTO) only

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Old 02-21-2017, 03:35 PM   #17
Juicy J 8787's Arena
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Re: R.I.P Sim gamers (MTO) only

Originally Posted by Scramz718
In MT sim players always have the advantage early in the game cycle. The cheesers are still mastering the new exploits. This year with the nerfed ratings it was a lot easier to dominate early on. Bad player didn't have op cards to bail them out. As time passed more and more op cards were released and cheesers have the mechanics down pat. In MTO a high level cheeser will beat a level sim players most of the time. 2k has made strides in making the game more sim but most of it thrown out the window in MT, with all these cards with inflated rating.

They're a lot of trash plays but overall plays aren't trash. All the bumping and hold that goes on does slow down a lot of plays making a plan to run. Understand formations and where your players have to be for a play to start alleviates a lot of that. Once you weed out the bad ones running plays is rewarding. Every PB I used have atleast 3/5 plays that will get me a good shot.

This is the truth. The people who don't know basketball well will always try to cheese their way through the game. But early on, there aren't too many cheesy cards. Now there's a new cheese card every week that people COULD use in a sim style, but there is no consciousness between most online gamers.
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Old 02-22-2017, 01:36 AM   #18
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Re: R.I.P Sim gamers (MTO) only

This concept of cheese is only really there if you believe it and use it as an excuse why you didn't get the desired results of the game. I used to be frustrated with and called out cheese all the time. You don't have to think that way and let it frustrate you. Slow the game down and play deliberate basketball and you will find you are bothered less by cheese tactics.

As a previous posting said all things can be looked at as cheese but you can defeat them all with game play adjustment of settings, defensive and offensive strategy, on ball and offball skills, etc.

I have had my op diamond God squad dominated by an inferior team of emerald, Sapphire and Ruby players in a patient skilled users hands. It is not so much your lineup as attitude and trying to not get frustrated by what other people do to me. Sure I prefer they didn't try to steal every inbounds pass with manute bol but I know how to beat that so I enjoy turning the tables on them and forcing them to adjust to me.
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Old 02-22-2017, 02:54 AM   #19
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Re: R.I.P Sim gamers (MTO) only

I don't have a problem with "cheesing" coming from the players.

This is something that happens in every online competition.

People will spam steal button on inbounds, deny all and off-ball with their Ming/Bol, play 5-out etc

My problem is that 2k caters for them TOO much.

Like 5 -out is a very common "cheese" strategy this year? Hell, lets give a 80+ 3 pt rating to every Center in the game. Even Manute Bol is a decent 3 pt shooter for gods shake. Have you seen Kings/Grizzles, parking Cousins/Gasol in the corner for a 3? Whas D-Rob know for his limitless range?

Is Height OP? Yeah, let's give them an almost free Yao. But you know what? Yao is too slow. Hell I have the solution, let's make Porzingis a 90 shooter with 80 Speed.

I mean Porzingis won the skills challenge. Was he an 80 speed player that day? Becoming easily 86 with a 250 MT shoe?

People cheese in PNO as well. But at least you don't have all this unrealistic stats. In MT all Moments cards are close to 90 in 3pt. Even Westbrook has 93. This will kill the game eventually.

I firmly believe that this year (with the introduction of the intagibles rating), the attributes are more unrealistic than last year, and also introducing Pink Diamonds will lead us to 2k15 all over again, with Ruby Dunkers.

Already we see people discussing running Porzingis at PG/SG/SF... Jesus.

A player with any sense of basketball knowledge would gap Westbrook a bit and give him the 3 in order not to give him the drive. You pick your poison. Well, that's not the case in MT.
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Old 02-22-2017, 06:33 AM   #20
NoLeafClover's Arena
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Re: R.I.P Sim gamers (MTO) only

Originally Posted by kabamaru
I don't have a problem with "cheesing" coming from the players.

This is something that happens in every online competition.

People will spam steal button on inbounds, deny all and off-ball with their Ming/Bol, play 5-out etc

My problem is that 2k caters for them TOO much.

Like 5 -out is a very common "cheese" strategy this year? Hell, lets give a 80+ 3 pt rating to every Center in the game. Even Manute Bol is a decent 3 pt shooter for gods shake. Have you seen Kings/Grizzles, parking Cousins/Gasol in the corner for a 3? Whas D-Rob know for his limitless range?

Is Height OP? Yeah, let's give them an almost free Yao. But you know what? Yao is too slow. Hell I have the solution, let's make Porzingis a 90 shooter with 80 Speed.

I mean Porzingis won the skills challenge. Was he an 80 speed player that day? Becoming easily 86 with a 250 MT shoe?

People cheese in PNO as well. But at least you don't have all this unrealistic stats. In MT all Moments cards are close to 90 in 3pt. Even Westbrook has 93. This will kill the game eventually.

I firmly believe that this year (with the introduction of the intagibles rating), the attributes are more unrealistic than last year, and also introducing Pink Diamonds will lead us to 2k15 all over again, with Ruby Dunkers.

Already we see people discussing running Porzingis at PG/SG/SF... Jesus.

A player with any sense of basketball knowledge would gap Westbrook a bit and give him the 3 in order not to give him the drive. You pick your poison. Well, that's not the case in MT.
Agree 100%, I HATE when MyTeam gets to the point every year when every player can do everything, it removes all of the individuality from each player and reduces strategy and variety by far.

It's the reason why MyTeam is always the most fun at the start of new game releases as people actually have to play with player like the player does in real life.

Add in the ridiculous buff they've given to wide open shots so that even Centers with low 3pt ratings can hit the shot, and like you said gapping off Westbrook etc. Isn't even a strategy.

I cringed that people here were actually cheering for this ridiculous diamond Porzingis, to me that card sums up everything bad about MyTeam...
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Old 02-22-2017, 11:03 AM   #21
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Re: R.I.P Sim gamers (MTO) only

Originally Posted by NoLeafClover
I cringed that people here were actually cheering for this ridiculous diamond Porzingis, to me that card sums up everything bad about MyTeam...
I agree, but unfortunately it is the most OP card in MT.
Unfortuantely there is no player that can counter him easily, so I am prepared to face a lot of spammers ahead

Fortunately he is still very expensive, but I imagine a massacre when his price drops.

By the way if by mid-Feb we see Porzingis/Davis/Westbrook so inflated, I can only imagine what will MJ/Kobe/Magic T-Mac/Bird etc look like

Hell, we might even see a LA Shaq with 80 3pt shot
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Old 02-22-2017, 03:12 PM   #22
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Re: R.I.P Sim gamers (MTO) only

Originally Posted by NoLeafClover
I cringed that people here were actually cheering for this ridiculous diamond Porzingis, to me that card sums up everything bad about MyTeam...
It seems every bigs has 95 + hook, post fade & post control. We haven't even gotten a prime Hakeem, what's going to make him special when every big has elite post scoring.
Moments cards, shoes, ability to add any badge & low difficulty settings to name a few huge issues with MT that probably aren't going anywhere.

I was most definitely cheering for KP to win the skills challenge for a moments cards. Didn't think he'll would be this op. To be fair we're seeing a bigs renaissance. With guys like AD, Embid, Boogie,Jokic & KP.

IRL KP is truly a unicorn, he can dribble shoot, and is very athletic all with a 7'3" frame. His cards isn't that much of a reach:


Im a bias Knicks fan tho.
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Old 02-22-2017, 03:27 PM   #23
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Re: R.I.P Sim gamers (MTO) only

Originally Posted by kabamaru
I agree, but unfortunately it is the most OP card in MT.
Unfortuantely there is no player that can counter him easily, so I am prepared to face a lot of spammers ahead

Fortunately he is still very expensive, but I imagine a massacre when his price drops.

By the way if by mid-Feb we see Porzingis/Davis/Westbrook so inflated, I can only imagine what will MJ/Kobe/Magic T-Mac/Bird etc look like

Hell, we might even see a LA Shaq with 80 3pt shot
Wow Shaqtus with a 3. I hope they give him a hotspot in the corner
"If you ain't dead, you're alive" - Javale McGee
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Old 02-22-2017, 03:56 PM   #24
Bi00's Arena
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Re: R.I.P Sim gamers (MTO) only

Originally Posted by NoLeafClover
Agree 100%, I HATE when MyTeam gets to the point every year when every player can do everything, it removes all of the individuality from each player and reduces strategy and variety by far.

It's the reason why MyTeam is always the most fun at the start of new game releases as people actually have to play with player like the player does in real life.

Add in the ridiculous buff they've given to wide open shots so that even Centers with low 3pt ratings can hit the shot, and like you said gapping off Westbrook etc. Isn't even a strategy.

I cringed that people here were actually cheering for this ridiculous diamond Porzingis, to me that card sums up everything bad about MyTeam...
In my opinion, the first trimester of this game was stale and had the most repetition. You couldn't play like a player does in real life because every card was an role player. You also couldn't field a creative team because shooting was dominant over defense for most of the early period of 2k17. Steph and Klay were dominant and most would sacrifice most other attributes to keep that dominant shooting.

The 2nd third of this game was a lot better. You had some dominant collection rewards, but reward cards like steve francis and wallace were running rampant. I felt like offense was overpowering defense until the release of the lockdown set. Then it shifted the other way.

Right now, offense and defense is at a nice balance and most of my games against top teams of top players still resemble basketball with scores below 60ish. It's slowly becoming more offensive focused and that won't change until we see some more superior USA rewards. Personally, I'm excited about a player like KP because he adds more versatility and creativity to the game.

Also, I think the game is pacing towards the end of the cycle at the right pace that we will see the super do it all players right at the end. I'm talking about Jordans with 14 HoF badges, etc. The one mistake that 2K made was that it looks like they wanted a tamer end card when looking at Reward Barkley. But once they realized their release strategy was accelerating too fast that even Barkley wouldn't be the best card in the end, they had to ramp up their top cards. I expect Barkley to get tweaked in the end to include more HoF badges.

Last edited by Bi00; 02-22-2017 at 04:03 PM.
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