
How does everyone feel about shooting?

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Old 09-28-2015, 04:39 PM   #25
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Re: How does everyone feel about shooting?

Originally Posted by mrprice33
I don't think I've seen the AI shoot above 30% from 3 for an entire game. Unless it's a wide-open, set foot shot, I have almost no confidence that it's going in, which is forcing me to try to get to the rim instead. It's out of balance.

Is the AI missing contested shots or open shots ? Are you just not generating enough open shots ? Do you want more contested shots to go in and for whom you and the AI or just you or just the AI.

Are you talking about my career or 5 v 5.

Not just price but all of you. This is the type of information we need to interpret what your asking for in relation to what your seeing.
Also you guys JUST got the game.

Is it possible that you will be better in 2 weeks than you are today ?

Just questions men I know some people get all fiesty when dev's ask questions. LOL.
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Old 09-28-2015, 04:52 PM   #26
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Re: How does everyone feel about shooting?

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Is the AI missing contested shots or open shots ? Are you just not generating enough open shots ? Do you want more contested shots to go in and for whom you and the AI or just you or just the AI.

Are you talking about my career or 5 v 5.

Not just price but all of you. This is the type of information we need to interpret what your asking for in relation to what your seeing.
Also you guys JUST got the game.

Is it possible that you will be better in 2 weeks than you are today ?

Just questions men I know some people get all fiesty when dev's ask questions. LOL.
I'm playing primarily play now 5 on 5 games, and the AI is A) not taking enough 3s and B) missing most of them. Of course, they're making wide open ones at a higher percentage than contested ones, but it's not something I feel like I have to really gameplan for on defense. For example, in 12 minute quarters, I had the Bulls go 1-9 against me from 3. That's more representative of what I've seen so far than anything else. There are more data samples to be collected, of course, but early results feel and look off, especially on SS/sim.
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Old 09-28-2015, 04:57 PM   #27
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Re: How does everyone feel about shooting?

Originally Posted by OG_Almighty
You are wrong my friend. Yes, I was speaking in reference to shooting % beyond the 3 point line. Remember, the mid-range game was non-existent in the park last year. It was a constant 3 point contest. It's relevant.

Also, are you you pulling your talking points from your personal feelings or from NBA statistics? Russell Westbrook led the league in scoring last year and shot 42% overall.

James Harden: 44%
Kyrie Irving: 46%
Klay Thompson: 46%

Blake Griffin and Anthony Davis are one of the few players who averaged over 50%, but I'm sure you can guess why that's the case.

30-45% is actually the range if 2K is looking to transition back into a sim style basketball title. 50-60% shooting it what made 2K15 unbearable and extremely unrealistic towards the end.
I'm not talking about the Park, because honestly the park isn't even close to a realistic representation of basketball.

And yes, on average, an NBA team shoots about 35% from 3. However, again, those are spread out over a large sample size, featuring many different conditions. What I (and I think the OP) are talking about for the user are good shots, with good shooters, released well (but not "perfect") missing more often than they should. While ALL 3 pointers should settle in around 35-40%, the B, B+, etc shots should hit at a higher clip, otherwise your shot percentages come in much lower than they should.
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Old 09-28-2015, 05:06 PM   #28
The 24th Letter's Arena
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Re: How does everyone feel about shooting?

Originally Posted by 23
Definitely feel rewarded when i make them. I can feel different players ball trajectories and love that you cant fall in love with the jumper always

I turned the meter off first day because i never wanted to use it so i pay attention to how it feels coming off the hand

Gotta remember some guys shot releases are faster now then in 15 so its an adjustment i aint mad at because i know what i did wrong usually

I love the trajectories this year

Dirks arch and Wades bullet are lovely

Don't take this thread the wrong way.....

Most here know I'm a a solutions first whine later guy....just wanted to get the dialogue started and honestly get some feedback...

I think I'm relying too much on the meter.... off it goes

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Old 09-28-2015, 05:19 PM   #29
SolidSquid's Arena
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Re: How does everyone feel about shooting?

I'm terrible at shooting this year and idk what it is. With curry I can't hit a single open jumper his shot is just too quick for me to time. But with everyone else it's more of the same. I usually shoot like 31 percent or so for the game. I notice I get late releases a lot even though I'm letting go of the shot stick early. It almost seems like it lags.
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Old 09-28-2015, 05:21 PM   #30
Hellquist's Arena
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Re: How does everyone feel about shooting?

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Is the AI missing contested shots or open shots ? Are you just not generating enough open shots ? Do you want more contested shots to go in and for whom you and the AI or just you or just the AI.

Are you talking about my career or 5 v 5.

Not just price but all of you. This is the type of information we need to interpret what your asking for in relation to what your seeing.
Also you guys JUST got the game.

Is it possible that you will be better in 2 weeks than you are today ?

Just questions men I know some people get all fiesty when dev's ask questions. LOL.
5 on 5, 12-minute, Superstar/SIM.

I played this game from the moment I got it from UPS around 1:47 pm (yeah, I remembered the exact time because I was so hyped) until midnight PST on Sunday.

I blew out teams by 30+ and I had a 53 point deficit playing with the Cavs. I am already pretty good in a weekend. This wasn't the case with NBA 2K15. I wasn't blowing out the AI on All Star during this time period. It took me longer (a few months) to play NBA 2K15 than NBA 2K16. I have lost games of course but now I am feeling it except the shooting. Everything else is fine.

These are open, wide open shots. I play smart basketball. My ball movement is Spurs 2014 esque. I am not a chucker. I take smart shots. I have great shot selection. I know how to find my teammates. I am not saying all of them should go in but we're talking about playing with players with A or B grades. Michael Carter-Williams was making 3s on me and his grade was D in 3s. I am clanking with DeMarre Carroll. It doesn't make sense.

The AI makes the majority of their wide open shots like automatic. There contested shots go in at a high clip too but they hit their wide open shots more than I do. If I hit an open shot I am surprised lol. I am expecting it to be a brick. That's not good. I am not one to complain about this type of stuff.

I have the shot feedback on always. Mine is always slightly early, A or B grade. Clank, clank, clank. I don't only shoot 3's. I shoot midrange too. I'm not anticipating a green release and I have only seen a green on midrange. I haven't seen one from the 3. I do agree with that the shot releases are faster but that doesn't stop anything.

Last edited by Hellquist; 09-28-2015 at 05:24 PM.
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Old 09-28-2015, 05:25 PM   #31
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Re: How does everyone feel about shooting?

I like it. Especially for online ranked matches.
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Old 09-28-2015, 05:28 PM   #32
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ksuttonjr76's Arena
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Re: How does everyone feel about shooting?

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Is the AI missing contested shots or open shots ? Are you just not generating enough open shots ? Do you want more contested shots to go in and for whom you and the AI or just you or just the AI.

Are you talking about my career or 5 v 5.

Not just price but all of you. This is the type of information we need to interpret what your asking for in relation to what your seeing.
Also you guys JUST got the game.

Is it possible that you will be better in 2 weeks than you are today ?

Just questions men I know some people get all fiesty when dev's ask questions. LOL.
People could be still experiencing a learning curve.

Last year, I can say it was a genuine problem, because I would be in the practice mode putting 50+ shots with each player to nail their releases and still couldn't hit the broadside of barn in online ranked games. Then came the infamous Patch 4...I'm praying that won't happen again, and I feel like I had a part in that whining process.

Personally, I'm having a roller coaster shooting percentage in online ranked games, but nothing to indicate there's something wrong with overall shooting mechanics and success/failure rate. I have been consistently in the 40's across all my games which I think is a good percentage.
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