
NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

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Old 04-15-2017, 02:04 PM   #97
slowdifference's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

I guess I'm alone in saying 2k8 was the best. The worst was by far 2k6 and 2k12. Those were jokes of sport simulation. I would've had 2k13 up there, but that euro-step 3 glitch was out of hand
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Old 04-15-2017, 07:41 PM   #98
Rubio809's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?


2K13 next
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Old 04-15-2017, 08:17 PM   #99
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

I'm just going to simply respond to the title of this thread... YES! 100000x YES!
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Old 04-20-2017, 02:51 AM   #100
quehouston's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

Last gen 2k14 Association mode with Custom Arena sounds has been by far the most enjoyable 2k I've ever played.
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Old 04-21-2017, 03:00 AM   #101
CaseIH's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

Originally Posted by slowdifference
I guess I'm alone in saying 2k8 was the best. The worst was by far 2k6 and 2k12. Those were jokes of sport simulation. I would've had 2k13 up there, but that euro-step 3 glitch was out of hand

NBA2k8 was a great game, to go with CH2k8. From a Association standpoint with simulated stats, that was probably the best game they ever made as far as simulated stats go.

NBA2k11 was the worst for Association mode guys, like me who are OCD about simulated stats. Gameplay was good, but the stats were not only glitched, but horrible. For that matter simulated stats in 12 and 13 were also horrid for Association guys.

IMO NBA2k17 is the best basketball game made to date. When you take everything into account, with presentation,graphics, gameplay, and sim stats wise. It does have a few things that need to be improved, some simulated stats need to be tuned better, as teams dont average enough PIP, or Free Throws, Teams average too blocked shots, and subbing patterns by the CPU isnt good either. Also CPU dont get the added Timeout going into the 2nd half, thats been broke for 2 yrs now.

Those are the issues in MyLeague that need fixed and tuned, but outside of that, I love NBA2k17, and think its the best, but for its time NBA2k8 was great, and could hold its own against the games that came after it, until Id say NBA2k16. The last 2 years, the devs have really step up their game, and I just cant say enough how great NBA2k17 is. I dont go online, nor have I ever played online, so I cant comment on the games from the standpoint of how they played online, but offline I love NBA2k17.

Im a huge fan of MLBTS, and IMO its the best sports video game yr end and yr out, but NBA2k17 is right there neck and neck with MLBTS, and when you compare them Id even go as far as to say overall NBA2k17 beats out MLBTS17, and MLBTS17 is a impressive game, but NBA2k17's presentation is what put its over the top IMO.
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Old 04-21-2017, 08:07 AM   #102
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

2K14 was a lot better than 2k11 and by far 2k16 tops every other 2k until 2k17 after patch12.

So my list would probably go like below now

2K17 - PATCH12

The worst for me are 2k9 and 2k12 i guess.
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Old 04-22-2017, 03:38 AM   #103
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

I still prefer the presentation elements of 2k11. The halftime show that highlights a particular player and the in game previews of upcoming matchups are things that I wish would would make it back into the game.
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Old 04-22-2017, 10:45 PM   #104
Housh123's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?

Originally Posted by lockdownD
2k11 is my favorite and most fondest in the NBA 2k series, especially on old gen. The gameplay was very balanced in terms of offense vs defense. It felt just as rewarding playing defense as it did on the offensive side of things. You never felt stuck in animations or animations being unresponsive, the animation system was just very polished. It also had some really great modes with the Jordan challenges, online NBA myplayer crew, online association, etc. It was just an all around great game.

I did however really like 2k14 on next gen though too, at least from a gameplay perspective after all the patches. The foot-planting was a thing of beauty in that game with the way players moved around the court. It was the first 2k that to me felt like it had the most realistic player movement on the court so that to me was a big deal with all the sliding/floating that the game had previously and which is now sadly back again. It was a pretty well balanced game online too I thought, not as well balanced as 2k11 but it was good. I remember playing a ton of VS and Team-Up games and really enjoying them.

What 2k has put out the last few years has just moved more and more away from balanced gameplay and more towards casual almost borderline arcade basketball with lots of random and forced animations were you feel like your not completely in control of whats happening at times. I definitely don't enjoy playing the game as much as I used to anymore.

There's too much sliding/floating in the player movement again which creates a spacing problem. Players have zero explosiveness in their first steps when you hit turbo. Running into other players feels and looks like bumper cars with the exaggerated movements on bumps. You often are getting stuck in body-body contact animations and can't break free or explode out of them quickly.

The defense in the game now is just pathetic. AI defenders are like zombies from the walking dead. Random foul animations happen constantly inside the paint to bail out ball handlers. The amount of contact layups/shots people make over defenders inside the paint over good defense is ridiculous. Both users/AI pass out of heavily contested layups/shots around the paint with ease as if they were Magic Johnson. Add to it the transitional defense which is so poor. Reckless ball handlers are rewarded and can just turbo into defenders and get bailed out with blocking fouls and on defense you can't punish them anymore with charges. The defense has been just completely neutered in this game outside of the insane amount of reaching people can do to get steals. You turn off defense assist in the controller settings to try to gain more control on defense and yet it still activates when you press LT - which makes absolutely no sense.

So for me 2k11 will always be dearest to my heart in terms of 2k games. It was just a great all around game. 2k14 on next gen would be my runner up.
Yeah 2k14 and 2k11 were too freaking solid. I remember 2k11 is when ppl started crying that on ball defense was too OP so after 2k11 defense got worse and worse. I remember locking guys down in 2k11. It got good again in 2k14. I think it got so bad during 2k15 I snapped and started making centers lol I was totally done with the new systems being put in.

Funny you bring up 2k14 tho. To this day I think that is the most ranked matches I have ever played in one 2k. It was so balanced. There wasn't some cheese everyone was doing that had no counter. One of the games had the spin dunk cheese and the euro step cheese but you could counter those 1 v1. How do you counter some bum team setting 4 screens up top for one guy shooting 3s? 2k flat out had to change shooting logic because people were cheesing so much.

2k11 and 2k14 will be my favorite 2ks.

idc about graphics or animations. The best sports and fighting games are the best because they are balanced. Naruto Ninja Storm is such a great fighting game because for the most part there aint 1 or 2 guys on the game that are OP.
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