
When will 2K have real time physics ?

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Old 09-09-2014, 07:42 PM   #17
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Re: When will 2K have real time physics ?

Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
If it were easy to implement I suspect we would've seen it by now. Right now it seems like physics and animations is the best way to use the engine.
Not saying it's easy at all lol. Off course it's hard especially in a one year development cycle. I think they would need to work on it in the background, perfection it for a few years and implement it when they feel it's ready. It's definately not for tomorrow but it would be nice to have that kind of collisions in the game.
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Old 09-09-2014, 07:49 PM   #18
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Re: When will 2K have real time physics ?

Originally Posted by J_Posse
I would love to see it eventually in some form or fashion, but I think that pro basketball is a little more difficult to implement it in than the other major sports. It would definitely help with interior offensive/defensive gameplay, rebounding and mostly fouls. Too many times a foul should register but doesn't cause the game's physics aren't sophisticated enough to "create" the contact.

from Spurs Nation/Bills Backer HQ using Tapatalk
I think basketball might be the hardest virtual sport to design. So much contacts, so many different type of bodys, height, strenght... It feels like it would be the toughest sport to design.
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Old 09-09-2014, 08:55 PM   #19
Kaanyr Vhok's Arena
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Re: When will 2K have real time physics ?

One of the reasons Fifa 2014 was sports game of the year imo
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Old 09-09-2014, 09:10 PM   #20
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: When will 2K have real time physics ?

My two cents is, given what little I've noticed from the POV behind designing NBA2k, the creators of the game have likely bounced the premise of RTP around among the themselves. I would imagine given the challenges and unpredictability of RTP in a basketball game outweighs the potential benefit in their opinion, which I think I would agree. I think when considering such a core change to game play, as RTP in a basketball game likely would be, risk/reward certainly has to be determined and I don't see the potential reward being worth the risk. Putting it another way, I don't see what positives a likely unproven RTP multi year project brings to the game but I can easily imagine the potential negatives.

The key factor of RTP in a basketball game that comes to mind for me is mid-air collisions and collisions in general but IMO those could be better handled using traditional game physics and animations. Reason being, I would prefer those be handled using a system which provides more control and restraint, opposed to an unpredictable unproven RTP system, with ragdoll effects.

That said, I would hope that 2K is working on some kind of RTP behind the scenes, waiting until it's a fundamentally solid improvement over current systems before implementing it.
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Old 09-09-2014, 11:07 PM   #21
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Re: When will 2K have real time physics ?

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Much agreed. I remember this came up years ago, when EA initially tried to implement real time physics into Madden back in 2007-08, and Backbreaker was released. I remember creating a similar thread and asking that question myself back in my APF days - but it was directed more at whether NaturalMotion was needed at the time (forgive my over-appreciation for what APF was at the time in the thread title):


I've hated the buzz term "canimations"/"canned animations" since Ian and crew introduced it back in their Madden producing days and the forums took off with it. While I don't doubt one day sports games will have true physics-based systems that animate beautifully and reduce clipping, I don't know that we as non-programmers understand the complexities of implementing these systems in sports games today.

I love the physics in the GTA games. But sports (as minigames) in those games aren't necessarily represented all that impressively. Granted they're likely afterthoughts, but I think implementing such a system to the degree where it can outdo what currently can be done via animations and ratings would be a huge challenge. Particularly in a sport like basketball where athletes are so unique and diverse, and people expect that to be rendered appropriately in NBA2K.
while I would love to have it, I don't want it at the expense of having the gameplay set backwards and unrealistic interactions all over the place. stay on pace 2k, push the envelope where you can but don't bring in anything until it can be done right. im perfectly satisfied with branching and interruptible animations augmented by RTP.
just my .02
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Old 09-10-2014, 09:03 AM   #22
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Re: When will 2K have real time physics ?

The bump at the end is clearly a scripted mocap animation. There's no "real time physics" involved in any of what was presented.

Let's be frank, collisions with the goalie and a striker are some of the most common interactions in any attempted soccer score; FIFA has numerous pre-scripted mocap goalie-attacker animations built in the game just as 2K has many charge/dunk/rebound/etc mocap collisions.

Last edited by RIZDRAVER; 09-10-2014 at 09:07 AM.
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Old 09-10-2014, 09:28 AM   #23
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Re: When will 2K have real time physics ?

I believe physics is something you have to build from ground up. Not something you achieve in 1 dev cycle.

Would be nice 1 day.
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Old 09-10-2014, 09:36 AM   #24
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Re: When will 2K have real time physics ?

Originally Posted by RIZDRAVER
The bump at the end is clearly a scripted mocap animation. There's no "real time physics" involved in any of what was presented.

Let's be frank, collisions with the goalie and a striker are some of the most common interactions in any attempted soccer score; FIFA has numerous pre-scripted mocap goalie-attacker animations built in the game just as 2K has many charge/dunk/rebound/etc mocap collisions.
Do you have a source for that kind of information ?
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