
Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

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Old 09-28-2015, 02:07 AM   #65
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Re: Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Kobe with a 97 shot IQ rating lolol
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Old 09-28-2015, 02:09 AM   #66
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Re: Some of these ratings make it seem like the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by Dlongz
You have to remember that this year's rating system is different from all the past 2ks. They are meant to stack up current players with "The NBA best in history." Hence the Dennis Rodman references about his 99 rebound rating.
I think what they REALLY meant by "Hall of Fame" system was that Classic players would be stupid overrated (per usual).

I've had discussions w/ Czar and Scott over the years about high attributes causing game-breaking cheese. From what I understand, via the interviews and blogs they released, they had Stauffer scale back a handful of attributes to improve the gameplay balance. Marketing had to spin it somehow because the average fan isn't smart enough to realize 400 players have a different attribute within a scale, most will simply look at their favorite player and be like "oh Chris Paul has 79 Speed this is dumb".
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Old 09-28-2015, 02:11 AM   #67
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Re: Some of these ratings make it seem like the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by JazzMan
My bad, must not have checked it. I just remember going in quick game and seeing they were 26th overall. Must have been before the update.
You likely looked at "offense" rather than "overall", which is probably common given the small print.
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Old 09-28-2015, 02:11 AM   #68
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Re: Some of these ratings make it seem like the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by Rashidi
You looked at "offense" rather than "overall".
No, I remember what I saw. I saw 20s across the board the very first game I played in quick game.
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Old 09-28-2015, 02:13 AM   #69
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Re: Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by cbpo
I believe Melo has an 80 in speed lololo
Dwight Howard has 80 speed also.
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Old 09-28-2015, 02:19 AM   #70
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Re: Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by Rashidi
1. It's definitely not impossible. I do it every year.

2. The game is not complex enough to require a scout. An understanding of stats and how players produce statistics is significantly more important because thats how "simulation" gets its results.

3. Do you know any scouts that understand video games at a high level? This is a video game, not real life. 2K is basketball at a very simple level. Stauffer worked with Scott and Czar and molded rating scales (like speed) to their needs. A real life scout who is worthless on the sticks is not an asset.

4. What NBA scout is gonna have time to take away from his actual job (making significant money to travel and watch numerous players) to work in-house for 2K? Do you have any concept of how many hours a scout puts in and how many hours a video game developer puts in?

5. The Euroleague rosters are outsourced by 2K and I think most consider them embarrassing from an accuracy standpoint. An in-house editor isn't the problem.
Why isnt the game complex enough for a scout lol, without players having the correct attribute ratings you will never get the correct "simulation stats. NBA scouts dont need to understand video games at a high level they could just give 2k the grades they have on players abilities and 2k can adjust them to the rating scale. A scout shouldn't have to take any time out to go to 2k for anything. Madden ratings should probably switch in this direction as well players ratings getting boosted or dropped every week just because they were rated wrong to begin with. I personally think that 2k should change the OVR system every postion should have different play styles and depending on what play style they have different attributes will affect the OVR rating differently. This way you wont for example have to raise Nash's on ball defensive rating to get his OVR where you want it because for a Pass First PG defensive attributes would weigh less heavily and his offensive ones would weigh more aligning his OVR to where 2k want it to be.
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Old 09-28-2015, 02:28 AM   #71
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Re: Some of these ratings make it seem like the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by DC
Well Pierre Jackson did THIS in the D-League All Star game as well

That was before he tore his achilles tendon, but apparently he still has hops so my point is moot.


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Old 09-28-2015, 02:32 AM   #72
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Re: Some of these ratings prove that the 2k team doesn't watch/play basketball

Originally Posted by yonly1ME
Dwight Howard has 80 speed also.
Speed ratings were adjusted last season when Draft Combine results were implemented a few months into release. The issue with the data for a player like Howard is his body/health is much different now than it was when he was coming out of high school 10 years ago.

I don't think Stauffer is a dumb guy and if you asked him he'd probably tell you Howard isn't that fast. From what I have observed over the years it seems there are many attribute oversights in the roster because 2K as a company forces a lot of the editing process to be streamlined; a more hands-on approach in certain areas would be much more beneficial.

At the end of the day the higher-ups at 2K don't give a damn about what prime Steve Nash's On-Ball defense rating is. They probably DO care about his OVR rating though, because that's what Joe Fan (90% of the customer base) is going to see.

I recently told a co-worker I write, podcast, roster edit, etc on 2K. I was explaining to him what was changing with the gameplay mechanics this year and he looked at me with a deer in the headlights look. I probably gave him the same look when he said he mostly plays blacktop and doesn't really get into 5v5. This is who 2K is selling the game to.
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