
Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

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Old 09-28-2015, 04:42 AM   #81
cbpo's Arena
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Re: Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by dxyyz1
Attribute ratings should be determined by ability and not statistics. One example is Hassan Whiteside his rating shouldve already been higher because he had shown his ability in college,overseas, and the DLeague before he had those breakout games for the Heat last year but wasnt rated correctly because he had no stats in the NBA to give him his correct attributes SMH...
This doesn't make sense lol. What does "abilities" mean. Whiteside's rating should not have been higher because of his play in other leagues lol. Your play overseas or in D-league has very little correlation to how you play in the leage.
Tons of players dominate overseas and in D-league and then suck in the nba(Ex: Jan Vesley) and vice versa players also sometimes suck overseas and then do good in nba(Ex: Jennings).
At the time he wasnt in the leage on a roster his ratings should've sucked but then he proved his worth in the league and now his ratings are adjusted accordingly.

Ratings should be completely determined by statistics as much as possible lol. Numbers do not lie, at least very minimally over an 82 game sample size.. This is why people still thinking westbrook is a good defender simply because he has the "tools" or "abilities" as you say but in reality he is not. His defense is sub-par and it's reflected in both his individual defensive stats as well as his team's.

Based off "abilities" Javale Mcgee should be a hall of fame Defensive big and Duncan and Marc Gasol should be bad defensive bigs.

Last edited by cbpo; 09-28-2015 at 04:47 AM.
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Old 09-28-2015, 05:01 AM   #82
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Re: Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by cbpo
This doesn't make sense lol. What does "abilities" mean. Whiteside's rating should not have been higher because of his play in other leagues lol. Your play overseas or in D-league has very little correlation to how you play in the leage.
Tons of players dominate overseas and in D-league and then suck in the nba(Ex: Jan Vesley) and vice versa players also sometimes suck overseas and then do good in nba(Ex: Jennings).
At the time he wasnt in the leage on a roster his ratings should've sucked but then he proved his worth in the league and now his ratings are adjusted accordingly.

Ratings should be completely determined by statistics as much as possible lol. Numbers do not lie, at least very minimally over an 82 game sample size.. This is why people still thinking westbrook is a good defender simply because he has the "tools" or "abilities" as you say but in reality he is not. His defense is sub-par and it's reflected in both his individual defensive stats as well as his team's.

Based off "abilities" Javale Mcgee should be a hall of fame Defensive big and Duncan and Marc Gasol should be bad defensive bigs.
by ability i just wasnt talking about athleticism Jan had an almost non existent offensive game the only thing he could consistently do was dunk the ball lol and Javale had bad composure and didnt understand his game coming into the league both them had pretty big flaws teams thought they could fix but didnt. Marc and Tim on the other had didnt have major flaws like those. Marc didnt reach his potential til later and both him and Tim really worked on maximizing strengths and minimizing weaknesses to become the players they are today.
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Old 09-28-2015, 05:08 AM   #83
cbpo's Arena
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Re: Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by dxyyz1
by ability i just wasnt talking about athleticism Jan had an almost non existent offensive game the only thing he could consistently do was dunk the ball lol and Javale had bad composure and didnt understand his game coming into the league both them had pretty big flaws teams thought they could fix but didnt. Marc and Tim on the other had didnt have major flaws like those. Marc didnt reach his potential til later and both him and Tim really worked on maximizing strengths and minimizing weaknesses to become the players they are today.
Don't disagree with anything you just said but that was sort of where my point was coming in, that just by watching a player in another league or pre-nba you have no idea how that will translate down the road, just like with your duncan and gasol example, they worked hard and obviously have a high IQ. It's impossible to accurately guage how a player will perform in the NBA. It's the reason busts exist lol such as hakeem thabeet, kwame brown, darko etc. Based off of his overseas play, skills and "abilities he displayed every scout thought Darko was going to be incredible, if you look at scouting reports from that time some even thought he should be picked ahead of lebron lol. But we all know how that turned out. Was just providing evidence as to why a subjective view of "abilities" from a scout or someone else would be a terrible mistake.
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Old 09-28-2015, 05:23 AM   #84
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Re: Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by cbpo
Don't disagree with anything you just said but that was sort of where my point was coming in, that just by watching a player in another league or pre-nba you have no idea how that will translate down the road, just like with your duncan and gasol example, they worked hard and obviously have a high IQ. It's impossible to accurately guage how a player will perform in the NBA. It's the reason busts exist lol such as hakeem thabeet, kwame brown, darko etc. Based off of his overseas play, skills and "abilities he displayed every scout thought Darko was going to be incredible, if you look at scouting reports from that time some even thought he should be picked ahead of lebron lol. But we all know how that turned out. Was just providing evidence as to why a subjective view of "abilities" from a scout or someone else would be a terrible mistake.
I understand where your coming from but I just personally think that if 2k paired up with a NBA scouting agency or the local Warriors NBA scouts and translate grades they have on NBA players and prospects to the 2k rating scales they would have a much better system then what they do now, not trying to throw any disrepect towards what Mike Stauffer does.

Last edited by dxyyz1; 09-28-2015 at 05:27 AM.
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Old 09-29-2015, 01:44 AM   #85
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Re: Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

we're all in agreement that an on ball defense rating of 84 for steve nash is ridiculous

2k knows it's ridiculous, because if you look at nash on the 2002-2003 mavs they gave him a 65 on ball defensive rating.

just fix the rating 2k

we're doing an online league with some legends thrown in and we're trying to avoid manually editing players. if you could give him his proper rating that would be great.
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Old 09-29-2015, 02:06 AM   #86
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Re: Some of these ratings make it seem like the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Sorry, your post is just stupid.

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