
The NBA 2K15 Online Experience Has Been An Avoidable Mess

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Old 10-19-2014, 10:23 PM   #17
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Looks like we all got sucked in by the hype of NBA2K15 with Ronnie (not pointing fingers at him, he is just the PR guy doing his job that cops the abuse) advertising/selling the new features, better online experiences and the only reason it worked without a problem, is they didn't have 100,000+ users on the servers at the one time before launch.

Playing the park doesn't really have any affect for me, living in Australia, our internet is not great quality and from past experience when playing online, the lag is that frustrating that i don't even bother anymore. But i do enjoy playing myteam, especially with the legends in the game. It's been 4 days now for me since i was able to connect, all i can play is a quick game, mygm or myleague.

But before i lost my connection to the 2k world, i purchased VC, i received my 75,000 but not the additional 15,000 VC which was charged to my account. A ticket has been raised with 2ksupport but i feel i won't see this VC or get a refund and this experience over the past 4-5 days has really sucked the joy out of playing this game and seriously considering changing to NBA Live 15, providing its any good.
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Old 10-19-2014, 10:39 PM   #18
Turbojugend's Arena
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Re: The NBA 2K15 Online Experience Has Been An Avoidable Mess

I'm fairly confident that things will get sorted eventually, but either way this will be a tough lesson for VC and 2K Sports. Hardly anyone is talking about the amazing gameplay, the incredible presentation, or the advancements made by hiring on longtime community members like Da Czar and Leftos. Instead the focus is squarely on the mess this online debacle has created.

Bad word of mouth affects their profit margin. Articles like this affect their profit margin. Sub-par critical and Metacritic reviews affect their profit margin. A mostly great game has been overshadowed by one glaring flaw. Improving the NBA 2K online experience absolutely has to be a priority for 2K moving forward.
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Old 10-19-2014, 11:01 PM   #19
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They should've invested more time then they originally had into their servers
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Old 10-20-2014, 02:19 AM   #20
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So here is my list of game play issues i have come across:

- CPU always steals passes that are going to an open user teammame, even when that teammate is wide open.

- Jumping to block a shot for users is a slow response and at times lags or doesnt jump at all.

- During a fast break with a user defender back on defense, when CPU is driving to the basket,
user controlled players will always move out of the way instead of contesting the lay up/shot, giving
CPU a clear lane to basket.

- Almost impossible for a user to steal a pass. You can be be playing tight defense and go for a steal
and just swing and miss even with ball directly next to you.

- When user jumps for a rebound at the first attempt and the ball is still up for grabs,
user can never re-jump again straight away. controlled player will always just stand in the paint and
do nothing.

- 99% of user lay ups are missed. Even after grabbing the rebound from a missed first attempt, the lay up,
regardless of contested or uncontested, will miss again.

- During a fast break, CPU will block 99% of the dunks, Will always have 2 on 1 and is always faster then

- Too many illegal screens called from both CPU and user plays. Players get knocked to the ground and
no calls but non contact fouls are called.

- When user is bumped while dribbling, the ball handler will always pick up the ball and stop dribbling,
most real NBA players will actually keep the dribble alive.

- 2 time outs in a row called without fail in every game even if its a 20 point blow out.

- When ball is inbounded after CPU score, User point guard will sprint up the court (even if sprint button not touched), unlike NBA2K14 where it
was more controlled.

- When CPU is inbounding the ball just over half court, user is at times unable to move closer to player
inbounding as if he was being blocked by an invisable wall.

- Crowd cheers loud but remain seated and unresponsive.

- Too many player celebrations after every shot is made, even when the first basket is made. This should
happen only during closer games, showing the player getting hyped to hit the lead or continue momentum run.

- Players getting knocked over, never seen a charge called.

- Commentators make stupid calls and wrong calls. Player takes a wide open shot, commentator says that "a rugged screen was set" .... ummm no.
On a fast break (mostly for the CPU) the player hits a shot and the commentator says "how in the world did
they leave him that wide open" ..... ummm it was a fast break, thats why.

And steve Kerr, coaching and commentating??? fail.

While the game is an improvement in parts from NBA2K14, the game play makes it frustrating to play. This is just a short list that i have come across, i am sure there is A LOT more others have found wrong.
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Old 10-20-2014, 02:31 AM   #21
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I finally got to log in my career after not being able to for a week. My player was 70 over all. Now All my attributes erased now im back to a 63.
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Old 10-20-2014, 02:34 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Cnyce86
I finally got to log in my career after not being able to for a week. My player was 70 over all. Now All my attributes erased now im back to a 63.
How did you get back in or did it just happen? Hopefully you can stay logged in now. Happy gaming.
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Old 10-20-2014, 03:22 AM   #23
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I'm quite surprised to read this article and the comments.

I'm a french ps4 user and the online experience is now working like a charm for 6-7 days now.
I don't even have lag on road to playoff games for the last 5 days.
I never get any of what I read here.
Hope this will get better for everybody the way it did for me.
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Old 10-20-2014, 04:14 AM   #24
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Re: The NBA 2K15 Online Experience Has Been An Avoidable Mess

Originally Posted by DEEBOFIOUS
As an offline fan exclusively, I feel too much attention has been given to myplayer modes. NBA2K has gotten away from the NBA game & its' players. In their attempt to continuously rape the pockets of consumers with VC currency, 2K has minimalized the role of the NBA superstar gameplay and have replaced it with the quick-to-spend pockets of myplayer mode lovers. 2K would not be in this mess if its' focus were mainly on versus play on & offline but greed ruins everything it touches as it should. 4 to $500.00 consoles plus $70 games is more than enough from your fans. Pay raises to Mr. Rob Jones and the like each year on the backs of the consumer is big business in the gaming world. I am a fan of the NBA, graphics, & gameplay as it should be. Making the game more about fans buying their way to 99 overall ratings is laughable and 2k is laughing all the way to the bank with all of you cheesers' money.

2k makes significantly more money from myteam than mycareer. Once you've maxed a mycareer player out, he's maxed. Takes less than 20 bucks. Takes a few hundred to buy all the packs if you want all the players right now.

I get that's not your point, sort of, but you're really targeting the wrong mode as 2k's money maker. I'm sure as I read the rest of this thread I'll discover I'm not the first person to tell you this, but it really bothered me that you think a mode that they barely changes year to year (this year they've even removed sections of the mode and reworked them into incredibly simplistic fashions) is 2k's focus.
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