
NBA 2K23 "The Eccentric Edition" - Realistic Next-Gen Slider Set

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Old 09-27-2022, 11:24 PM   #185
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Re: NBA 2K23 "The Eccentric Edition" - Realistic Next-Gen Slider Set

Originally Posted by EccentricMeat
After you do the L1 + Player Icon, you need to press L2/R2 to scroll through the other menus. For whatever reason the L2/R2 prompts don’t populate on the screen with just the generic play calls (screen, post up, etc) but then the prompts do show up after pressing L2/R2.

And from everyone else, it’s awesome to hear the sliders are still playing great for you! Though 95 points by a user-controlled Luka is INSANE

Really appreciate you telling me this lol. I felt completely at the disposal of the ai and couldn't change the game if it was going badly without these.

On another note, does everyone on next gen have the same issue I'm having where all the pre-game intros have completely disappeared and it jumps straight to tip off now? If so, what's the deal with that... If not, how do I get them back on lol. Ruins the immersion sometimes, not that I watch them every game bit for important games it helps.

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Old 09-28-2022, 01:40 AM   #186
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Re: NBA 2K23 "The Eccentric Edition" - Realistic Next-Gen Slider Set


I played with the Warriors against the Thunder. The Thunder with SGA took an early lead and Holmgren grabbed rebound after rebound. An adjustment had to be made. After getting Wiseman and Looney more in the rotation I was able to pull away to 12 points. With 30 seconds to go, I was up 7. Then the Thunder had this sequence: SGA with a three-pointer from 26 feet, inbound steal, Bazely with another three-pointer, 101-102 Warriors. I was then able to tie the game at the free throw line. Curry had 46 points, Draymond almost a triple double. It was the first game in which I shot a fair percentage and the shots that were good, mostly were makes. The Thunder had a 48% shooting percentage and I had 53%. I will test further, but was absolutely thrilled with yesterday's game!

Are you also planning Era Slider? A 90's set would be awesome!
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Old 09-28-2022, 09:56 AM   #187
EccentricMeat's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K23 "The Eccentric Edition" - Realistic Next-Gen Slider Set

Originally Posted by bostonboy_003
Attachment 202364

First myleague game with these. It was….ugly. I absolutely dominated and they felt a little easy. However I don’t want to jump to any conclusions yet. Chalking it up to the hawks being really good and the rockets being really bad. Size mismatch was a factor too.

Eccentric, what are your takeaways from this box score?

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Looks pretty straight-forward: They made it too easy for you to score in the paint (0 blocks while you had 66 PiP and 60% FG%), while they couldn't score themselves (36% from the field, yikes!). Could just be one of those games where the CPU can't do anything right and you can't do anything wrong. Or it could just be the Rockets being terrible.. I haven't played against them in any of my testing so I have no idea If it continues for other teams, you'd definitely have to increase AI shot success while decreasing your own + increasing CPU blocking slider.

Let me know how future games go!

Originally Posted by joeydelrocco
Really appreciate you telling me this lol. I felt completely at the disposal of the ai and couldn't change the game if it was going badly without these.

On another note, does everyone on next gen have the same issue I'm having where all the pre-game intros have completely disappeared and it jumps straight to tip off now? If so, what's the deal with that... If not, how do I get them back on lol. Ruins the immersion sometimes, not that I watch them every game bit for important games it helps.

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Couldn't tell you, I skip all the pre-game stuff because all I do is test sliders lol

Originally Posted by KG#5beantown

I played with the Warriors against the Thunder. The Thunder with SGA took an early lead and Holmgren grabbed rebound after rebound. An adjustment had to be made. After getting Wiseman and Looney more in the rotation I was able to pull away to 12 points. With 30 seconds to go, I was up 7. Then the Thunder had this sequence: SGA with a three-pointer from 26 feet, inbound steal, Bazely with another three-pointer, 101-102 Warriors. I was then able to tie the game at the free throw line. Curry had 46 points, Draymond almost a triple double. It was the first game in which I shot a fair percentage and the shots that were good, mostly were makes. The Thunder had a 48% shooting percentage and I had 53%. I will test further, but was absolutely thrilled with yesterday's game!

Are you also planning Era Slider? A 90's set would be awesome!
Damn, sounds like a great game! I am planning to make a set at least for the 2000s Era, but from what I've heard and what I've experienced myself, the sliders carry over through the eras very well without tweaks. Might need a few things here and there but I'm not sure I'll need to devote much time to any era-specific sets.
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Old 09-28-2022, 01:03 PM   #188
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Re: NBA 2K23 "The Eccentric Edition" - Realistic Next-Gen Slider Set

Originally Posted by EccentricMeat
Looks pretty straight-forward: They made it too easy for you to score in the paint (0 blocks while you had 66 PiP and 60% FG%), while they couldn't score themselves (36% from the field, yikes!). Could just be one of those games where the CPU can't do anything right and you can't do anything wrong. Or it could just be the Rockets being terrible.. I haven't played against them in any of my testing so I have no idea If it continues for other teams, you'd definitely have to increase AI shot success while decreasing your own + increasing CPU blocking slider.

Let me know how future games go!

Couldn't tell you, I skip all the pre-game stuff because all I do is test sliders lol

Damn, sounds like a great game! I am planning to make a set at least for the 2000s Era, but from what I've heard and what I've experienced myself, the sliders carry over through the eras very well without tweaks. Might need a few things here and there but I'm not sure I'll need to devote much time to any era-specific sets.
I'm playing Jordan Era with your sliders and works fine to me...
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Old 10-04-2022, 08:46 AM   #189
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Re: NBA 2K23 "The Eccentric Edition" - Realistic Next-Gen Slider Set

Hey eccentric... So I've been loving your sliders so far... Are there any updates or are you happy as they are?

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Old 10-05-2022, 09:45 AM   #190
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Re: NBA 2K23 "The Eccentric Edition" - Realistic Next-Gen Slider Set

Originally Posted by kamackeris76
Hey eccentric... So I've been loving your sliders so far... Are there any updates or are you happy as they are?

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Pretty happy as they are, but there will always be updates. Right now I’m more waiting for a big gameplay patch or a good custom roster to release before I dive back in full-time.

Originally Posted by Swagger Jack
Eccentric any advice to lessen the bumping on fast breaks?

You’ll probably want to drop Body Up Sensitivity. I’ve been testing it at all different slider values (100, 0, 25, 75, 50) and there’s pros and cons to each. I really haven’t settled on what I prefer yet, so feel free to set this as you see fit.

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Old 10-05-2022, 03:34 PM   #191
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Re: NBA 2K23 "The Eccentric Edition" - Realistic Next-Gen Slider Set

Originally Posted by EccentricMeat
Pretty happy as they are, but there will always be updates. Right now I’m more waiting for a big gameplay patch or a good custom roster to release before I dive back in full-time.

You’ll probably want to drop Body Up Sensitivity. I’ve been testing it at all different slider values (100, 0, 25, 75, 50) and there’s pros and cons to each. I really haven’t settled on what I prefer yet, so feel free to set this as you see fit.

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I’m waiting for the final release of Clutch and MJwizards rosters. Do you will play with some of this rosters?
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Old 10-05-2022, 05:48 PM   #192
EccentricMeat's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K23 "The Eccentric Edition" - Realistic Next-Gen Slider Set

Originally Posted by Aicarg
I’m waiting for the final release of Clutch and MJwizards rosters. Do you will play with some of this rosters?

Yea, I’m waiting for Clutch’s Kobe Era roster before I really dive in. Hopefully someone can take his roster, do a simulation to somewhere between 2007-2010 with accurate draft picks and transactions, and upload that as a scenario for the Lebron Era
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